Nov 062021

Yesterday, another quiet day, thankfully.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The 19th – A Duchess and a senator go to dinner
Quote – In a furious dash to ensure a universal paid leave policy — however small — makes it into the final version of a care package weaving its way through Congress, the Democratic legislators who have advocated for the policy for years are trying everything — including working with the Duchess of Sussex.
Click through for how this happened. I have nor forgiven Gillibramd, but if this helps get it done, that may help. (Incidentally, SOME people are capable of rising above “I’ve got mine” and work to help others.)

Wonkette – Special Counsel John Durham Arrests Russian Pee Tape Man For TERRIBLE LIES!
Quote – We’re sorry, but does any of that rise to the level of “lied to FBI about secret negotiations with Russian government”? We are just asking, because we are unclear on what the standards are here in Wonderland.
Click through for story. I don’t know what else you’d expect from a “Special Prosecutor” appointed by Bill Barr. Couldn’t (and shouldn’t) he be replaced with a real person?

The Hill – Democrats ramp up filibuster talks after voting rights setback
Quote – After months of trying to give space for bipartisan discussions on election legislation, Democrats are planning internal talks about what, if any, rules changes they’ll be able to get through on their own. Those ideas include smaller shifts on nominations or amendments. But altering the filibuster — particularly when it comes to elections bills — is getting the most attention.
Click through for more – I should bloody well hope the filibuster’s abolishment is getting discussed!

Food for Thought –

Democracy for America and Robert Reich want you to sign (and share) this petition (and I don’t know why you wouldn’t want to.)


  10 Responses to “Open Thread for November 6, 2021”

  1. I like quiet times…and the cool, quiet days. Must be getting old…29
    Cartoon: William Seward was disappointed that he lost to Lincoln. But he became friends with Mr. Lincoln and also, his most trusted adviser. *NPR
    The 19th: Good article. Going in a positive direction, imho. 
    Wonkette: Good grief! Repeatedly lying to the FBI is a serious charge. 
    The Hill: Sure hope that all can come to an agreement…and soon. 
    Cartoon: Yep. 
    This just in: “Anyone else notice that Republicans cry about voter fraud until they win, then they are silent.” 
    ~ Mika Brzezinski ~ 
    2. “Under new rules announced today, the White House is requiring companies with more than 100 employees to mandate COVID-19 vaccines by January 4 or require weekly testing, pre-empting Governor Greg Abbott’s ban on vaccine mandates.” ~ Mitchell Ferman ~
    3. “Today we hit 750,000 Americans lost to COVID19. We’re on trajectory to hit 800,0000 by year’s end. Those last 100,000+ maybe even 200,000 died unnecessarily because vaccines were widely available. They chose not to get vaccinated, sometimes even defiant. They died by anti-science.” ~ Professor Peter Hotez MD, Ph.D~
    4. “Yet again—Republicans don’t even have the decency to show up, do their job, and vote on a nominee. @SBAgov Deputy Administrator nominee Dilawar Syed is exceptionally well-qualified for the job. Enough is enough.” ~ Senator Mazie Hirono ~
    5. “For those celebrating #Diwali in San Antonio and across the country, may the Festival of Lights bring prosperity, hope and happiness to all.” ~ Joaquin Castro ~

    • TJI #1 – Is there anyone who doesn’t notice? Even some Republicans must notice that.
      TJI #2 – Glad to hear it. I hope there is no violence in reaction to it, but that is what I expect from today’s Republicans.
      TJI #3 – I guess I have been saying and thinking 3/4 of a million prematurely. But it’s not premature any more.
      TJI #4 – I looked up a quorum for the Senate a while ago and it’s fifty. I suppose that doesn’t apply to confirmations – but surely there are ways around this.
      TJI #5 – Amen – and whatever that is in Sanskrit. And there are still some days left to celebrate if you missed Day 1. I believe it’s five days total.

  2. Who was the other good Republican?

    • That was a TC cartoon, and I had the same question.  I would have said three, Lincoln, TR, and Ike.  Whichever one TC had left out – and I forget which it was – TC agreed deserved to be counted as a half but didn’t want to use fractions in a cartoon.  Thanks for asking!

  3. Comment from Mitch – 

    ‘Toon: The other being?19th: Would be nice, to be that much less “exceptional.”
    Wonkette: Believe anything coming from Barr, and/or associates?  And, yes, if Durham was his appointee, why is he not gone?
    The Hill: Filibuster has to be busted!
    FFT: Every second!
    Petition: Signed, and shared!

  4. The 19th: Good to see that there’s moving in a positive direction to help get the family leave act passed..
    Wonkette: Glad to see that he’s been arrested. Sure there’s many more to come.
    The Hill: I too hope they can come up with some sort of agreement. I’ve been signing all sorts of petitions trying to do away with the filibuster.
    I went to the petition link you listed and signed it. It comes up with your name, but I clicked I wasn’t you so it game me a new one to fill in.
    Food for Thought: I agree with the statement 100%.
    Glad you had another quiet day. Hope it stays that way for you.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

  5. Cartoon: In the good ol’ days, before the parties reversed roles in the 50-60s. That they have at some point became clear to me when I saw the movie “Lincoln”.

    19th: Every little bit helps…

    Wonkette, Apparently the DOJ is doing something with its time but if led by a Barrf man that won’t come to much. Just as much as the inaction on the Jan. 6 investigations, I guess.

    TH: Can’t pretend the fillibuster baby is premature after nine months.

    FFB: All world leaders should be writing that on the board at least a few thousand times.

    • The Barrf dude is investigating the wrong stuff and the wrong people.  He’s on the trail of anyone who acted in good faith.

      Not premature after 9 monthes – Good one.  Wait – what if you’re an elephant?

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