Feb 112023

We’ve long known that when Georgia’s 14th Congressional District re-elected MTG Greene, they were sending a clown to Congress.

But little did we realize that she’d be an amalgam of all the obnoxious qualities of Bozo the Clown combined with the wicked attributes of Stephen King’s Pennywise.

(They do look like two peas in a pod, don’t they?)

For whatever demented reason she conjured, MTG decided to bring her “A” Game of “Toddler Temper Tantrums” to Pres. Biden’s State of the Union speech last Tuesday – for which we Democrats can only heartedly and resoundingly say: “THANK YOU!”

At first it was hard to tell if she was dressed as a worn out street corner Russian hooker or the bargain basement version of Cruella de Vil.  But it soon became clear when she shouted out to George:

Naturally MTG’s impersonation of Cruella de Vil was rapidly and widely recognized on the Internet:


MTG really did a bang-up job of mimicking Cruella’s evilness with her …

Arrogant, Churlish, Crazy, Crude, Disgusting, Loathsome, Loutish, Boorish, Narcissistic, Nasty, Obnoxious, Offensive, Rude, Tasteless, Tawdry, Ugly, Uncouth, Vulgar & ___________ [Insert your own favorite pejorative adjective here] antics.

Rep. Raskin offered a succinct observation of MTG’s lack of decorum:

And if you needed further proof:

Not surprisingly, Pres. Biden also brought his “A” game to the speech doing a great job as Dark Brandon by ad-libbing lines when confronted by hecklers:

Fortunately there is a Mrs. Frazzled who took MTG & George out into the hall to lecture them on proper decorum.  (It’s gotten over 800,000 views!  Loved her admonition to MTG: Leave the balloon!)

Slightly off topic, but since I’ve been commenting on MTG’s fashion sense with that white fur coat, I have a related fashion question concerning Sen. Sinema: Can someone tell me when the airbag sleeves of her Big Bird dress deployed?  I missed that.

And as long as we’re discussing fashion, how about a “Who Wore It Better” contest:




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