Yesterday, it was pretty quiet. I worked some on a new project which will be largely acrylic and long sleeved but still kind of light weight. I started with the yoke, wondering what it would look like if I made a boat neck with a technique which is usually reserved for buttonholes. It actually looks very good. And O now realize I can use the trick that makes it work to make other kinds of neckline look better too. So, a win-win.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Quote – Over burgers, [Ann] O’Leary [formerly the head of Berkeley Law School’s Center on Health, Economic & Family Security] and Porter observed that part of being a congressperson is the committee structure, where members can use the bully pulpit. When you get your time in a hearing, that time is yours. O’Leary says she saw “a switch [go] off” in Porter. “There are always instructions from leadership,” Porter says. “ ‘This is how you vote, this is what our priority is, this is how you should message, this is how much money you need to raise’—and the questions in hearings, you can show up and do what you want. It’s like looking around and saying, where is it that nobody is trying to control me?”
Click through for story. Is there anyone here who doesn’t love Katie Porter? What looked like a blank paywall popped up for me, but I was easily able to read the full article by scrolling. And I also “printed” it, just in case.
The Daily Beast – Capitol Rioter Decides to Represent Himself in Court, Accidentally Admits to Two New Felonies
Quote – Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Furst reportedly got Fellows to admit that he gained access to the Capitol through a broken window, and that he tried to get a previous judge removed from the case using the judge’s wife’s contact information. At the end of the hearing, McFadden ordered Fellows back into custody and told him: “You’ve admitted to incredible lapses of judgment here on the stand, not least of which was seeking to disqualify a New York state judge.”
Click through for brief story, and through again from there for more details. Keep it up, seditoinists.
The News Tribune via MSN – Arson investigation underway at Islamic Center of Tacoma after fire damages building
Quote – The fire started at the Islamic Center of Tacoma just before an evening prayer was scheduled to begin. Two people were inside but they were able to evacuate, and no one was injured. An arson investigation was started by the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Jeffrey Papen said witnesses reported seeing someone who may have started the fire fleeing the scene.
Click through for what is known. This makes me both sad and furious.
Food for Thought – Share widely. People who want these things don’t always know that they are in the bill.
7 Responses to “Open Thread for October 15, 2021”
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Sounds great! Glad that your project is a win-win for you. Thank you for your post, Joanne.
Cartoon: Evil…
VF: She is one fantastic, truthful, and wonderful Rep. Shame that we can’t clone her. Love her. Her doctor sister (Emily), who is in Austin, is pretty great too.
DB: Smokin’ that funny stuff, eh? Shows his true colors. Boy, oh boy! Unreal.
News Tribune: Sure hope that they have video(s) of this hate crime. Sickening, and sad that this happened.
FFT: R’s will fight tooth and nail and try to screw the citizens. Thank the Lord for President Biden, and his administration on the Build Back Better Plan.
THIS JUST IN: TJI “Ohio should ban all vaccine mandates.” ~ Rep Jim Jordan ~ “Ohio should mandate sexual assault reporting for coaches.” ~ Rep Eric Swalwell ~
2. “Pretty sure I’d rather not fly on an airplane with a pilot who doesn’t believe in science or medicine, but maybe that’s just me.” ~ Jeff Tiedrich ~
3. “Stopping by with two amazing facts: 1. My blood work today was super encouraging. 2. I drove myself to the lab to get said lab work. 12 days-post brain surgery. Amazing.” ~ John Pavolovitz ~
4. “Organizers of Jan. 6 feeder rallies have 1 day left to comply with House subpoenas and turn over relevant records to the @January6thCmte. Those who defy a lawful order of Congress to cover up insurrectionary violence will face referral for criminal prosecution—at the very least. ~ Rep Jamie Raskin ~
5. “BREAKING: Congressman Adam Schiff says “Criminal referrals will come very fast if people refuse to cooperate with the January 6 Commission.” “Stop waiting! Enforce the subpoenas! ~ Aaron Parnas ~
6. “I can’t believe people are comparing Trump to Satan! Yes, he’s evil, but he’s certainly not as evil as Trump.”
~ Ice T ~
TJI #1 – If you called Rep. Swalwell a “Wit” – you’d be right. If you called Rep. Jordan a “Wit” – you’d be half-right.
TJI #4 &5 – Looks like things are picking up speed. GOOD! It’s about time!
TJI #6 – I like it!
TJI #1 – Ohio has that mandate and should enforce it.

TJI #2 – Good point.
TJI #3 – I hope – and I’m pretty sure – he didn’t do that drive alone. So glad he was able to do it.
TJI #4 & 5 – The committee will vote for it. The full House will vote for it. And, thank God it doesn’t have to go to the Senate. I so wish they had also used the inherent contempt power, though. It’s easier to charge a person when tou know where he r she is. And yes, it would be litigated, but that takes time, and they could have held him while the litigation was happening (unless he “purged the contempt” by testifying, and that’s what they need.)
TJI #6 –
As I’ve said before, my “Dream Team” for the Oval Office would be Pres. Liz Warren & VP Katie Porter.
I didn’t know Katie was from Fort Dodge, IA.
Now I love Auntie Maxine, but for Rep. Waters to be irritated w/ Porter and calling her “performative” is a little rich!
Capitol Rioter Decides to Represent Himself in Court, Accidentally Admits to Two New Felonies
Just proves the old adage: “He who has himself as a lawyer has a fool for a client.”
Arson investigation underway at Islamic Center of Tacoma
Sad the amount of hate there is in America.
Comment from Mitch –
‘Toon: And, that’s what they have, now.
ST: I have not particularly followed Porter, but am impressed, quite impressed. Anyone who can attend to the NEEDED follow-up questions, like “So, tell me. candidate Bush, you just said that God wants you to be president…tell us how you know that?”DB: I have seen this, and applaud the fool for being so specially stupid. George Carlin would, as well.
NT/MSN: Thank you donald! “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
FTF: “Screw the country, (oh that’s what we are trying to do anyway), screw the people, WE WANT MORE!!!!!!!
Cartoon: Shame on them.
VF: Great person. I agree with Pat that she’s one we wish we could clone.
DB: What a flipping idiot. Glad they’re keeping him locked up.
News Tribune: Sick of hearing of these violent acts of hatred. I too hope they have the video of the evil one who started it.
Food for Thought: Wish the rotten R’s and the two that call them Democrats, would get together and pass this plan.
Like the description of the top you’re making. Sounds interesting.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Your description of your knitting experiment calls for a picture when it is finished, Joanne.
Cartoon: Some of them are still sitting in on the current SCOTUS.
VF: America would be so much better off with a dozen or so women like Katie Porter.
DB: That Fellows is a little Trump in the making. He already has the narcissism and megalomania to get him quite far along that road and he’s got the stupidity to match.
NT: Sad.
FFT: Democrats should make it more clear what is in the package and what the Republicans are denying Americans.