Yesterday was a fairly quiet day. I got a little knitting done … but didn’t really push.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Down With Tyranny – Democrats Seem To Think Trump Stole The Documents To Hide Stuff– I Think They’re Naïve And Wrong
Quote – People who think Trump stole the material because he was trying to hide his own misdeeds in office– as many members of Congress I spoke with have told me– are barking up the wrong tree. Trump was peddling the plans for Fort Ticonderoga, 2022 version.
Click through. I fear he is correct, both about what Trump** is doing, and also about the fact that most Democrats are not devious enough to even think of it. (Crooks and Liars also has the story, reprinted.)
There Are Many Words for Vladimir Putin. Is “Strongman” One?
Quote – But Nina Khrushcheva, an international-affairs scholar at the New School and the great-granddaughter of former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, tells me she isn’t so much concerned about whether the word is euphemistic as she is that it’s misplaced: “Putin was referred to as a ‘strongman’ back in the 2000s when he was a baby lamb compared to today…Putin now has gone far beyond being a strongman. He is a full-blown despotic, ruthless megalomaniac on par with Stalin and Mao, and proud of it.”
Click through for discussion. I think the term they are all looking for is “toxic masculinity.” That does not imply (contrary to Republican whining) that all musculinity is toxic any more than the term “Counterfeit money” implies that all money is counterfeit.
Womens History – Wonkette – Meet Alice Hamilton, The Patrician Woman Who Saved Your Grandpa From (More) Lead Poisoning
Quote – Hamilton was deeply committed to helping the poor. So she moved into Jane Addams’s Hull House. Living with the poor, she became interested in the problems of workplace health and safety — for good reason. Workers lived atrociously unsafe lives on the job. Many jobs were exercises in seeing how long you could live before you died or lost mental or physical capacity due to the poisons you ingested or absorbed. This is entirely besides the dangers of being burned or decapitated or electrocuted on the job. A poor worker in an American factory was one who might well not live long. Hamilton became an expert on industrial medicine, which wasn’t that hard because it was barely studied in an America utterly indifferent to the question.
Click through for story. This is written – how should I say it – more respectfully than Wonkette’s usual style. But then, the subjuect is more worthy of respect than Wonkette’s usual subjects.
Food For Thought:
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