Yesterday, a couple of days of sleeping late and then falling into knitting rabbit hole had put me a bit behind. So I decided to try to get abit ahead instead. did go through February and figured out what days I will need new cartoons for (and one I think I can update) and picked subject matter. i didn’t actually make anything yet, except the update, which I wanted to finsh while it was fresh in my mond, but that is still a head start. And I still managed a little knitting. Also, yesterday was another good day to play Name Drop. I was fortunate enough to get it on the first clue, but I can’t imagine anyone in our generation NOT getting it before the last one.
Cartoon – I see I already poseted today’s yesterday. So, here is yesterday’s, today:
Short Takes –
Scientific American – Why Are White Men Stockpiling Guns?
Quote – The short, broad-brush answer to the first part of that question is this: men, who on average possess almost twice the number of guns female owners do. But not all men. Some groups of men are much more avid gun consumers than others. The American citizen most likely to own a gun is a white male—but not just any white guy. According to a growing number of scientific studies, the kind of man who stockpiles weapons or applies for a concealed-carry license meets a very specific profile.
Click through for description and some eye-opening stats.
Robert Reich – Five truths about the pending debt-ceiling fight that the mainstream media doesn’t want you to know
Quote – Truth #1: The fight is being waged solely by the Republican Party. The Democrats did not pick this fight. When Trump occupied the White House, Republicans voted to increase the debt limit three times without incident. Over the last quarter century, it has been raised over a dozen times. You wouldn’t know this from the way it’s being covered. Last Thursday’s [New York] Times, in an article titled “Months Before a Potential Crisis, Both Parties Kick Off a Fiscal Blame Game,” leads with the wildly false equivalence that:
Click through for more detail on #1 and for the other four. Bob is angry, and justly so.
Food For Thought
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