Oct 122021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump’s Iowa Rally, DOJ’s Inaction & the Implications for the 2022 Midterm Elections

The Lincoln Project – Package Deal

Thom Hartmann – The National Debt Lie Debunked

Ring of Fire – Cyber Ninjas CEO Says No More Audits After Getting Death Threats From Trump Supporters

Really American – Bannon And Others Defy Subpoenas: LOCK THEM UP

If cryptocurrency was [sic] honest

Beau – Let’s talk about the jobs report, early unemployment, and wages…. exactly the same as Robert Reich, in slightly different words.


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 10/12/2021”

  1. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: Saw this yesterday.  I wrote, yesterday, to the site that was set up to communicate with Pres. Biden in the early days of his admin’n, asking (rhetorically) what the issue is that is keeping the DOJ from cracking down on this clearly traitorous bozo.  I did not fail to mention that whatever they are afraid of, if that is the case, will be as nothing compared to the result of his being able to continue his venal manipulations.LP: Very well done!
    TH: If the KOch network is soooo focused on defeating the bill, it MUST be a wonderful bill!  The Koch Boys (one now), have been working on their bigoted, elitist program since the 1970’s.  Acid rain?  No such thing, just ask Gingrich-whore!  “So, this is the one chance,” and we can wave “Bye, bye.”  The Dems need to put out the message, big time, as the’22 elections approach, that if the public wants bills like these passed, they need to increase the Dem advantage in that election.  
    ROF: This is the result of the gaslighting, that those who had felt displaced, and forgotten, have been eating up like crazy.  This is why Dumpy just loves “…the uneducated.”  But, this is preaching to the choir, here.  Yeah, his God has nothing else to do but determine which sports team wins on any given day, and talk to this clown.  No, his god is holding His head saying, “I created these assholes?”
    RA: You bet’cha!!
    Bit-Chump? We urged a good friend NOT to go there, 2 years ago.
    Beau: “…hurt hard working people.”  Oh, my, why would the GOP folk want to do that?  Because they do not care, a bit…coin.  

  2. Trump’s Iowa Rally, DOJ’s Inaction & the Implications for the 2022 Midterms

    Good to see Kirschner holding AG Garland’s feet a little closer to the fire.

    I watch the talking heads on Sunday morning, and I really appreciate Yamiche Alcindor’s response to Chuck Todd on Meet the Press:


    Oh, Yamiche, the other thing is there seems to be no power in numbers. Everybody’s afraid.  If they all join hands, they could rid the party of Trump. But they’re not doing it.


    They’re not. And really, at the heart of this is fear and at the heart of this is the idea that the threat continues. Watching the Trump rally yesterday, and I would only do it because I was coming on Meet the Press with you, Chuck, I watched it from beginning to end and what I saw yesterday was a president who was continuing to not only lie, but also up the ante. He was telling people last night, “We’re not going to have a country in three years. We need to take this country back.” And what you see is a Republican party that simply cannot divorce themselves from the alternate reality that the former president is living in. And you see people riled up, excited about that. In talking to Democrats, they’re just so worried that the energy is on the GOP side.

    [Emphasis added]

    Package Deal

    I have AT&T as my carrier.  Time to look into changing carriers!

    Cyber Ninjas CEO Says No More Audits After Getting Death Threats From Trump Supporters

    Trumpkins?  Death threats?!?

    No, NO, NO!!!

    Don’t you remember?  TFG called his 1/6/21 Trumpkin rioters “loving” “friendly” “a love fest” “hugging & kissing the police”

    If Cryptocurrency Was Honest 

    So glad I know virtually nothing about cryptocurrency.

    • Tello has some interesting plans -kind of like a smorgasboard – mix and match.  Personally I want very little but they have stuff for people who want a lot.

  3. JM: No matter how many times you repeat yourself and how many different angles you bring to the subject, Glenn, the DOJ isn’t going to their duty.

    LP: I agree with Mitch: so very well done. Now if they could liberal AT&T clients to end their carrier subscriptions.

    TH: I’m really not sure how much longer I can watch the SS America slowly sink beneath the waves, taking the rest with it in the tsunami it causes.

    ROF: It’s a pity that it takes so long, too long in fact, for the GQP to be devoured by the beast they’ve unleashed themselves.

    RA: I didn’t know Susan McDougal was locked up for 1.5 years by Republicans for refusing to comply with a subpoena. There’s no excuse for Democrats not to do the same for Bannon and his buddies. Why aren’t they locked up yet?

    Cracked: I’m so glad I’m too old for this Crypto 🐮💩 and can laugh about this video. Though I must admit I probably never was young enough to fall for it.

    Beau: It’s not the worker’s fault. Amen to that.

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