Yesterday, yes, the ground was white. And the sun was shining. And the snow which was being predicted for this time next week had disappeared from the forecast. Just another day in Colorado weather. Also, I learned that Sarah Silverman is a contender to be the new host of The Daily Show. Apparently, in her first “Guest host” appearance, she skewered Fox (among other things.)
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Robert Reich – The death of shame
Quote – Shame once reenforced social norms. Through most of human history, survival depended on extended families, clans, and tribes. To be shamed and ostracized for violating the common good often meant death. Charles Darwin, in his book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, thought shame may have evolved as a way to maintain social trust necessary for the survival of a group and, therefore, of its members…. But today, shamelessness has gained a certain elan. Audacity, insolence, and impudence are welcomed. Irreverence is celebrated. We hoot when someone gives society the bird. Many Americans love Donald Trump’s loutishness.
Click through for full opinion. I remember during the eighties some psychologists working with addiction decided that shame was a contribuying factor to addicton, and encouraged and facilitated eliminating it. I don’t remember ever being comfortable with that. Certainly what anthropologists call a guilt culture is more advanced than a shame culture – but for a guilt culture to work, a sufficient number of its members must be ethically advanced enough to accept responsibility. When has that ever happened, outside of a few small, self-selected communities?
CPR News – What one ‘red flag’ case in Denver says about how the city removes guns
Quote – The first time John walked into Richard’s townhome he found a night-vision scope pointed at the door. The place was littered with pistols and rifles. There was a trip-wire attached to shotgun and flash-bang shells. Soon, Richard started showing off a pistol — pulling back the slide and trying to chamber a round — all while pointing the barrel at John. The family had always been familiar with guns and John himself is a concealed carry permit holder. Still, he was alarmed. “Very alarmed,” John explained. “Anybody would’ve been.” Richard had recently shot his own computer with one of his pistols, his brother said. And he had previously made “vague implied threats” to the board of his homeowners’ association, though no one had wanted to file criminal charges, according to court records.
Click through for details. Note that this is specifically about Denver. You cannot assume this transfers to all of Colorado. Too many Sheriffs, including mine, have refused to enforce red flaglaws. When you see on the map which accompanies the story that there have been enforcements in El Paso County, assume that they have occurred within the City of Colorado Springs rather than in any unincorporated portion of the county, such as where my home is.
Food For Thought
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