Yesterday, I received the package with the black rayon crochet thread I ordered through etsy ti knit (probably) or crochet (maybe) a barbie-sized Justice’s robe. It came all the way from Bulgaria, where it was made. Rayon thread is quite thin, so I may use it doubled. I have no deadline, so there’s plenty of time to think about it (and thinking usually gets the best results.) Yes, I’ll manage pictures somehow, when the time comes.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
GWN – Snow plow driver shortage could lead to winter problems for U.S. motorists
Quote – “It’s not just for the traveling public, but it’s also for emergency services, ambulances, police and firefighters and all that,” said Mark Geib, administrator of the management operations division. transportation systems at the Michigan Department of Transportation. “We need to keep the roads clear so people can move around, especially in emergency situations.”
Click through for the states (one of which is mine). Not a lot of material here, but it’s nice to know the state is thinking of my safety.
NPR – The U.S. Navy has christened a ship named after slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk
Quote – Naming the ship after an icon of the LGBTQ rights movement represents a symbolic milestone for the military following a long history in which gay service members were unable to serve openly. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro said it helps right the wrongs of the past and shows a commitment to current and future LGBTQ service members. It’s estimated that 100,000 veterans have been discharged from military service because of their sexual orientation.
Click through for story. Just in time for Veterans’ Day. (sniffle.)
The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Oscar the Grouch Cuts Ties with Ted Cruz
Quote – “Don’t get me wrong—I can’t stand Big Bird,” he said. “His relentless sunniness, to me, is intolerable. But that’s no excuse for Ted Cruz to go off like an asshat.
Click through for more. The video which offended Cruz, and the one showing Cruz offending everyone else, were both in yesterday’s video thread.
Food for Thought –
Today is also Pat’s birthday, although she is considerably younger.
10 Responses to “Open Thread for November 10, 2021”
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Cartoon: The very LEAST that could be done to honor and help heal. Snow plows: Ohio Dept. transportation has been saying short of drivers,too. Hope things improve. USN: Wonderful! IIRC, there are/will be other (non-warships) named after civil rights leaders. Borowitz: Now if only enough TX voters would be done w/Ted C.! Happy b-day, USMC—–and last but certainly MOST important—-Happy Birthday, Pat B.! You rock and I hope you have a great day and many more. Take care,all. Last few warm days of yr. here now,goin’ outside like a cat.
Hi, Spy! yes, Pat’s taking the day off. very deservedly. She’ll also be missing tomorrow, as she is (of course) in the Veterans’ Day parade. I hope that MAGAts don’t try to mess with it, and that she’ll let us know Saturday how everything went (though I likely won’t get to read about it until I get back from seeing Virgil.)
Comment from Mitch –
Wed, Nov 10 at 7:59 AM
‘Toon: Sad, but infuriating, after still more Americans died in the last 20 years of another war into which we were lied!GWN: Maybe they will start to pay a decent salary?
NPR: Good on them!
Andy: Oscar has more brains than the entire leadership of the QOP!
Check out this bit of last night’s H.C. Richardson’s blog:
Mitch D.
Beau has been on fire lately, so I’m not necessrily posting the latest any given day, as I have a backlog. But I’m sure he predicted this Republican reaction, since I did, using his method. The video in which he shares it will be up Saturday (and will be applicable for the foreseeable future.)
Hey –
It’s me, nameless. I’m fine but mm PC isn’t. I got the dreaded BSOD – Blue Screen of Death.
I wasn’t able to fix it & the computer tech can’t come out until some time nnex week.
Comcast./Xfinity screwed up my email account so I don’t have a way to communicate. Plus I’m not a thumb typer.
I hope this gets posted.
JD – could you send me a text w/ your cell phone number. You sent me a text a while back but it included the long didistan “1” – so it knocked the last digit off.
I hope the tech can work some magic.
Bummer about your BSOD! I have sent you what I sent you before, which wasn’t exactly a text but was sent to your phone. I’ll keep my eye open to hear back (well, that sounds hardly possible, but I’m sure you know what I mean.)
After reading Nameless’ issue with his computer, I wonder if there’s been something in the air? My laptop, wasn’t acting correctly two days ago. I couldn’t log into my computer. I was typing the login numerous time, but no luck. I then hit the symbol to show what was being keyed. What I saw was my password with The P key. Come to find out, it wasn’t working and it’s part of my logins. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. With Microsoft screwing my Windows 10 laptop two weeks ago, giving me the BSOD, saying the license had expired. THey came up with another screen after I restarted and it said to enter her and a new Windows 10 was loaded. I bought the laptop from a computer store three years ago and don’t understand why it did that. All I know it that it’s been annoying with some programs ever since that happened. Hope Nameless’ tech can get his one system going soon.
GWN: The storage issue is causing so much chaos everywhere. I can imagine how bad it’s going to be if these states that have snow, is going to be if they don’t have these snow plows.
NPR; Good for them. Sure it’s long overdue.
TNY; Good for Oscar. tEd doesn’t care one bit about keeping the kids safe from Covid-19. Seeing the remarks he said to Big Bird the other day. I say we all trash tEd.
Glad to hear that your package came. I like the description of the yarn. You’ll have to share a photo of what you end up making.
Hope you had a nice one.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
This may sound counter-intuitive … but on major purchases, like computers and cars, I have always had the best luck buying second hand (in the case of computers, “rebuilt.” I could explain that if it were, like, a horse, whare the experience of the product (the animal) would help it work better for a future owner. But computers and cars … that doesn’t make so much sense.
Thank you everyone, for your wonderful words, re: my BD and Veteran’s Day comment.

Y’all are remarkable, sincere, and so kind-hearted…a wonderful circle of friends here @PP.
Now I’m off to an elementary school to have breakfast, and speak to the students of ‘What A Veteran
Means to Me.” AND…the walk down Mainstreet.
I like the Veterans gathering, and the uniting of kinship too, love listening to their stories.
p.s. Hope y’all have a great day, Hugs!!
Thank you!
Thanks for stopping by on the fly, as it were. I hope the day is perfect.