Yesterday, My glue had cured and I was able to get back to that last project. And I finished it. This petition came in yesterday also, so it’s a day late for the day, but still important.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The New Yorker – The Moral Bankruptcy of Facebook
Quote – In any kind of church—not to mention a multilevel-marketing scheme, or a doomsday cult—there are true believers. If you start to get the creeping feeling that your church’s core ideology is indefensible, you have two options. You can do whatever it takes to defend the indefensible, or you can leave. For most true believers, though, the latter option—choosing apostasy, which is a kind of self-exile—is not really an option at all. If this is the dilemma that binds a follower, how much more strongly does it bind the church’s founding pastor, or its prophet?
Click through for full opinion with reasoning. (With which I heartily concur … and there are other people to whom the same reasoning applies.)
Mother Jones – My Neighbor the Tear Gas Factory
Quote – In 1995, CSI built the company’s new headquarters in Jamestown, and the Lauries’ nightmare began. The pond where John and Tom Laurie fished as kids was replaced by CSI’s manufacturing plant and a firing range. The peace and quiet the Lauries had prized was now interrupted by loud and repeated explosions, by ominous smoke floating in their direction.
Click through for details. No one should be surprised to hear that corporations lie. But this is ridiculous. Dude has receipts.
Business Insider – Capitol rioter suspected of stealing laptop from Nancy Pelosi’s office is charged. Her plot to sell it to Russian spies is still being investigated, says report.
Quote – Williams’ involvement in the Capitol riot came to light partly through a tip-off from an ex-boyfriend, according to a January affidavit…. The boyfriend claimed she had told people she intended to send the stolen laptop to a friend in Russia, who would then sell it on to its foreign intelligence service…. The laptop has still not been recovered.
Click through for more. I imagine we can expect a superseding indictment in this case. At least I hope so.
Food for Thought –
12 Responses to “Open Thread for October 12, 2021”
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Good to read that you completed your project. Signed petition also. Thanks for your post, Joanne.
New Yorker: Good read, w/be passing on to family & friends…
MJ: Oh, how awful, and depressingly sad.
BI: I read that her charges are many with eight counts. I hope that the court finds justice, in this case. She deserves what the courts find. (a long prison term alongside w/the other insurrectionists).
FFT: Word.
This Just in: “Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order on Monday 10/11/21, to prohibit any entity – including private businesses from enforcing a COVID-19 mandate on workers, and he called on state lawmakers to pass a similar ban into law. ~ Associated Press ~
2. “National Hispanic Heritage Month is an important reminder of how much strength we draw from our immigrant roots and an opportunity to honor the vast contributions of the Latino community to our nation.Hispanic heritage is American heritage.” ~ The White House ~
3. “With few choices, many Austinites experiencing homelessness have been forced to retreat out of sight for fear of getting ticketed or arrested. For some, that means taking to the woods and pitching tents.” ~ Joshua Fechter ~
4. Reminder: Republicans helped accumulate nearly $8 trillion in debt under President Trump—in part to pay for tax giveaways to the wealthiest Americans and corporations—and it’s their responsibility to help pay it off.
~ The Democrats ~
5. “Arizona Democrats didn’t elect Sinema so she could kill prescription drug benefits and gut climate change budgets. Folks on the ground there, we need you more than ever to let your displeasurebe known.”
~ George Takei ~
UPDATE: 3 hours ago..
10/12 Recovery Update:
First post-op appts have been encouraging. Surgery site looks great. Numerous appts this week to get handle on blood/hormone/BP levels which are not unexpectedly still all over the map. Making sure we stay out of any further hospital time!Being a good patient by being patient and doing what I need to do. I know this will be a long/slow journey but feeling well and extremely grateful. On strict regimen of rest, good food, rehab, doctors, family—and repeat.Prescheduled post today until tonight when I’ll share more from today’s test results.Thank you for the kind words, thoughts, prayers, and virtual hugs.You are an amazing community and my family and I are daily lifted by you!In many ways, I’ve never been happier.Peace today.
If she gets the full sentence for all 8 counts (which IMO she should), she will be in way longer than most of the others (maybe the ones who killed might get almost as long – and hopefully the inciters should get more) – and IMO that would be ok
TJI #1 – You know, I just read that Colorado has started its fifth wave and cases are rising. And we are a blue state (albeit withe bunches of red patches). Abbott must have a death wish for Texas.
TJI #2 – Hispanic Heritage month is not the month of October … It started in SEptember and ends before October does. Don’t miss it!
TJI #3 – Camping in the woods is supposed to be fun. Being compelled to really takes the fun out of it. I am so sorryI thought Austin was smarter than this.
TJI #4 – Stealing from the poor and giving to the rich- that’s not Robin Hood – that’s just plain robbery.
TJI #5 – She kind of is a mystery.Let’s assume she’ bought – she still is a Senator, and you can’t gerrymander a Senate seat any more than it already is by the Constitution. She can’t keep her seat if she makes people hate her, no matter how much money they give her.
The Moral Bankruptcy of Facebook
As I’ve noted before, I would never join a group whose leader refers to his “congregation” (if Facebook is a “church”, from the article) as “Dumb fucks” [Direct quote by Zuck]
My Neighbor the Tear Gas Factory
I hope this couple never voted for the GQP. They LOVE it when there are no regulations controlling corporations.
Capitol rioter suspected of stealing laptop from Nancy Pelosi’s office is charged.
From the article:
” … banned Williams from using the internet …”
Hell, I’ve got a MUCH better solution: REMAND HER TO JAIL UNTIL HER TRIAL!
Why are all these seditious & felonious Trumpkin rioters being treated w/ kid gloves?
I thought they LOVED “Law and Order”!
Maybe her employer can’t replace her because “people don’t want to work any more.”
Comment from Mitch –
‘Toon: Ashame!New Yorker: A dfiferent kind of shame.
Can’t access MJ. But, I get the drift,without the wind, and it sucks.
BI: One hell of a patriot!
FFT: “Learn anything from wars?” Hardly!
Heather Cox Richardson has a piece, fated yesterday, about how “sane” Republicans, including “Anonymous” who wrote the “famous” op-ed during Dumpy’s time in office, and Christy Todd Whitman, who was deserving of a whipping, after 9/11, are calling for others of their ilk, to vote for moderate Dems, and otherwise clear the GQP of its crazies.
Yeah. We’ll see how many “sane” Republicans there really are.
LOL! Yes,they are a more batsh*t crazy cult each day, it seems. Tho their total numbers seem to be shrinking,the ones remaining are way out there—–and dangerous. Also, have a good visit w/Virgil,JD;think it is Saturday. Stay safe,all.
It is, and I will.
NY: People are finally seeing the true facts regarding Fakebook, thank goodness. Zuckerberg has gotten away with his sh*t for way too long. I’m glad I never joined his evil cult.
MJ: Yikes. Crazy how this corporation did so much harm and damage to the people and their city. We’re always hearing about tainted waters from corporation illegally dumping their crap out into the rivers, streams, etc. It’s insane.
Business Insider: Stinking bi*ch, stealing Nancy’s laptop, thank goodness her boyfriend turned her in. Otherwise she sounds like the type that would sell the classified information to a friend and foreign intelligence service. She should be locked up for thief, breaking and entering on January 6th. I too feel she should be locked up with no access to any type of communication devices whatsoever. That goes for all of the rioters/trump lovers who were involved that day.
Food for Thought: Nope.
Glad you got to finish your project, Joanne. I signed the petition you had listed above. Hope you have a good one.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Cartoon: And soon after they were best friends again.
TNY: Facebook fans exhibit many cultlike features, with one exception. Usually, the founder of the cult is worshipped by their followers, creating a demi god-like status for themselves. This is not the case for Zuckerberg. I doubt that many Facebook users know who he is and if they do they may not even like him very much. But it may be that in the warped mind of Zuckerberg himself he has attained that demi god-like status; his behaviour seems to reflect as much.
MJ: It’s obvious CSI, or rather the products of destruction it produces, is much valued by the Pennsylvanian and Federal governments and that gives CSI carte blanche to do whatever it wants. It is above the law, or within the law as their lawyer maintains and that makes it all OK. Sounds too familiar.
BI: And still Republicans maintain the attack on the Capitol wasn’t premeditated. Just a couple of tourists. Yeah, as if they would know it is Nanci Pelosi’s laptop they are stealing and know how to sell it to the Russians. I hope Judge gives her what she deserves.
FFT: Unfortunately, this isn’t a joke but taken straight from reality.
Excellent opservation on Zuckerberg. He certainly does. I don’t know whether you ever saw or read “Suddenly Last Summer,” but the doctor in iit has a “hard to pronounce” name and says “Just call me Dr. Sugar.” Tennessee Williwms had a thing about the color white – in his plays it is always associated with evil. The doctor is there to evaluate the feasibility of performng a lobotomy on a young woman at the request of a very wealthy old woman. I cannot help thinking of that whenever I see the name “Zuckerberg.” A whole mountain of it.