Yesterday was pretty quiet. For a while in the afternoon rin poured and thunder roared, which at least kept the temprature down. My energy, however, remained low.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The New Yorker – The Agent
Quote – Yemen was a particularly difficult place to start a terrorist investigation, as it was filled with active Al Qaeda cells and with sympathizers at very high levels of government.
Click through if you will. It’s quite long because it’s quite in depth, and it’s hair-raising. I chose that quote because you could make it present tense, substitute “the United States” for “Yemen” and “Y’all Qaeda” for “Al Qaeda,” and it would be true.
Law & Crime – Judge Refuses to Let Jacob Chansley Out of Jail Ahead of Sentencing, Calls Him a ‘Mascot’ for QAnon and ‘Hopes’ He’s Really Had a Change of Heart
Quote – The federal judge who has presided over Jacob Chansley’s criminal case doesn’t appear to be entirely convinced that the so-called “QAnon Shaman” of Jan. 6 has had a change of heart and renounced the sprawling conspiracy theory for which he is a “mascot.” Senior Judge Royce Lamberth, a Ronald Reagan appointee, said in a memorandum opinion and order unsealed Friday that Chansley will not be allowed to get out of jail ahead of sentencing for obstruction of an official proceeding.
Click through for story. Hey, it’s something.
The Guardian – Six US Capitol police officers could face discipline for 6 January actions
Quote – Investigators were able to identify officers involved in 26 of the cases [out of 38 investigations], the statement said, and found no evidence of wrongdoing in 20. Of the other six, it said, three are cited for conduct unbecoming, one for failing to comply with directives, one for improper remarks, and one for “improper dissemination of information”.
Click throughfor little detail but much privacy. We did know some of the officers were more accommodating than needed be. We can hope these are they.
Food for Thought –
8 Responses to “Open Thread for September 13, 2021”
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The Agent
What might have been …
What a gut-punch!
Judge Refuses to Let Jacob Chansley [QAnon “Shaman”] Out of Jail
(But I’m sure his QAnon looney mom thinks TFG is going to be reinstated & will then pardon her only-organic-food-eating son. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree in the Chansley family!)
Six US Capitol police officers could face discipline for 6 January actions
I remember the guy waving Trumpkin rioters in, & the one taking a proud selfie w/ a Trumpkin rioter.
That’s two – wonder who the other four are.
Well, I warned you it was hair raising. Maybe I should have said stomach-raising,
And you know the MAGAts are going to think that the captal police who should have been discilined are the same ones whom we rightly regard as heroes. The characters in “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass” at lease got along …
Hope that you have a good rest of your day, Thank you, Joanne for post.
Cartoon: The First Congress of the United States was called to convene in New York on March 4, 1789, marking the beginning of government under the Constitution. ~ History of the Treasury ~
NYer: WOW! What a story! Reads like a thriller, and very scary! They were Al-Qaeda guys all along.
L&C: Good for the judge in making his decision. Imho, he (Chansley) is a traitor to this country, alongside with
the others.
The Guardian: All six of the Capitol police officers should be disciplined, for not abiding by the rules of conduct.
FFT: Sad. Good Grief! Hope it rains all day for them
We’re supposed to get some rain from Tropical Storm Nicholas, we’ll see where that’s headed later on today.
This just in: NEW: “Children ages 5-11 could have access to Covid-19 vaccines by Halloween, says former FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who is a board member on Pfizer. He told CBS the company is expected to have data on this age group by the end of September.” ~ Ana Cabrera ~
2. “Three weeks from today I’ll be in the ICU recovering from my brain tumor removal—providing I don’t get bumped by people who could easily prevent themselves from being in those beds, but who refuse to. The fact that I even have to be concerned about that makes my blood boil.” ~ John Pavlovitz ~
3. “Texas wants to be the ‘Tech Mover’ of the U.S. It’s new abortion bill and other measures are causing workers to re-think their move. Tech workers are marking Texas off the list of places they’d consider working after the state passed the Nation’s most restrictive abortion law.” ~ Danielle Abril ~
4. “The average hospital stay for a case of Covid-19 costs about $17,064. The vaccine is free.” ~ Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal ~
5. “20 years later and I still cannot bear to watch the scenes from that day. There are moments in a nation’s history that remain indelibly etched into our collective psyche. The grief and shock may fade, but the scar remains. #911 Anniversary.” ~ George Takei ~
TJI #1 – If that data shows they could be vaccinated with what we have now, differing onlyin quantity, that could indeed be ready for Hallowe’en. On the other hand, the latest cild CoViD victim hitting the news was four.
TJI #2 – That’s strong language from John, but not a but too strong.
TJI #3 – Texas is never going to become techs-as unless they hold their breath so long they turn blue. And that makes sense. Tach is science. Republicans can’t stand science.
TJI #4 – They. don’t. care.
TJI #5 – Well said, Mr. Sulu.
TJI #3 & TJI #4 – Pocketbook issues usually help move the needle – at least for those of us who have operable synapses.
That makes TJI #4 much less likely to have an impact. TFG’s Trumpkins/QAnon folks will just view it as another way to “Own the Libs”.
At least were culling the herd of the GQP.
TJI#1: Good news. Hope it does get approved. Sad hearing of so many young ones becoming sick the past few weeks.
TJI#2: It makes me angry too that ones like John and others who have serious conditions; heart attacks, need surgery aren’t being taken care of because the hospitals beds are full on unvaccinated patients.
TJI#4: Foolish that people ignore the warnings and still don’t get vaccinated. Guess they’d rather lose their life, than get the vaccine for free. Senseless idiots.
TJI#5: Agree with him 100%.
TNY: True terrorists. Scary acts of violence.
L&C: Poor baby. Glad the judge isn’t allowing him to post bail.
The Guardian: Good for these investigators. Looking at what Nameless had posted makes me furious seeing the Capital Policeman waving the protestors in and even taking selfies with them. Glad some of them are going to be disciplined for their actions.
Food for Thought: Shameful. Wish these type of hateful/violent rallies would come to an end.
Hope your day went well.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
L&C: Judge Royce Lamberth is no fool. He knows that Chansley’s change of heart and renouncing the conspiracy theory is just another ploy of his lawyer to get Chansley off the hook. The judge must have seen dozens tried out before his bench by now and hasn’t shown he was impressed by any of them.
TG: I sure hope that these meek sounding citations of the ‘misconduct’ of the six officers aren’t the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
FFT: Let’s hope that the 18th turns out a day of wishful thinking by TFG and his followers.