Yesterday, as you may already know (but if not will be happy to learn) the Supreme Court told the crazy judge in Texas that he cannot tell the FDA what to do with their special professional knowledge. This is only a temporary stay … but it was written by Alito, which to me looks promising. In other news, it snowed in Denver. It hadn’t here yet, but by today it’s supposed to. It’s not a weekend that I need to go anywhere, so I may not pay attention.
Cartoon –
Actually we have till the 18th this year (and I really don’t regard the IRS the way TC did)
Short Takes –
Daily Beast – Moms for Liberty Leader Allegedly Hijacked Dead Woman’s Facebook Page to Harass Foes
Quote – Pennsylvania mom Libby Leonard had been dead for a year and a half when her Facebook page began attacking another mother. “EVERYONE…Say Hi to a real DUMB worst word you can call a woman (because she earned it),” the March 14 post begins. “Can’t wait for her to meet her KARMA…It’s already beginning, but until then I think a taste of her own medicine is amusing. However, I will be sharing legally and EVERYWHERE.” Of course Libby didn’t write this. She was stabbed to death by her children’s babysitter in 2021. Instead, the post appears to have been authored by Nicole Prussman, a local leader of the right-wing group “Moms for Liberty” who had inserted herself in Libby’s life and marriage before her tragic demise.
Click through for story. Why is it that when Republicans (and American “Libertarians”) talk about “Liberty” and/or “Freedom,” they always mean taking away someone else’s?
Sentinel – BACK IN THE SADDLE: Second Chance bikes rides again
Quote – The redevelopment of Aurora’s East Bank Shopping Center had forced the nonprofit project to relocate, but at the time of his passing, Ernie was struggling to find a new spot for the shop that offered free bikes to children, homeless people and others in need. After Ernie’s death, [his daughter] Betty told the Sentinel how she promised her father that she would help carry on his legacy “come hell or high water.” Now, she’s making good on her promise and says Second Chance is gearing up to reopen out of a new storefront in Centennial.
Click through for more. Not the biggest story in the world, but a feel-good one to offset that first one.
Food For Thought
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