Sep 172022

Yesterday, it was pretty uneventful here. Which was a good thing, since I hadn’t slept well. So I kind of plodded along, trying to get enough done that if I need to crash I can. There may be typos.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Robert Reich – The rail strike averted?
Quote – What can we learn from this near economic disaster? Unlike most management-labor impasses, this one wasn’t solely around wages. It was also around sick time and penalties for missing work. Like so many workers deemed “essential” during the pandemic, the engineers and conductors who drive the nation’s freight trains have been fed up. Their work schedules are unpredictable and inflexible. They’ve been penalized for taking days off when they’re sick or tending to a family emergency. Like most of us, they want a better quality of life — and they feel, with justification, that they deserve it.
CLick through – he wrote this before the announcement of the aversion and updated it a little.

Wonkette – January 6 Committee Announces New Fall Season
Quote – This week Chair Bennie Thompson announced that the committee intends to hold its next public hearing on September 28. They’re clearly going to run this thing through the tape, acknowledging the very real possibility that Rep. Kevin McCarthy is going to take back the speaker’s gavel and devote all congressional hearings going forward to investigating Hunter Biden’s laptop. The committee plans to issue a final report, likely in December, summarizing its work.
Click through for article. I’m not expecting to forget, but I put a 2-day-advance pop-up reminder in my calendar.

Food For Thought


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