Yesterday, I started the day with a whole lot more sleep than I did Saturday. So I had a little more time for personal stuff. Incidentally, I have posted before about Theater of War Productions and their work in healing PTSD of all kinds. They just announced that in March, Margaret Atwood (The Handlaidn’s Tale) will be taking part in one of their Zoom projects in March. Ms. Atwood generally prefers her work to speak for her and does not make public appearances very often, so if you ever wanted to see her and hear her voice, this is a rare chance. They plan to repeat the project multiple times, but of course they can’t guarantee the same cast. The production itself is readings from “Antigone,” selected by nurses, for nurses, and with a “chorus” of front line nurses, and the date is March 17th, the time is (EDT) 5-7 pm,and it is free. Also, CC is an option for alll of their productions (and I use it a lot.) Clicking on this link will not register you; it will simply take you to a page of more information. But you can click through from it to register. I always put these on my calendar – they do send you reminders but they do not overdo it and sometimes time slips away from me.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Letters from an American – February 26, 2022
Quote – The colors of the Ukrainian flag are lighting up buildings across North America and Europe and musical performances are beginning with the Ukrainian anthem. Protesters are marching and holding vigils for Ukraine. The answer of the soldier on Ukraine’s Snake Island to the Russian warship when it demanded that he and his 12 compatriots lay down their weapons became instantly iconic. He answered: “Russian warship: Go f**k yourself.” That defiance against what seemed initially to be an overwhelming military assault has given Ukraine a psychological edge over the Russians, some of whom seem bewildered at what they are doing in Ukraine. It has also offered hope that the rising authoritarianism in the world is not destined to destroy democracy, that authoritarians are not as strong as they have projected.
Click through for full letter. The last thing I want to do is to imply that all is sunshine and roses. But I have to admit that this letter, when I read it early yesterday, gave me more hope than I have had since 2016. Not just because of the Ukrainians, who are inspiring, but because of the responses of the entire world. Even some of our sick, sick Republicans are shutting up a little.
Reuters – At the Ukrainian border, a mother brings a stranger’s children to safety (hanky alert)
Quote – The children’s Ukrainian mother was on her way from Italy to meet them and take them to safety, the father said. He gave [Nataliya] Ableyeva the mother’s mobile number, and said goodbye to his children, wrapped up against the cold in thick jackets and hats. Ableyeva had left her own two grown-up children behind in Ukraine. One a policeman, the other a nurse, neither could leave Ukraine under the mobilisation decree. She took the two small children by the hand and together they crossed the border.
Click through for story and background The reporter tweeted the link with the caption: ” I have never cried while reporting. Until today.”
Black History – Wikipedia – Matthew A. Henson
Quote – Matthew Alexander Henson (August 8, 1866 – March 9, 1955) was an American explorer who accompanied Robert Peary on seven voyages to the Arctic over a period of nearly 23 years. They spent a total of 18 years on expeditions together…. Their first Arctic expedition together was in 1891–92. Henson served as a navigator and craftsman, and was known as Peary’s “first man”. Like Peary, he studied Inuit survival techniques.
Click through for biohraphy. Most people our age, when Arctic exploration comes up, can at least recognize the name Robert Peary. Matthew Henson’s name should be equally familiar.
Food For Thought:
(More recent news suggests that some, maybe even all, may still be alive. MAY be. We can hope.)
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