Greetings from the Deep Freeze! Yesterday, our overnight low was -4°F with a windchill of -7°F. Tuesday night it was -10°F with a wind chill of -24°F. It is expected to warm up today to a high of +22°F. There is very little snow on the ground – it’s just cold. By this time next week we should have a couple of days of highs in the 60’s before it goes down again. Never a dull moment. I did finish up my haircut … such as it is LOL.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Cal Matters – Meth, a mother, and a stillbirth: Imprisoned mom wants her ‘manslaughter’ case reopened
Quote – Since her guilty plea, Perez’s story has drawn national attention for her rare plea to manslaughter of a fetus – a charge that doesn’t exist in California law. Abortion rights advocates believe her case has broad implications for abortion access in California, potentially opening the door to criminal prosecutions of people seeking to terminate pregnancies. (Emphasis mine.)
Click through for details. This would not surprise me in many states. It does surprise me in California. And, with everything else going on, it scares me.
HuffPost – Rick Scott Releases Far-Right Plan For GOP Senate Majority
Quote – Scott’s plan starts off with requiring children to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at school and disallowing teachers from portraying American history in a negative light, following state GOP legislatures in their efforts to ban the teaching of critical race theory. “Public schools will teach our children to love America because, while not perfect, it is exceptional, it is good, and it is a beacon of freedom in an often-dark world,” it says.
Click through for more. Mother Jones also covered this, calling it a “fever dream.” The only good thing I see about it is that it should be very helpful in getting Democrats to turn out. (If they can use imaginary fears, surely we can use real ones.)
Black History – Wikipedia – Charles R. Drew
Quote – He spent time doing research at Columbia’s Presbyterian Hospital and wrote a doctoral thesis, “Banked Blood: A Study on Blood Preservation,” based on an exhaustive study of blood preservation techniques. It was through this blood preservation research where Drew realized blood plasma was able to be preserved, two months, longer through de-liquification, or the separation of liquid blood from the cells. When ready for use the plasma would then be able to return to its original state via reconstitution.
Click through for bio. If you have ever had a transfusion, or had a loved one who has, you are in debt to Drew for his work. And so, of course, are thousands if not millions of others.
Food For Thought:
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