Yesterday, I didn’t manage to do much of anything. Somehow I filled that day, though.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Mother Jones – We Uncovered How Many Georgians Were Disenfranchised by GOP Voting Restrictions. It’s Staggering.
Quote – During municipal elections in November, Georgia voters were 45 times more likely to have their mail ballot applications rejected—and ultimately not vote as a result—than in 2020. If that same rejection rate were extrapolated to the 2020 race, more than 38,000 votes would not have been cast in a presidential contest decided by just over 11,000 votes.
Click through for story.I realize this is not news to Freya ot Spy … or maybe anyone anywhere who has been paying attention.
Huff Post – Pittsburgh Bridge Collapses Hours Before Biden Is Set To Talk Infrastructure There
Quote – No one was killed, authorities said, but several people were injured and three were transported to the hospital with injuries that didn’t appear life-threatening. The cause of the collapse was not immediately clear…. “What I didn’t realize, there are literally more bridges in Pittsburgh than any other city in the world,” Biden said, adding, “More than Venice. We’re going to fix them all,” he said.
Clickthrough for details. Wonkette also covered this story in its inimitable snary way, and I alsmost used it, but then I thought if a troll came by they might think the headline was serious, so I stuck with HuffPost.
Department of “You can’t make this stuff up”
QAnon Virginia Candidate Brawls At Texas Butterfly Center And This Headline Is Wildly Insufficient
Quote – Nonetheless, we’ll admit to being a bit surprised when we saw that the National Butterfly Center, a private nature preserve along the Rio Grande, announced it would be closing this weekend due to “credible threats” against the center and its staff. You see, what with it being on the river that forms the US-Mexico border, the Butterfly Center has been previously targeted by the crazies who wanted to build a private WALL, because darned if the nature preserve wanted the butterfly habitat disturbed. That prompted Brian Kolfage, the now-indicted head of We Build The Wall, to accuse the Butterfly Center and a nearby historic church of “promoting trafficking of children,” and specifically accusing the preserve of running a “rampant sex trade.”
Click through. Only in [Trump**’s] America
Food For Thought:
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