Glenn Kirschner – Trump Weaponizes Courts, Again: Sues NY AG Tish James in Effort to Stop Investigation of Trump Org
Thom Hartmann – Manchin Sours Bill But Biden Has Powerful Option
No Dem Left Behind – Happy Holidays from Richard Ojeda and NDLB!
VoteVets – Maj.Gen.(Ret.) Paul Eaton Discusses WaPo Op-Ed & 2024 Insurrection Threat With Chris Hayes on MSNBC. MGen Eaton has a good point. Sane people don’t tend to imagine the unimaginable (and aren’t very good at it when we try.) It comes much easier to wingnuts. I do thing the Pentagon’s announcement about revising rules and regulations with the goal of eliminating “expremists” is probably in part a response to that Op-Ed (or at least the announcement is; they were probably already working on it.) VoteVets has a series of clips on two of the three generals discussing this OpEd. I may post more.)
The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party
Really American – Manchin BACKSTABS His Own Consituents
Beau – Let’s talk about BBB, the GDP, and Manchin….
4 Responses to “Video Thread 12/23/2021”
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Comment from Mitch –
GK: Dumpness uses the courts? His typical MO. Glenn did better than Nostradamus, who actually predicted nothing. His “predictions” are nothing but modern interpretations of the language he had to use in writing his stories about then
current events, or risk, literally, losing his head. Donny-boy-thing uses. Uses anything, and anyone, and screams “No fair!”
when he gets caught.
TH: Interesting.
NDLB: Yes, the ’22 election will be of huge importance.
VV/MSNBC: “…failure to imagine.” If Chris Hayes’ shows set the retired generals into motion, good, good, on him. “…fealty to Trump;”
a horrid development, but not surprising, as Trump is a master at one thing…manipulation. It is as if he is a virus, infecting the GQP,
and the 39% of the truly un-American party,and more.
LP: Oh, the inmates of the asylum had a field trip to the park?
RA: So, how many of those 300,000 voters for Dirtbag will remember all of this, the next time he runs? And might he be primaried?
Not many, I predict.
Beau: Our economy, over the last year has surpassed ALL expectations, has surpassed the EU, has done this well:
The U.S. is “outperforming the world by the biggest margin in the 21st century,” wrote Matthew A. Winkler in Bloomberg, “and with good reason: America’s economy improved more in Joe Biden’s first 12 months than any president during the past 50 years….” According to Heather Cox Richardson’s latest blog note, which can be read in its entirety here:
If Goldman-Sachs, and more, think that losing BBB will hurt as much as Beau suggests, Manchin is almost in the same company as Michael Flynn.
JM: Note that in this lawsuit TFG is a private citizen. So now he’s no longer the President whose election was stolen if being a private citizen suits the lawsuit better? You can’t have it both ways, Donald. Let’s hope Albany’s judges aren’t Trump loyalists and that this lawsuit ends up quickly where it belongs: in the trashcan.
TH: Seems like a good idea, but it will deteriorate the remainder of the package and what will happen to that? If the rest never passes, taking out the energy part for a vote will be a clear win for the GQP.
NJDLB: Yes, the 2022 elections are terribly important. So why is there nothing on Global Warming/Climate Change in your wishes, Richard?
VV: It’s good that these experienced generals are working through different contingencies on what could happen when the GQP is staging another coup, because it isn’t just TFG, is it? But working them out into workable plans should not be left to the military, i.e. the pentagon. I’m sorry to say, but the military preventing a new coup is something I’ve seen happen too often (e.g. in Egypt, Mianmar) and then they didn’t leave because they didm’t deem any of the political parties good enough to hand over power too. I’m not in any sense comparing the American military to those power hungry generals, but I do think the prevention of another coup should come from the American people. I do recognise that could be at the risk of a civil war but so would intervention by the military.
LP: When watching these videos, I imagine the patients in the locked ward in Bedlam watching them together and commenting on these idiots in America are completely beyond their comprehension.
RA: As Mitch already noted: those 300,000 voters will happily vote for Manchin again. Probably because, like him, they are DINOs.
Beau: Oh, how I’ve missed his comments. And this time he’s spot on and even more depressing than usual. The GQP will rather bring America to its knees, bankrupt it and then blame Biden for it. And what are they going to then; what are their plans after they steal back power in 2022? Continue what they did under Obama and deny Biden/Democrats anything they come up with? They are even ruining the country and its economy for their own supporters on Wall Street. Because the 1% may not be paying those higher company taxes the G20 has agreed on, but that’s only because they no longer make the profits.
I had a thunder storm passing and my satellite connection went down again for an hour or so. Luckily it came back on its own. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it comes back up again everytime a storm takes it out, because a lot more of them have been predicted right into the end of next week.
I don’t think West Virginians are actua;y D’s or R’s except possibly in name. They will vote for him again because they are all on fentanyl. Of course there are some who won’t vote for him … and maybe a few who will but are clean … but there are many pantsloads of fentanyl in West Virginia. Mor per capita than any other state.
Oh,JD! I am sooo tired of Manchin and his “supporters”. IIRC, he’s a career pol and has been on the ballot many times, so name recognition thru the dumazz drug haze. I have new next door neighbors fr. WV, unfortunately. The hubby was condescending, arrogant from 1st get-go. Wife acts like possibly abused/totally submissive. So, great place to social distance,won’t be interacting unless emergency.
Hey, I’ve read 80 books this year!