Yesterday, I overslept a biy – still tired from the day before. So I kind of took my time – and worked some on a new portrait doll. Otherwise, a quiet day.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The Daily Beast – Florida Trio Accused of Smuggling Guns to ‘400 Mawozo’ Gang in Haiti
Quote – Three Florida residents are facing federal charges for allegedly smuggling firearms from South Florida to leaders of Haiti’s notorious 400 Mawozo gang, recently accused of kidnapping at least 17 American and Canadian missionaries last month near Port-au-Prince.
Click through for the exact charges. Who did they think they were, the CIA?
Law & Crime – Woman Pointed Gun at 7-Year-Old Child Who Was Trick-or-Treating: Deputies
Quote – According to authorities, Bradford was yelling at nearby trick-or-treaters. Deputies did not explain how this escalated to her pointing a gun at the 7-year-old, or specify why she was mad in the first place, but that is what they alleged she did.
Click through for mugshot. There’s not much detail but the quote was so Dunning-Kruger I couldn’t resist.
Crooks and Liars – Everyone Is Watching Sir David Attenborough Today And You Should Too
Quote – The problem often feels too big for one person to understand, let alone make a difference in solving it. But Sir David Attenborough makes it EASY to understand…. I watched it this morning and feel BETTER and better informed on the topic of climate change than I ever have before. I hope you do, too.
Click through for video and full accurate transcript. We really need this.
Food for Thought –
15 Responses to “Open Thread for November 4, 2021”
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Florida Trio Accused of Smuggling Guns to ‘400 Mawozo’ Gang in Haiti
Apparently Gatorade doesn’t do a very good job of concealing guns.
Woman Pointed Gun at 7-Year-Old Child Who Was Trick-or-Treating
Not being familiar with the patois of Texas, is aiming a loaded gun at a 7 y/o child the same as yelling “Hey, kid – get off my lawn!” here in the Midwest?
(Any bets that the child had more melanin that Monica?)
Everyone Is Watching Sir David Attenborough Today And You Should Too
I like his optimism in his closing statement:
“In your lifetimes, you could and should witness a wonderful recovery.”
Good news that you are getting your rest, just take it easy, Joanne.
Cartoon: Say you didn’t!
DB: Relieved to read that they were found and arrested, on several charges.
L&C: Story is a few miles on the road a bit from my house…Halloween is supposed to be a fun time! I hope that little one gets help and the women gets jail time for what she did, and said. How mean can one be to a child like this? And a loaded firearm at that!!
C&L: I love Sir Attenborough, and the message he speaks of. We all need to listen to him. Pass it on.
This just in: “Is it wrong to teach about the Japanese American internment now? Because I’ve spent my whole life telling our story, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let some fool at a school board meeting refuse to lettheir kids hear about what happened to us. The truth, people. Teach the truth.” ~ George Takei ~
2. “Raise your hand if Trump should NEVER be allowed to run for office again!” ~Chip Franklin III ~
3. “Changes to the TX constitution are on the ballot, and there may be local elections for mayor, city council or school bond issues in your town.” ~ Beto O’Rourke ~
4. “Trump supporters continue to question if AZ State Rep. Eric Descheenie, a Navajo American legislator, is here ‘illegally’. Let that level of stupid sink in for a moment. ~ Wellington Boyce ~
5.””Yes, I am burdened to bring diverse people together. Yes, I am called by my faith to care for all human beings in my path. Yes, I am compelled to see them individually and to value their specific stories. But I am not obligated to have unity with hateful or violent people. That is not a requirement for being a loving person.” ~John Pavlovitz ~
TJI #1 – I can certainly understand his anger. So can people whose ancestors were brought from China to work the railroads. People whose ancestors from Ireland who were met with “No Irish Need Apply” SHOULD understand, but too many don’t. That’s also true of women, whose history has been so lost that many don’t even know it was lost. In fact, everyone should understand this issue except straight white men. Kudos to those in that category who do get it. We need more.

TJI #2 –
TJI #3 – How did you do on constitutional changes , Pat? We did pretty well on issues. I don’t know about my local school board, but I never could find out anything about the candidates. That need to change. Democrats, are you listening?
TJI #4 –
TJI #5 – Republicans have it backwards, don’t they.
TJI #2 – Wildly waving my hand here!
Hi there, we did well too, as all the Props were all approved.
We defeated the two with poison pills, and passed the one that was good.
TJI#1: Agree with his 100%. People. no matter what their nationality are to be spoken and treated with respect.
TJI#2: I have my hand raise too.
TJI#3: Glad that the election results in both of your; Pat and Joanne, states are having good results.
TJI#4: Screw tRump supporters, they’re like tRump, clueless/brainless.
TJI #2:
TJI #4:
Comment from Mitch –
DB: Hopefully Florida only by, essentially, geographic accident. Bought from licensed dealers: How special is that?L&C: I can’t see the quote, but I’m probably better off for that.
C&L: Sounds wonderful! But then, there are the Manchins of the world…sorry.
FFT: There’s a Manchin, on the Right, where the son-of-a-bitch lives!
Cartoon: No to that, I’d be afraid they’d shoot me.
DB: Glad these villains were caught. I thank the ones who searched the barrels to find all of the guns. Hopefully they’ll be locked up for a mighty long time.
L&C: Stinking b*tch. Halloween isn’t suppose to be a deadly holiday, it’s suppose to be dressing up and having fun going door to door in the neighborhood. I like Mitch. don’t see the quote. Both links go to the same article?
C&L: Seen him yesterday when he was speaking at the meeting. I too feel he speaks of encouraging/optimistic wise words we all can learn from
Food for Thought: People better be paying attention. It’s now or never for our Climate/environment.
Glad you got some rest yesterday. Hope you have a nice day.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
I always link eeach article twice – once in the title and once over “Click throuch.” TC used to do that, and I always thpught it made it easier – you can click at the top or the bottom, wherever your eyes are focused, and it’s a marker for the end of one story and the beginning of the next. The quote is the part I quoted – about everything the deputies didn”t say (were they even asked? Couldn’t they at least have said, “we don’t know”? Is this journalism?).
Not questioning your links. You do a great job with them. Sometimes when I do go to click to be connected to the sites, Norton Security blocks/limits me to go to sites. Comes up with page telling me they’re protecting me. It happens on other emails that I get on my own too.
I’ve had that happen too – but more often with the ad blocker which is bult into my browser, Fortunately it’s easy to tell it to recogniize one site without completely turning off. Thanks for the voe of confidence. Someimes I second-guess myself .
Enjoy those quiet days, Joanne.
Cartoon: You’ve added the MEGA hat to the contortionist, haven’t you?
DB: Authorities are trying to eliminate the competition, eh?
L&C: With so little detail given by the deputies, the article gives the impression they didn’t really want to take her into custody.
C&L: Ninety-five years old and still a voice to be heard and reconned with. I have so much respect for that man. He’s chosen to convey optimism over our chances to save the planet. I hope he lives to see all those pledges for 2030 come to fruition and not die a disappointed man.
FFT: If panic pushes people to action, by all means, panic!
I cannot tell a lie – I did add the hat. (I thought a teeny tiny update wouldn’t hurt.)