Yesterday, the radio opera was “Akhnaten” the third opera in Philip Glass’s “portrait trilogy” (the first two being “Einstein on the Beach” and “Satyagraha.” The three touch on science, politics, and religion respectively, Glass explains.) Akhnaten was (as far as we know) the first monotheist in history. He decreed that Aten (the sun) be the only god worshiped in Egypt (Akhnaten was not the name he was given at birth, but the name he chose to honor Aten.) Needless to say the priests, especially the priests of Amon-Ra, who had been considered the king of the gods, were not happy. And it will come as no surprise to anyone who has paid attention to history, or to contemporary politics, that the people were also not happy. Theocracy can only hang on to power when thee are enough people in sympathy with its exact teachings to cush those who aren’t. Still, he might have been more successful had he paid more attention to governance – and defense. Without his failure to send reinforcements to his armies fighting on the borders, there might not have been quite such an opening for him to be overthrown. (And the Egyptians were not as dilatory as we are about removing monuments to discredited figures, so there is much about the historical Akhnaten we don’t know.)
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Short Takes –
CPR News – Wildfire smoke and poor air quality are coming. Here’s how scientists protect their homes.
Quote – [Alex] Huffman[, an associate professor studying air contaminants at the University of Denver,] recommends households explore … methods to monitor outdoor and indoor air quality. To help manage his asthma, he keeps a careful eye on the EPA’s fire and smoke map, which tracks nationwide smoke plumes and air quality readings. To monitor indoor air quality, he purchased an egg-shaped monitor from PurpleAir, which now sits on a table inside the front door of his home in Centennial. It glows green, yellow or red depending on the severity of suspended particulates.
Click through for methods and details. This is applicable, not only to Colorado and California, not only to the entire southwestern US, but really to everywhere. Sadly.
Mother Jones – He Did Not Act Alone
Quote – [W]hatever we learn about the Uvalde shooter, or any future ones—because there will be more—don’t say they “acted alone,” which is largely media code for “this doesn’t appear to be Islamic terrorism.” No matter the particulars, these “lone” gunmen all have scores of accomplices. Here is a wholly incomplete list of those who bear direct responsibility in this slaughter of 19 children and two teachers, and the brutality visited on those still in the hospital, all the families, and the community and country at large:
Click through for [in]complete list. Did you find your Representative or Senator in there? Or maybe even yourself?
The Daily Beast – The Texan Working Overtime to Customize 19 Little Caskets (hanky alert)
Quote – The funeral directors in Uvalde decided that it should all go through a single casket distributor and customizer, Trey Ganem of SoulShine Industries in Edna, Texas…. “The funeral directors know who I am, and they said, ‘If anybody can do it, you can. Would you help out in Uvalde?’” Ganem told The Daily Beast. “I said, ‘100 percent.’” Ganem added that he would cover the cost of the coffins, around $3,400 each. And he would not charge for any customizing.
Click through for full story. There is a reason why the motto of The Daily Beast is “Truth is a beast.”
Food For Thought ( Nameless)
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