Dec 252021

Glenn Kirschner – Rep. Scott Perry Refuses to Provide Information/Evidence to the Jan. 6 Committee; Subpoena Time

politicsrus Manchin 2 HD

Robert Reich – The Columbia University Strike: My Son Gives an Insider’s Look

Caffeinated – What To Do with Joe Manchin & Krysten Sinema…

The Lincoln Project – Who GAF About Christmas?

Parody Project – It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like – Uh-Oh! (I wanted a Chrsimas song here – this wasn’t it. But I’ll get to the other one before New Year’s.)

Beau – Let’s talk about Biden, Hunters, and trophies….


  2 Responses to “Video Thread 12/25/2021”

  1. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: There must be something about Republicans named Perry!  Freedom Caucus?  Tea Party by another name, and created by dirtbags, in either case.
    Politicrus: Mr. “I can find a million excuses not to do right by my constituency.”
    RR: So well put.  But, then, Columbia might just call me a commie, too…oh, make my day.
    JF:  “Citizens United,” or, “How SCOTUS SCREWEDUS.” 
    LP: Huh?
    PP: SDNY and RICO, made for each other.
    Beau: Some of the reasoning, as i understand it, have read, is that the species that are hunted, albeit in a canned way, would be driven to
    extinction by the bush-meat trade and/or people hunting to feed their families, and the breeding of these animals for the rich actually helps
    the species.  did I do the research that supports this concept, no…but, it, sadly, may be accurate.  The Democrats are going to have a hard 
    time in the mid-terms if Biden does not get out on the hustings and make noise about what he has already accomplished!  
    Mitch D.  

  2. JM: With the FOJ so lax in committing to any subpoenas or investigating Republicans in their own accord those with a guilty conscience can remain confident none will be prosecuted for a long time when they refuse to comply with the committee. They can easily risk it,

    PRU: Manchin will enjoy his 30 pieces of silver as long as the people of West Virginia let him. And until his next election, he’ll stay out of their reach. By that time, they’ll have forgotten all about his crimes and re-elect him, just like they did so many times before.

    RR: Who can oppose the arguments of three Reichs? Not even Columbia can, I hope.

    LP: Just a reminder not ever to feel sorry for Mrs TFG.


    Beau: This ties in perfectly with your posts yesterday, Joanne. Biden should start to cash in on all of the good things he’s done instead of being on the defence of the far fewer things that haven’t gone his way yet. Trophy hunting of endangered species should be abolished. Most other hunters have turned to photoshoots instead and the money then goes to the real preservation of animals by preventing poaching and breeding them in dedicated sanctuaries as wild animals that can be returned to the wild. Like most loopholes, those in the Endangered Species Act are thought up by Republican lobbyists to please their wealthy sponsors.
    I love the elephant T-shirt; I wish I could see more of it.

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