Yesterday, the opera was “Boris Godunov” by Mussorgsky, from the Vienna State Opera. The advance promo described it as a combination of historical drama and psychological study, the main character being “hauned by [thoughts of] the child he murdered to gain the throne.” Well, Mussorgsky may well have seen it that way, and if so, it’s to his credit. But all one has to do today in the US is look around to see that people who will do anything for money and power (especially power) are never hauntes by thoughts of people whom they hurt on the way up.The only thing that troubles them is fear of being caught out and facing consequences. Interpreted that way the opera does, I think, work (and it also helps if one doesn’t know any more Russian than “da” and “nyet.”) I doubt, however, that Putin would be impressed. Fear of being caught implies fear of consequences, and he appears to be pretty well insulated from consequences.
Cartoon –
Short Takes – another “News of the Weird” day
Axios – Denver Art Museum brings back its “Singing Sinks” exhibit
Quote – The faucets — found in the bathrooms of the Sie Welcome Center on Level 2 of the freshly renovated Martin Building — belt out a harmonious chorus of “Row Row Row Your Boat” as you wash your hands. Each sink is equipped with an interactive sound system that pipes in the music through the drain, offering a “voice in the plumbing” effect.
Click through for background. Silly as this may sound, it has won the museum an award for “Best Museum Bathrooms.”
Daily Beast – Bodies Discovered in Suitcases by New Zealand Family Are Children
Quote – Vaaelua said initial postmortem examinations of the bodies revealed the remains found in two suitcases are that of two primary school-aged children. “Early indications suggest these children may have been deceased for a number of years before being found last week,” Vaaelua said in a statement obtained by The Daily Beast.
Click through for story. Very little is actually known, and they are being cagey with what they do know until they can establish a next of kin
Food For Thought
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