Sep 232021

Yesterday, it was cool again.  Or maybe I should say what most people would call cool.  My body does not recognize “cool” as a thing.  It recognizes three temperature ranges – uncomfortably hot, comfortably warm, and freakin’ cold.  So I wrapped up in a warm winter bathrobe – over my clothes – and finally got my hands to the point where I could no longer use tham as an icepack.   I never did get my feet to that point.  This explains why I am not really ready for fall.  But it is what it is.  It may get warmer for at least a few days.  We’ll see.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

I’m quoting this comment in full because it puts things in perspective. It’s from Bernardo de La Paz at Democratic Underground.
Which is more likely?
A) It takes time to get it all right because you get only one chance with the main case against an ex-President.
B) The case is huge because more stuff is being discovered.
C) A and B.
D) Garland is corrupt.
E) Garland is incompetent despite being nominated to the Supreme Court and to Attorney-General.
F) Obama and Biden are incompetent or worse because Garland is incompetent or worse and they nominated him to the Supreme Court and to Attorney-General.
If you choose to click through, you can click through again and see all the comments, not just the reactions to this one, but also reactions to the original tweet.

The Hill – House passes bill to prevent shutdown and suspend debt limit
Quote – Democrats are nonetheless attaching the debt limit suspension through Dec. 16, 2022, to a must-pass bill to avoid a government shutdown on Oct. 1 in an attempt to pressure Republicans to drop their threats. It’s also unclear if the reconciliation package would be ready in time to be used as a legislative vehicle for addressing the debt limit.
Click through if you like. It’s the same old Republican tactic We’ve seen this movie way too many times already.

Wonkette – Border Patrol / Slave Patrol, Tomato / Other Tomato
Quote – At least one officer of the federal government cosplaying a slave catcher used a whip against the migrants. One officer on horseback yelled, “This is why your country’s shit, because you use your women for this.” The people that Customs and Border Protection officers were attacking were returning to the US with supplies for a group of thousands of people who have been living under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas. People living there say they are just trying not to starve to death.
Click through for details. You may have seen this elsewhere (maybe not as bluntly.) DHS could be useful if its mission were turned around to focus on domestic terrorism – provided its focus was on white terrorists.

Food for Thought –


  6 Responses to “Open Thread for September 23, 2021”

  1. Which is more likely?

    At this point, I’ll go with “C”.

    House passes bill to prevent shutdown

    At least some Congress critters take their responsibilities seriously.

    Border Patrol / Slave Patrol

    WHIPS!  They used WHIPS on other humans!


  2. Cartoon: Good grief!  How horrible! 
    DU: I’m with y’all, C
    Wonkette: How cruel to treat them like that. Sickening behavior. 
    Was chilly here this morning, had to go wear my long sleeved shirt. Not bad though. Friend is running late, so here I am for a minute. Thanks, Joanne for all you do, I appreciate it. Have a good day. 

    This just in: TJI  “During my interview with DHS Sec Mayorkas on Sunday, he said the department was working with Haiti to make sure the return of Haitians at the border is “accomplished as safely and humanely as possible.” ~ Jim Acosta ~

    • TJI – I really don’t think we should be sending Haitians back.  They were dislocated because of climate change which WE caused far more than they did.  I think we owe them safe haven.  But even if they were here selling drugs, they don’t deserve to be rounded up with lassos andbeaten with whips.  I find it hard to believe this is Joe’s policy … or even his people … but it is his administration … so that’s where the buck stops.

  3. Cartoon: Shameful.
    DU: I too choose “C”.
    The Hill: Good news. They need to be working at getting things passed.
    Wonkette: Despicable bas*ards, being so cruel to these people. 
    Food for Thought: We won’t give up. Stand strong.
    It was cooler here today too and supposedly will continue. Thanks goodness.
    Hope your day was pleasant.  
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

  4. I hope the rest of you thawed out quickly, Joanne.

    Cartoon: The GQP remembers those days with warmth. Those good old days, right?

    DU: I chose half of E. I don’t think Garland would have made a bad SCOTUS justice, but he hasn’t got what it takes to be an Attorney-General. He just hasn’t got the balls for it; he’s a wuss.


    How can they get to the same point each year?

    Wonkette: Utterly disgusting. Too many Trumpkins are still working in Border Control.

    FFT: Indeed it’s no use talking to a brick wall, especially not when the wall is priding itself on being as thick as a brick.

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