Yesterday, a quiet day. Several of my sources are attempting to get a jump on Black History Month, whereas I am attempting to hold those stories in order to make sure I have material for the full month. I don’t suppose that will be too much of a problem – but I am finding other things as well.
I did receive an email asking me to sign a petition to the judge in Georgia asking him to release the report of the special grand jury which just finished up. If you should be asked to sign it, I heartily encourage you NOT to. Georgia special grand jureies are special. The custom is to release the report immediately if, and only if, there are to be No Indictments. Breaking that custom and then charging, trying, and convicting the traitors could result in mistrials. That is what DA Wllis meant when she said releasing it could be deemed unfair to future defendants. We have already waited too long for justice and we don’t want to mess it up now with impatience.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The 19th – Children’s mental health ranks as number one concern among parents, poll shows
Quote – Forty percent of parents with minor children said that they were “extremely” or “very” worried about their children struggling with anxiety or depression, and 36 percent reported feeling “somewhat” worried. Bullying was the second highest concern, with 35 percent of parents reporting that they are “extremely” or “very” worried and 39 percent reporting that they are somewhat worried. Mothers were more likely than fathers to express concern about most issues polled, including their children’s mental health. There were also differences along race and socioeconomic status lines.
Click through for story. I suppose this makes sense – in a way. I’ve never been a parent. But I would think worrying about a child’s mental health is getting a littl too close for comfort to a self-fulfulling prophecy.
Crooks & Liars – Surprise Sundance Documentary Did What Trump’s FBI Wouldn’t
Quote – The documentary Justice premiered at Sundance…, and yes it does bring new evidence to light that the Virgin Mayor of Keg City lied about not being a serial sexual assaulter (allegedly) AND that the FBI did not vet much/any of the 4,500 tips they received about him (allegedly).
Click through for a clip (from the review, not the movie) and a couple of additional links. This is hardly surprising, but what can be dome about it? My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that Thomas and Kavanaugh areboth vulberable, but that’s no helpful if no one has the spine to act on it. Yes, they are not the only corrupt ones, but there are reasons for leaving the others alone, at least for now. Did you ever think a day would come when just the mention of the Supreme COurt would inflict nausea? I certainly didn’t, but here we are.
Food For Thought
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