Yesterday, I put everything physically in place to go quickly in the morning. I’m not expecting to need to take off my sweater then I leave. After tomorrow, it’s supposed to warm up some here, but not, for the next week, to ever break 80°F.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The Hill – Jan. 6 panel subpoenas 11, including Pierson, other rally organizers
Quote – Each of the 11 individuals is identified by the committee as having been involved with the Women for America First-sponsored rally where Trump spoke on Jan. 6. “You assisted in organizing the rally held on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, in support of then-President Trump and his allegation of election fraud. President Trump spoke at the January 6th rally shortly before the attack on the Capitol, urging the crowd to ‘fight much harder’ and to ‘stop the steal,’” the committee wrote in letters to each.
Click through for names. Note that the Congressinal select committee, while it has powers, does not have judicial powers. It can’t indict, or try, or convict, or sentence. The best it can do is to refer its findings to those who can do those other things.
Wonkette – Huzzay! We Shan’t Have A Government Shutdown Tonight! Probably!
Quote – This is where we reassure you that for years now, Congress has passed continuing resolutions to keep the government funded at current levels, often on the day a shutdown would otherwise kick in, and the only times there’s been an actual shutdown have been when the threat to force a shutdown was telegraphed well in advance. Then again, this is 2021, so we can’t completely rule out the possibility that once the CR is passed by the Senate, the entire House side of the US Capitol may be spirited away by Tralfamadorians in flying saucers, leaving President Joe Biden without a bill to sign. But that seems at least only a 30 percent possibility at the moment.
Click through for story. Every publication has its own house style (some more distinctive than others), and also individual writers’ treatments of the house style. This article is by Doktor Zoom. By the time you see this, you will know whether or not a CR has been passed.
Food for Thought –
5 Responses to “Open Thread for October 1, 2021”
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Jan. 6 panel subpoenas 11, including Pierson, other rally organizers
A wonderful start!
But if you’re going to subpoena the “1/6 Party Planners” – don’t forget to include the host!
Huzzay! We Shan’t Have A Government Shutdown Tonight! Probably!
That’s good news. But what really honks me off is that not only is it Democrats who ALWAYS have to be the adults in the room, and not only does the “liberal” media ALWAYS give the GQP a pass WRT their obstruction – but the “liberal” media ALWAYS portrays us as “Democrats in disarray”.
Comared to Republicans in lockstep (in insanity, )we are in disarray – and thank God for it!While there are times when we need to come together as one for a particular bill or other probect, I much prefer to have representatives who actually think and can discuss thrir thoughts.
The Hill: Glad to see they’re moving forward with slapping those subpoenas. Hopefully there will be many more including tRump and all of his side kicks.
Wonkette: Was happy to hear that.
Food for Thought: Title fits him perfectly.
Hoping you’re enjoying your time with Virgil. Will check back later.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
I see you aren’t back from visiting Virgil yet, Joanne. I hope everything went well. I’m back on power; the third blackout yesterday prevented me from looking at the Video Thread.
Cartoon: It was Bohner then if I remember correctly; this time it might be McConnell.
TH: The Committee might have sent those 11 subpoenas out to find out if these individuals worked all on their own accord or if they were instructed and coordinated from ‘higher up’. I think the Committee is looking for links to the ‘ringleader’.
Wonkette: Biden sided with progressives on a no-vote for infrastructure. I have no idea what the consequences of that will be.
FFT: That fault has gotten deeper and deeper and one day will be the undoing of McConnell.
I did get back, even in good time, but my internet was out. Hence only a personal update today. I managed not to get too frantic, but I was extremely fristrated.