Yesterday, I realized thet I had forgotten to update the OT to reflect that Tuesday evening my BFF had picked up for me the only prescriotion I can’t get delivered, and while she was here she also helped me take an interior door, whose hinges had fallen out, outside to the back yard. So, even with help, I was enervated – again – and thus overslept – again. However, after getting up late, I at least managed to write a tough letter to another friend and enclose it in a package with a sweater I had made her – and purchase the paid shipping label from USPS and schedule pickup tomorrow. The letter was tough because she has a record of being in touch with me when things are going well for her and getting out of touch when theings are not going well – and I needed to say “I see right through you” but in such a way as to suggest I am purely supportive, not condescending. I hope it works.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Crooks & Liars – There’s A First Time For Everything
Quote – [T]here is a first time for everything. And sometimes, those things can be very stupid, which can lead to another first time for other things. Someone had to, for the first time, put a warning on a cup of coffee that it might be hot, because some numbskull didn’t know that. Same for most of the other warning labels that can be found everywhere.
Click through (there’s also a video.) Sane people who doubt whether Trump** should be prosecuted mostly lean on one or both of two pillars – precedent and division. We’ve discussed how not prosecuting would be in the long run more divisive than prosecutiong. This article accurately takes down the pillar of precedent.
DU (applegrove) – Garland Bans Political Appointees from Campaign Events
Quote – Attorney General Merrick Garland banned political appointees at the Department of Justice from participating in campaign events in any form. Wrote Garland in a memo: “We must do all we can to maintain public trust and ensure that politics — both in fact and appearance — does not compromise or affect the integrity of our work.”
Click through – it’s short, but applegrove provides a couple of sources if anyone wants to dig deeper. I applaud this move. The old standard was not unreasonable as long as Americans were not unreasonable. Now they are, and we need more spelled out.
Food For Thought
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