Yesterday, The sun came out and the snow started to melt. It’s already somewhat warmer inside, though not back to what I had gotten used to. But that will come. Also yesterday, before sawn here, Putin invaded Ukraine.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
I am not qualified to write helpfully about the events in Ukraine (about the tonly thing I consider myself qualified to say is that Putin’sRepublican Party is a bunch of traitors, who should all be interned.) Someone who is qualified to do that reporting is Beau of the Fifth Column (whose videos I put in the video thread regularly.) He is not a veteran, but has been a defense contractor in war zones – the kind of looker-on who really does see more of the game than the players – and has supplemented that knowledge with specialized reading and study. I cannot possibly do justice to his Ukraine reporting in the video thread, where I limit any given source to one video per day, while he puts up two videos every day, three yesterday, and I would not be surprised if he went to three a day every day while this is going on. So I am just putting a link here to his YouTube page – not the home page but the one that just has all the videos in reverse chronological order. You will get solid news from hom as well as guidance how to dig in further, if such is available. Even if he does go to three videos daily, in usually under a half our a day you can get a lot of clarity. Click through and save or bookmark.
Wonkette – Neo-Nazi Plan To Destroy US Power Grid Foiled By Lost Phone
Quote – In this case, they themselves were the terrorists they provided material support to, along with several juveniles they had recruited online, as the three men intended to attack regional power substations for the purpose of causing civil unrest and perhaps “the next Great Depression,” which they imagined would lead to a race war or provide an opportunity for white leaders to rise up…. And they would have gotten away with it too, were it not for the many times they had been stopped by law enforcement and the fact that one of the juveniles they recruited to help them lost their phone.
Click through for full story. I’d say “unbelievable,” but sadly, it’s all too believable there would be people this stupid.
Black History – National Women’s Health Network – 4 Astounding Facts About the First Black Woman Doctor in the US
Quote – 1. Rebecca’s undeniable talent and the need created by the Civil War earned her a place in medical school. Crumpler was able to start at the New England Female Medical College for two reasons. First, she’d worked for five years as a nurse, and had developed such a strong reputation that she won a competitive scholarship as well as the personal recommendation of all the doctors who she worked with.
Click through for the other three. (You may want a barf bag for #3. But the photo is beautiful.)
Food For Thought:
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