Yesterday, I got a package of jewelry supplies, checked it against the invoice, and got it all put away. I got my clothes and shoes put together. I think I’m ready, and I still have today in case I think of something undone. Tomorrow I go to see Virgil. Sunset will be, at most, 3 minutes earlier than it was 2 weeks ago. Soon – before the solstice – it will start to get later each day.
Cartoon –
Short Takes
Wonkette – DC National Guard Commanders Aren’t Going To Let Mike Flynn’s Brother Pin This Sh*t On Them
Quote – Walker and Matthews say they begged to deploy the National Guard troops from 2:30 in the afternoon on. According to Walker, who is now the House Sergeant at Arms, the IG Report incorrectly states that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and Mayor Muriel Bowser were on that call, but they were not McCarthy has said he authorized the DCNG to deploy within the hour. But this memo tells a different story, much more like the one Walker told Congress way back in March. It recounts that Mike Flynn’s brother Gen. Charles Flynn, who served as deputy chief of staff for operations on Jan. 6, and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, the director of Army staff, were against deploying the guard because of “optics,” and counseled Walker to have the guardsmen replace DC cops directing traffic so that only DC police would respond to the riot.
Click through for story. Good for them. I never assume that just because a person is a close family member of a criminal, that they condob=ne the crime, much less participate in it – look at the Gosar family and Mary Trump. But in this case there is evidence. Charles need a Court Martial.
The 19th – The federal government is making a new investment in women-owned small businesses
Quote – The Small Business Administration, the federal agency that supports entrepreneurs, is putting a greater focus on women business owners than ever before in the agency’s history, following two years that have decimated small businesses and brought into stark relief the barriers still facing the fastest-growing group of owners.
Click through for details. Gotta have good news sometimes or we’d all wither up and die.
CBS News – 60 Minutes speaks with ex-NSA contractor Reality Winner about leaking a document to the press
Quote – Reality Winner explained the sequence of events that led to her decision to leak a classified government document to the media, a decision that would go on to cost her four years behind bars. Winner said she was concerned that, “the truth wasn’t true anymore,” and spoke to what she says was an atmosphere of confusion and mistrust that plagued America in early 2017. “The public was being lied to,” Winner explained. She says despite having taken an oath to protect classified material, she had “pledged service to the American people” and wanted to end the perceived “confusion,” about alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections.
Click through. All the clips are there, but separately, so if you want to watch the whole thing, you can do so in convenient 15-minute chunks. Spoiler: There really was Russian interference in the 2016 elections, at more levels than you would think.
Food for Thought –
10 Responses to “Open Thread for December 10, 2021”
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Glad to read that you got everything in order for your trip. Safe trip to and fro….and enjoy your day tomorrow and tell Virgil I said HI !! I had a fantastic day yesterday, time went by too quickly. Good times! I recommended added time for these days, to visit more. All said yes, w/a Hug !
Cartoon: R’s are nasty. Mike and Gen. Charles Flynn needs to be court-martialed and lose his stars and bars too.
The 19th: YAY! Great news! for women entrepreneurs!
CBS News: Yes, there was Russian interference, she was doing her job. I feel bad for her. I’ll try and watch the vids…thank you! for them.
FFT: Yep!
TJI: “The 1920s were the Roaring 20s, we live in the Whining 20s.” ~ DU user “Sneederbunk” ~ H/T JD ~
2. ” Very few of us commie socialists would even want to be in thesame room as the people WHO HAVE SPENT THE PAST 12 YEARS TELLING ANYONE WHO WOULD LISTEN HOW WE ARE EVIL SUB-HUMANS THAT NEED TO BE EXTERMINATED.” – Shypixel t Wonkette ~ H/T JD
3. TJI “Pope Francis says extramarital sex sins aren’t that ‘serious'” ~ Hannah Frishberg ~
4. Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) somehow slams the Build Back Better Act’s investments in universal Pre-K and child care. The Democrats have written their Toddler Takeover in ways that wouldturn families’ finances literally upside down.” ~ George Takei ~
5. “Meadows’s flawed lawsuit won’t succeed at slowing down the Select Committee’s investigation or stopping us from getting info we’re seeking. The Committee will meet next week to advance a report recommending that the House cite Meadows for contempt and refer him for prosecution.” ~ January 6th Committee ~
Oops! Forgot this very important one….
Good Bye, Mr. Williams, and Smooth Sailing!
“End of an era tonight as Brian Williams anchors his finalbroadcast of The @11thHour [4] on @MSNBC.
A class act and a pleasure to work with all these years. Best of Luck! BW!! ”
~Jesse Rodriguez ~ 12/9/21 ~
TJI #1 – Says it all, doesn’t it.
TJI #2 – Seriously. Now we are also told we are being unforgiving. Don’t believe it. Forgiving is a two way street. Like a judicial pardon which legally implies a confession, forgiveness only exists for those who repent.
TJI #3 – As long as it involves only fully consenting adults, anything people do with their bodies is no business of mine. (The reason vaccination IS my business is that CoViD and other dieases for wich we have vaccinations are contagious – and I do not consent to be exposed.)
TJI #4 – I suppose that haveing affordable childcare does invert family finances – but it would turn them right side up.
TJI #5 – You cannot overturn a criminal prosecution through a civil lawsuit. Have these people ever even heard of the term “standing to sue”? But I suppose they don’t care, and are well aware the lawsuit is garbage, since they are just filing it to slow things down.
TJI #6 – Very sad. And the saddest part is that, if MSNBC wanted to, they could put Andrea Mitchell or Chuck Todd into that spot – God forbid!
TJI #5 – Damn the Trumpkin idiots – FULL SPEED AHEAD!
Nothing major to report, still plugging along on earning my CME credits. Thank God for computers at the library!
I finally get to pick up my new modem that I ordered at Best Buy on Thursday, December 2 and was supposed to be able to pick up on Saturday the 4th.
It came in today. Not a big deal, except I made a useless trip to Best Buy last Sunday to get it.
They gave me the standard blah-blah-blah song-and-dance. I simply said it was YOUR website that said it’d be ready for pick up on Saturday the 4th.
I have never – NEVER – had an enjoyable shopping experience dealing w/ Best Buy. But they had the best price to begin w/ and then an additional $35 off, so I guess it was worth it.
I know what you mean about sometimes price has to come first. And that was a good savings. But sorry you had to deal with them. Good luck with the studies, and keep hanging in.
Cartoon: It meant a lot then, too bad the rotten R’s are trying to ruin it now.
The 19TH: Wonderful news for women entrepreneurs. Yes, I agree it’s nice to hear some positive news for a change.
CBS: I watched her last Sunday on 60 minutes. Great story. She’s been thru a lot.
Food for Thought: Oh so very true.
Happy to hear that you’re all prepare for you visit with Virgil tomorrow. I hope your drive to and from goes well. Tell Virgil “Hello”. Hope he’s doing well. Please do let us know when you get back.
Take care, Thanks Joanne
I hope she is pardoned. She was treated more harshly than any man ever has been as the interview demonstrated. She saved the 2018 election, maybe the 2020 one too. She’s a hero in my view. Biden should pardon her, though I doubt he will, that will require a bolder President than this one. One with a greater mandate than he has or ever will. Until then all I can do is sign petitions, which is not nearly enough. I hope she’s receiving VA compensation for the PTSD her assignments with them certainly exists. That the NSA classified this information is criminal itself, in my opinion. Those who did ought be the ones accountable. Though they never will be. Terrible place, American politics, far too often.
I wonder whether she would even accept a parson, because that would imply a confession of criminal action, and she didn’t do any, and she knows that and insists on it (as well she should.) If I thought she would accept one, I’d certainly jump on a petition for it.
all good, thanks