Sep 192021

Glenn Kirschner – Why Was the J6 Rally a Spectacular Flop? Here are the Two Big Takeaways from Today’s Failed Rally

Meidas Touch – Scoop: DeSantis staffers MOCK him behind his back, call him WRONG DeSantis

The Lincoln Project – Democracy is Under Attack. No surprises, but TLP style is pungent.

Don Winslow Films – #FloridaIsVietnam

Really American – Madison Cawthorn Threatens Civil War if Democrats Keep Winning Elections

Colorado Turnout Project – Lauren Boebert: American Terrorist (made months ago but being resurrected for the “rally”

Beau – Let’s talk about comedians and journalists…. I’m sure there’s not a sould here who isn’t aware of this (most of us have been since George Carlin, or even before.)


  3 Responses to “Video Thread 9/19/21”

  1. Two Big Takeaways from 9/18/21 [Today’s] Failed Rally

    My takeaway: PHEWWW!

    Always thought it was going to fizzle – but it’s good to have that out of the way.

    DeSantis staffers MOCK him behind his back, call him WRONG DeSantis

    DeSantis OR DeathSantis OR DeathSentence OR DeathSatan …

    He answers to all of them

    Democracy is Under Attack

    Those are truly alarming poll stats that do NOT bode well for democracy!

    Madison Cawthorn Threatens Civil War if Democrats Keep Winning

    Madison Cawthorn is an IDIOT.

    Lauren Boebert: American Terrorist

    “Bang-Bang” Boebert is also an IDIOT.

    (And why would “Bang-Bang” marry someone she knew [hell, she was there!] was arrested for exposing his tattoo to young, underage girls – a tattoo that he has on his … hmmm….  Let’s just say those girls wouldn’t be able to get that tattoo – because there’d be no “there” there.)

  2. JM: No matter how many times Kirschner invokes his mantra that the DOJ should hold TFG accountable for 1/6, it will see this failure to get Trumkins to rally again as support for inaction. And so TFG and QAnon wait for the next, more opportune moment and try again.

    MT: Deadly Wrong DeSantis indeed.

    LP: These ads should get far more airing than they do now.

    DW: McNamara said the administration was terribly wrong about Vietnam, even though that was many years after America left, but I don’t think DeSantis will ever admit to his mistakes. He’s too far in denial and has retreated to that alter-reality where the hardest of Trump’s followers live.

    RA: It is time to eliminate Madison Cawthorn from the political playlist either by electing him out of office or – because this takes too long – by indicting him on counts of treason.

    CTP: It is time to eliminate Lauren Boebert from the political playlist either by electing her out of office or – because this takes too long – by indicting her on counts of terrorism.

    Beau: Though this question concerns only a small but well-defined number of comedians, Beau made an excellent point in that these journalistic comedians fill a gap by actually being more objective by presenting only one side where there are no other sides to present. The right-wing forced standard to always present the other side (mostly their made-up side) as equal to the side of truth has become a false journalistic standard meant in fact to cover the truth.

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