Yesterday, my visor extender came, and it is substantial. It’s already a little longer than my visor without any extending – and it has a side extender which I probably won’t be able to extend completely when it’s in the windshield, because it will run into the rear view mirror, but which will be very handy when it’s turned to the side window. In the package were two items which are not what I thought I had ordered, and whch are hard to describe, but which I think I can use to good effect also. So, 9 days ahead of my next visit, I am set.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Zuckerberg’s ‘Meta’ Name Already Taken By Anti-Capitalist Org
Quote – “Through art and research, argument, and poetry,” the site says, “mέta (the abbreviation of our Our Center for Postcapitalist Civilization) works to break with a dystopic present to imagine the world anew—to grasp our present historical moment so as to help radical progressive movements find a path from the emergent dismal postcapitalism to one worth fighting, and living, for.”
Click through for story. I can’t find it now, but I’m sure I saw somewhere that mέta applies for trademark protection four months ago. This is important because names are not subject to copyright. Trademarks, on the other hand, are protected at least as strongly as copyrights. So Zuck may have to think again. I ceertainly hope so.
‘That Is Literally Congress’s House’: Judge Skewers Donald Trump’s Argument That Jan. 6 Investigation Lacks Legislative Purpose
Quote – The judge quickly took aim at Trump’s reliance on the Supreme Court’s Mazars decision, which established that lower courts must take into account separation of powers concerns implicated by congressional subpoenas when information related to the president is implicated. Much has changed since that July 2020 decision. Namely, Trump is no longer president.
Click through for more. This is somewhat under everyone’s radar (well, except for Glemm’s radar), but I think worth knowing.
Giuliani investigators home in on 2019 plan to advance Ukraine interests in US
Quote – The high-profile federal criminal investigation of Rudy Giuliani in recent days has zeroed in on evidence that in the spring of 2019 three Ukrainian government prosecutors agreed to award contracts, valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, to Giuliani and two other American attorneys as a way to gain political and personal influence with the Trump administration.
Click through for somewhat mealy-mouthed details. Subtitle: “Prosecutors believe Giuliani and two others may have violated law over agreement that would have seen them win lucrative contracts” Gee, ya think?
Food for Thought –
13 Responses to “Open Thread for November 5, 2021”
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Sounds like you’ve got your visor extender all ready to go. Good for you!
Cartoon: On 5 November 1605, Guy Fawkes was caught red handed preparing 36 barrels of gunpowder beneath the House of Lords. It was a gruesome end to him, and for his co-conspirators. *historyhit.com
L&C: Good for the judge! TOT is sinking in hot water, imho. (yay!)
Guardian: Justice is knockin’ on his front door. Couldn’t happen to a more mealy mouth as- kisser for TOT.
**NOTE – Just a ‘Heads Up’…I w/not be on PP on 11/11/21 as I participate in Veteran’s Day with other Vets, at the local cemetery with flyover, the downtown walk, and standing for the Armed Forces Medley. ~ ‘GO NAVY’~
This just in: TJI Breaking News: “Michelle Wu will be Boston’s next mayor, breaking barriers as the first woman and the first person of color elected to the role.” ~ George Takei ~
2. “House Democrats know #PaidLeaveForAll is essential for getting children learning & parents earning – and that’s why Paid Family & Medical Leave will be included in our House #BuildBackBetter bill!” ~ Nancy Pelosi ~
3. “Hell on earth: a car repair waiting room playing FoxNews.” ~ John Pavlovitz ~
4. “Breaking: The Mexican American Legislative Caucus in the Texas House has filed a lawsuit in state court challenging the new state House map, opening a new front in the fight against redistricting.” ~ Alexa Ura ~
5. “No legislation could be more foundational to our democracy than that which protects the right to vote.” ~ Senator Patrick Leahy ~
Happy Veterans’ Day in advance, shipmate!
TJI #1 – That was a foregone conclusion, because both candidates qualified on both counts. I’m just happy she’s a Democrat.
TJI #2 – Yup. There are two ways to achieve these needs – through Gonverment and through collective bargaining. Neither is perfect … but at this point I’ll take either. Too many have been stripped in the last 40 years or so.
TJI #3 – And how. That is what noise-reducing headphones are for. I’m very sorry he didn’t have them. He doesn’t need that kind of agony while still recovering (or ever, really.)
TJI #4 – Good. I wish them all success.
TJI #5 – And THAT’s the truth.
Rightbackatcha! Joanne.
Comment from Mitch –
Set, is a good thing to be!
‘Toon: Could have changed some history.
Any hassle Zuck-thing can be handed is a good thing.
L&C: “Skewer” is good!
Guardian: Rudy is going down. I’m reading Lt. Colonel Vindman’s book, “Here, Right Matters,” and he’s written a bit about the Ukraine BS.
FFT: Funny, and then, not so funny.
Your description of the visor extender sounded so good that I browsed the internet to get myself one here too before I run myself off the road when the sun is in my eyes on the crest.
Cartoon: On January 6 2021 some thought they could do better, failed, but there was no gruesome end for them. In fact, their leaders still have to be dealt with.
C&L: Oh, this is delicious! Zuckerberg, one of the richest people in the world who made his money in the most capitalistic way, is told of by no one less than Yanis Varoufakis because he helped give the mέta name to an anti-capitalist think tank. This is beyond irony; I can’t help thinking that someone high up in the Facebook hierarchy leaked that they were considering Meta as their new name and Varoufakis trademarked it as soon as he heard.
L&C: Another judge who isn’t fooled by TFG’s overblown reaction to the subpoenas but instead hangs his lawyers out to dry.
TG: I hope Giuliani goes down for this but also that it is the first of many such cases against him.
FFT: %Thinking up excuses not to act is not discussing the future.
i got it from “wish”. It was about USD $18 plus shipping and worth every penny. I’m sure you know to read things carefully on the internt already. Some of what they purvey is ridiculously inexpensive and even given away with orders for something else, and I’ve gotten some of those and liked them
Cartoon: Appreciate the info Pat mentioned about this evil villain and his co-conspirators.
Zuckerberg: Ah, too bad for him. Wonder which one he’ll try next.
L&C: Good for Judge Tanya Chutka. tRump has should have no say whatsoever regarding the investigation of the Jan 6 insurrection, expect that he’s the main one who created the whole ordeal to happen.
Guardian: rUdy might as well be planning on enjoying some time behind bars with this favorite buddy tRump. Maybe then they can keep each other amused by going over their evil pasts.
Food for Thought: Crazy
I happy that your visor finally came.
Hope you have a good day.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Guy Fawkes Day is still celebrated in England with chants of “Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot, For we see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.” They burn Fawkes in effigy in bonfires and children go door to door asking for “A penny for the Guy.” Inroads from our Halloween ideas may be pushing it out, which would be a pity. I certainly see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot – nor gallows treason, gun treason, flagpole treason, stolen material treason either.
Hi guys! Just checking in — I am among the living, although yesterday I would have said “just barely”. I had the surgical bandages removed last Tuesday which was fine but the effects of the narcotic painkiller set in big time. i had been in tears. Off to the pharmacy in hopes that the pharmacist could help. He did — the package said take 2-3 tablets each day for 3-4 days. Not being familiar with the stuff, I took one tablet at 7 pm, laid down for 2 hours, got up and no pain. That 1 pill is still working more than 24 hours later. Now to concentrate on the arm pain. I see the surgeon on Monday so I will learn about the next steps. I have 18 staples closing the incision which looks a bit like a caterpillar going up my arm.
I’ll check in again. Doing nothing and feeling like everything takes 10 times longer to do is getting monotonous.
Sorry to hear that you’re still suffering with so much pain. You’ve been and will continue to be in my prayers that you get to feeling better real soon. Please keep us updated. Bless and take care, Lynn,
I can’t say it any better than Colleen did. At least staples come out comparatively easily.Do hang on to those pills though! (Maybe you can pet the furbabies for me with your good arm?)
Yes, what Colleen said.
You are in my prayers and hope that you to feel better soon.
Take good care, and Thank You for your update, Lynn.
Thanks for the compilation of promising hope for accountability, justice articles, including your visor report Joanne!
Lynne–I can relate–I’ve lived with the taking 10 times longer element for 27 yrs. after my first surgery. Choosing the right tools that work easier makes a big difference, even when not what was our habit before.