Yesterday was quiet enough. I frittered away some of it by looking at sales offered by a couple of my favorite supplers. The one at the knitting supplier awas particularly impressive – knitting needles originally offered at %25-$30 going for $2.99 ( and that’s not an inflated price range – I have paid that much before for needles made from rosewood.) Anyway, I did manage to get things posted – as if you couldn’t tell.
Cartoon –
Short Takes
The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Chris Wallace Ecstatic About Never Riding Elevator with Tucker Carlson Again
Quote – Stressing that his decision to leave Fox “wasn’t about money,” Wallace said, “At CNN+, I’ll never have to ride an elevator with Tucker Carlson, and you can’t put a price tag on that.”
Click through for the happiest photo of him that I for one have ever seen. I’m just as sure this is true as I am that he didn’t really say it out loud. But Andy seems to channel people very well.
ITPI – Yes, this Florida school actually raised test scores by installing street lights
Quote – What I [Jeremy Mohler] love about the community school approach is that it looks at public education as what it truly is: a public good. Meaning, it benefits the common good if all of us have access to it.
Click through for story. This is the kind of activism that “Beau of the Fifth Column” (who shows up in the Video thread daily) advocates more than any other. It certainly points up the difference between a real community and a community merely called so on account of proximity.
Heather Cox Richardson – Letters from an American – December 12, 2021
Quote – Tonight the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol released a report urging Congress to hold Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in contempt of Congress after he has refused to honor a congressional subpoena…. Anyone out there who is concerned that they have not heard much from the January 6 Committee will take heart from this comprehensive document, concerning, as it does, only one witness. The committee must have an astonishing amount of material and a number of talented personnel to produce such a report.
Click trough for a whole lot more. Anyonne can subscribe to her for free, or buy a paid subscription and get more. Not every letter is a powerhouse – but when they are, they really, really are.
Food For Thought:
6 Responses to “Open Thread for December 14, 2021”
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Well, I sure didn’t know the price and sale price of knitting needles. A good price though. Enjoy your day!
Cartoon: A wonderful adventure, and picture too!
NYer: Andy gets better and better, doesn’t he? I laughed out loud on this one. LOL
ITPI: What a fascinating and great story. I’m particularly proud of Reagan High School in Austin. I hope that more schools (here) pick up on this story. I’m passing it on. Thx, Joanne.
Ms. Richardson: Wow, seems like the January 6th committee is doing a fine job, and looks like Meadows ..is indeed… in hot water. Reads like a thriller, and they (R’s), will all get caught.
FFT: Wow. Says it all right there!
TJI: “The Big Banks make billions each year off the backs of families struggling to make ends meet. I’m glad that Capitol One is ending this exploitative practice. America’s three largest banks – JP Morgan & Co., Wells Fargo and Bank of America ought to follow suit.” ~ Katie Porter ~
2. “Let’s change the rigged tax code so the ‘Person of the Year’ will actually pay taxes and stop free loading off everyone else.” ~ Elizabeth Warren ~
3. “TIME – “PERSON OF THE YEAR” should be Eugene Goodman, US Capitol Police Officer. Fixed it for ya!”
~The other 98% ~
4. “”If Mark Meadows is not headline news on Monday — the mainstream media is risking a total loss of its credibility and relevance. January 6 was a coup attempt. In America. It’s Watergate x10. The biggest story these editors and producers will ever see — and they’re missing it.” ~ Tristan Snell ~
5. “Voting rights are the cornerstone of our democracy. If we failto protect the right to vote, we will fall to fascism.” ~ Robert Reich ~
TJI #1 – Katie Porter (smart as a whip) is a national treasure!
TJI #2 – So is Liz Warren!
TJI #4 – So true!
NBC has a recurring habit of burying the lede if it’s unkind to the GQP. They chose to go w/ the THREE DAY-OLD tornado story.
TJI #1 – Capitol One is the first? I did nazi that coming. (I fell in love with Katie from the very first email Warren sent to introduce her very first run for Congress. And I just keep loving her more and more.)
TJI #2 – Amen, sister!
TJI #3 – Time is very honest about its choices for Person of the Year. They are looking for the person who had the most influence (and, realally, that is the most influence on the news, not on the world necessarily). The influence is not requires to be good. (I don’t suppose it has occurred to them that, by that reasoning, one might select as “Spouse of the Year” the most egregious DV offender.)
TJI #3 – They are missing it because the use of the past tense makes them think it was a one-off and it’s over. It wasn’t a one-off, and it isn’t over. That’s the real story.
TJI #5 – No one wants to hear that. Hence the expression “Prophet of Doom” – and it’s also why Gandalf in “The Lord of the Rings” got nicknamed “Stormcrow.” But the Reich on the left is right – and Gandalf was right – and ignoring them because you don’t like it will literally kill you.
Comment from Mitch –
Rosewood is lovely, but one increases the pressure on the industry to take more of those trees when one shows that there is profit in doing so.
‘Toon: That was wonderful.
NYer: You bet!
ITPI: Wonderful!
HCR: HCR rocks! Send that indictment to congress, baby. In today’s HCR, she tells of a public presentation headlined by Cheney,
describing clear connections between the insurrection and Dumpy, with “dereliction of duty,” out front.
FFT: Scary stuff!
That’s why the sale price was so low … They will never be available again. Rosewood and other “exotic” woods are now highly regulated. I was surprised they had any, until I looked at the available sizes … two very large sizes that I sometimes use but most knitters, especially serius knitters, don’t
I saw that presentation. Texts from Ingraham, Hannity, and Kilmeade, while the insurrection was happening. Prrof that Fox News was his de facto press secretary. And a slew of texts from Junior, increasingly panicked, one including “This has gone too far.” Oh, yeah. Even if he didn’t read them as they came in, they are damning.
Cartoon: Remember them showing and mentioning it on the news when it was happening.
TNY: Good one, Andy. I wouldn’t want to get near tUcker either.
ITPI: Great article. I say “Bravo” to Reagan High for all that they accomplished by working with both students and parents.
HCR: I’m pleased with all the data and other information the January 6 committee is getting their hands on. I’m glad that they’ve decided to hold Mark Meadows in contempt. Hope they continue with these findings.
Food for Thought: Going in the wrong direction.
You should be finding some great deals for knitting/crocheting items with all of the holiday sales going on. Hope you’re able to find the ones you need or want.
Take care. Thanks Joanne