Yesterday, of course, was the day after the election. But I started working on this post on election day, since there are many results we don’t have yet. Some of us may know the results in our own state, even if the count isn’t finished – because as soon as the difference between the candidates becomes greater than the number of uncounted ballots, you know, even without the final totals (and in fact I do know the results for State officies – all good – and the Senate – also good. But I only know six out of eight House seats – and those missing two seats will make the difference between a red and a blue delegation.* But no one knos all the results, which means none of us knows how the balance of power comes out in the House or the Senate. And that’s what we are all so tense about – what we really want to know. So I’m running the stories I previously selected. Both, I hope, are soothing.
*By the way, at the end of the work day, we did get the official word via CPR that, in Colorado’s newly formed 8th District, the Democrat won! Dr. Yadira Caraveo, a pediatrician and also a member of the stae’s General Assembly, accepted her opponent’s concession. That makes 5 blue districts, 2 red districts, and then Boebert’s district, which is still looking good for Adam Frisch, but still too close to call.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The 19th – Election workers believe in our system — and want everyone else to, too
Quote – The one-off problems are playing out in the wake of two years of upheaval: Some longtime election administration officials left their positions amid harassment and threats of violence following the 2020 election. Others, though, committed to staying and making sure people cast their ballots. Their numbers are augmented now by poll workers, who join the ranks temporarily in the weeks leading up to Election Day — and their optimism about their role in restoring faith in elections in their own communities.
Click through for full article. If you have never been what Colorado calls a “judge of election,” a non-professional polling place worker whose duties include being at the polling place on Election Day, recording the people who vote (i.e., make sure they are registered, have not received an absentee ballot, get to vote once only, etc.) you likely don’t realize that even experienced help need to get training before every election, and not just on new stuff, but on the law in general and the ethics of the job. If poll workers have confidence in the accuracy of eections – believe them. People like Shaye Moss and Lady Ruby (who testified in the 1/6 hearings), as well as those featured in this article, are the best we have.
Robert Reich – Regardless of what happens today, we are the future of America
Quote – Ask yourself: Why are the election deniers, the monied interests, and the bigots and the haters fighting so hard to defeat us? Why are they telling such blatant lies? Why are they so desperate to suppress our votes? Why are they so willing to violate the Constitution, the rule of law, and common decency in order to claw their way to victory? For one simple reason: They are afraid of us. They know deep in their hearts that we are the future of America. We who call ourselves progressives. We who are people of color. We who are young. We who are women. We who are new immigrants to these shores. We who are LGBTQ people. We who are Muslim and Jewish and people of every faith, or no faith. We who are poor. We who are average working people who need and deserve better jobs and higher wages. We who believe in democracy and cherish the Constitution and the rule of law.
Click through for full article (and video). It’s an expansion on “If your vote doesn’t matter, then why are they trying so hard to suppress it?” and as such, it lays out some of the readons. And all of those reasons are a credit to us. Take pride in the vote that you cast.
Food For Thought
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