Nov 202021

Glenn Kirschner – While We Must Accept the Rittenhouse Jury’s Not Guilty Verdict, We have Much to Learn & Miles to Go – Here’s the link to his OpEd.

Meidas Touch – McCarthy’s Harangue

Thom Hartmann – Inside The GOP’s New “Leave It To Beaver” Southern Strategy  Mitch

Armageddon Update – Screaming From The Sane Center

Brent Terhune – We’re Hiring!

Beau – Let’s talk about the other case and verdict…. He’s right, we need to look at the good along with the bad. You can read more here, but Beau pretty well covers it.


  3 Responses to “Video Thread 11/20/21”

  1. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: He makes sense about the verdict, given the overriding situation.  That we are in thrall of the damned gun culture, in this exceptional country, alsomakes sense…sad sense.
    MT: An excellent use of 27 seconds.
    TH: The idea that the Civil War was fought over “state’s rights” is/was pure BS, and we have letters from Confederate soldiers to show it.  We also have this, from the Confederate VP: Stephen Alexander: 
    A not so good quote:
    John Tyler’s third Sec’y of War, Abel Upshur, a Southern Aristocrat, “… believed that slavery solved the problem of tensions between capital and labor by giving even a white man of desperate circumstances a reason to accept the economic order: ‘How ever poor or ignorant or miserable he may be, he
    has yet the consoling consciousness that there is still a lower condition to which he can never be reduced.’” “These Truths,” pg, 234 
    Titus: The far, far right will never clean up their act, because act is all they have; “…working for all of us aain.”  No, the far,far, right never worked for “…all of us again.”  “When do we get to use the guns?” Imbecile! Okay, I had this one set aside also: 
    In their ratifying convention, 1861, Georgia secessionists “…cooked the numbers in order to insure their victory, and proceeded to require all delegates to sign a pledge supporting secession even if they had voted against it.  One of the first things the new state of Georgia did was to pass a law that made 
    dissent punishable by death.”  “These Truths,”Jill Lepore pg. 292  When I copied this, yesterday, I wrote in this comment-“This is where the GQP is wanting to go, in 2021.”  
    BT:  Livable wage?  You gotta be kidding!

    Beau: Good things do happen.  I would like more of them, and more quickly, but that’s how it is.

  2. JM: Self defence beyond a reasonable doubt has been the way too many cops have avoided prosecution after shooting unarmed, defenceless victims. As soon as the judge set the tone for this trial, which he did by making Rittenhouse the victim and the people he killed the rioters, i.e. the dangerous bad guys, it was clear where this was going to end. Many trials have ended in this unjust fashion, but I doubt that many were coerced by the presiding judge in this fashion.

    MT: This ad works perfectly perhaps because of withholding the name of the “accuser”, but I’d love to know who this hero is.

    TH: Thanks for posting this video with the extended version of Hartman’s op-ed that Mitch had sent around. Hartman is so spot on it’s scary. And the scariest thing is that the same rhetoric and outright racism of right-wing politicians used to stirrup the Civil War is now used to inflame their base. As Hartman points out, these politicians represent a minority in Congress, but they don’t in many of the states, and they behave as if they speak for all Americans and are allowed to do so with impunity. If this goes unchecked, these politicians will try to invoke a new Civil War and, goodness forbids, they may even succeed.

    AU: Tom Hartman already mentioned that is was a minority of Americans claiming dominance by screaming the loudest. And that is so easy, because the left, and the centre, don’t scream. Thank goodness, you have Titus to do that for you. Louder, Titus, louder, please.

    BT: Love this parody on livable wages.

    Beau: The judge, in this case, made the right call; the judge in Rittenhouse’s case made a series of terrible calls. Justice shouldn’t depend on how prejudiced a judge is.

    • It’s from the 1995 movie, “Billy Madison,” in which James Downey played the principal.  A case of life imitating art – for a movie quote so long and detailed to fit so perfectly.

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