Yesterday, I received a grocery delivery. It was all there – and no substitutions – and I was smart enough for once to put out an insulated backpack on the porch for frozen stuff that melts rather than just thawing. So I got it all in with I’m pretty sure no loss. So I have a sense of accomplishment.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The Hill – Dodd, Frank urge Biden to reappoint Powell
Quote – In a Monday op-ed for The Hill, former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) argued that Powell’s reappointment would give Biden “strong support” to pass a multitrillion-dollar infrastructure and social services plan — what they called the “most important issue facing us today…. We believe the national interest will be best served by President Biden reappointing Jerome Powell to chair the Federal Reserve System,” Dodd and Frank wrote.
Click through for more. Yes, it’s THAT Dodd and THAT Frank. They have earned enough respect for me to listen and pay attention when they speak, whether or not I end up agreeing.
HuffPost – Texas Embalmer Shares Nightmare COVID Experiences: ‘Unlike Anything I’ve Seen Before’ TRIGGER ALERT
Quote – These folks were so swollen they were completely unrecognizable. We were also getting sent a lot of people who had died from COVID in nursing homes back at that time, and many of them had not been dead very long at all…. The blood tends to settle out because it’s no longer flowing and it’ll gravitate to the dependent part of the body. The longer a body sits, the more blood clots that they develop. I was having people that had only been dead for a few hours and there were major clotting issues. The clots were the size of pancakes ― you never, never see those with someone who didn’t die of COVID.
Click through if you can take it (it gets worse). I won’t say we have been lied to, but we have definitely not been fully briefed on what CoViD does to the human body. I can see why not … but I still thik it was a mistake.
Mother Jones – 59 Percent of Republicans Say It’s Important to Believe Trump Won the Election
Quote – Donald Trump definitely did not win the 2020 presidential election, but nearly six in 10 GOP voters polled by CNN say it’s at least somewhat important for Republicans to continue believing that he did.
Click through for the story. Fortunately it’s short.
Food for Thought –
6 Responses to “Open Thread for September 14, 2021”
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Dodd, Frank urge Biden to reappoint Powell
I have mixed feeling WRT re-appointing Powell. Seems to be a fairly competent, middle-of-the-road Fed Reserve Chair – and he has the endorsement of Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen (who I personally like).
I’m OK w/ it.
Texas Embalmer Shares Nightmare COVID Experiences
“The clots were the size of pancakes.”
That’s a phrase you just don’t see very often!
59 Percent of Republicans Say It’s Important to Believe Trump Won the Election
Proves a majority of Rethuglicans are “Down the Rabbit Hole” … and love it there!
Your sense of accomplishment(s) is worthy of a nod from me. Good for you!
The Hill: Great choice, and good for them for their nomination of Mr. Powell, to chair the Fed Reserve System.
HP: re: the clots…I’ll not be eating pancakes for a bit…the picture in my mind took care of that. Yes, it is a nightmare. All the way around, and then some. So sad and depressing for all involved.
MJ: Pretty sad that the R’s can’t stand up straight and tall, and deny everything TOT has said, past & present.
FFT: Amen! to that!
THIS JUST IN: ” Catherine Rombeau (D), stuns the GOP and WINS the New Hampshire special election, flipping the seat Blue. She picks up a seat in the state legislature in a district that went to Trump in 2016. Congratulations!! ~ Keith Olbermann ~
2. “When dictators and tyrants seek to destroy the freedoms of men, their first target is the legal profession and through the ‘rule of law’. ~ Leon Jaworski ~
3. Q – “What is something that Donald Trump needs to start doing?” A – “Prison Time.” ~ Richard Nathan ~
4. “Given there has never in the history of the Country, in the world, been any leader who’s ever been able to eliminate rape, eliminate rapists on the street(s), so it’s even been more imperative, and one of the many reasons I should say, not the only reason why women in Texas should have access to Health Care.”~ Jen Psaki~ 5. Q – “Can you name one good thing that Trump has done?” A – “Lost the election.” ~ Tom Pollack ~
6. “As of 9/25, babies will no longer be delivered at Lewis County Hospital in NY. 6 maternity ward workers are resigning rather than getting vaxxed.” ~ Stephen King ~
TJI #1 – It is very good, and well worthy of congratulations. Now let’s hope (and encourage new Hampshire residents to work for) that it translates into good news for Maggie Hassan.
TJI #2 – And when they want to destroy the freedoms of women, their first target is the medical profession.
TJI #3 – Yes, he does.
TJI #4 – Excellent Psaki bonb. It’s true she made no mention that most rapists aren’t in the street but in the home … but if they can’t be gotten off the streets, they for sure can’t be rooted out of the homes.
TJI #5 – Also true. I’d love to read the whole questionnaire. I’ll bet they got some really pungent answers to other questions too.
TJI #6 – Now wouldn’t you think Maine, of all places, had more sense than that? Apparently not.
I don’t know who Richard Nathan or Tom Pollack are – but I like the way they think!
The Hill: Good choice. Hopefully they’ll get the strong support their shooting for with getting this bill pass.
HP: Their description of the clots being the size of a pancake, makes my stomach sick. How these embalmers can do it amazes me, especially after he states the condition of these Covid-19 bodies are coming in from dying in the ICU’s. It would give me nightmares. Sad to read how so many of these embalmers are suffering with PTSD and/or traumatic stress.
MJ: Despicable… When will this crap ever end?? What part of he LOST don’t they understand??
Food for Thought: Covid-19 vaccination, wish they’d all give it a try.
Glad you got your groceries all taken care of, that nothing got ruined. Great job.
Hope the rest of your day went well.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Just hopping in on my way to two fire brigade meetings (AGM and GM), which took me all day to prepare for.