Sep 102021
Glenn Kirschner – House Committee Wants Phone Records of McCarthy, Gaetz & Others; McCarthy & Co. Decide to Obstruct
Meidas Touch – Trump’s ‘America First’ Hypocrisy EXPOSED!
CNN – Trump singled out election official. Hear the horrific voicemails he received
MSNBC – How One Bar’s Liquor License Case Could Bring Down The New Texas Abortion Ban
Ring of Fire – Treasury Says Top 1% Are Responsible For $163 BILLION In Unpaid Taxes Each Year
Really American – Trump’s 9/11 Lies Exposed
Robert Reich – Why the Filibuster is Unconstitutional
Beau – Let’s talk about my morning routine and plot holes…. (By all means let’s use a different letter. And I know exactly which one to use.)
3 Responses to “Video Thread 9/10/2021”
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House Committee Wants Phone Records of McCarthy, Gaetz & Others; McCarthy & Co. Decide to Obstruct
“You scared, bro’? You sound scared!”
Trump’s ‘America First’ Hypocrisy
How long of line do you think there’ll be to piss on TFG’s grave? Can we start taking numbers now?
Trump singled out election official. Hear the horrific voicemails he received
This is the kind of shizzle why their upcoming 9/18 “rally” (coup attempt?) causes me to worry.
How One Bar’s Liquor License Case Could Bring Down The New Texas Abortion Ban
Whatever gets the job done, I’m all for it!
Treasury Says Top 1% Are Responsible For $163 BILLION In Unpaid Taxes Each Year
Absolutely NO surprise that the GQP worked tirelessly to GUT THE IRS FUNDING!
Trump’s 9/11 Lies Exposed
“Cela a été une surprise pour moi” said no one ever WRT Trump lies.
(But I did like his referring to Junior as a “Brain dead ass monkey” – at least in the CC)
Why the Filibuster is Unconstitutional
Interesting approach.
… my morning routine and plot holes …
Thank GOD we put all those microchips in the Ivermectin!
Yes, “brain dead ass monkey” is accurate. One of the reasons why, even as scary as things are, you comment made me smile more than oncnce and LOL by the time I got to the end.
JM: I’ll go with:
MT: Exposed? C’mon, guys. This has been out there for years and brought up many a time by others.
CNN: Hello. Getting out of hand much?
MSNBC: You’d think that besides this liquor-license case, there would be plenty of other reasons why the Texas abortion ban is unconstitutional. And besides the entire content of the Texas ban, the fact that that SCOTUS has failed to do their job by ruling by a shortcut that this ban should be upheld. By fast-tracking the judiciary process, SCOTUS has failed to even pick up on the fact that it has ruled a similar case as unconstitutional. It’s not that it may have ruled differently in the Texan abortion ban, but it hasn’t taken the time to take anything at all into consideration. Can a SCOTUS be dismissed for failing to do its job properly?
ROF: Just closing all the loopholes in the tax returns of the 1% would bring billions to the federal/states coffers; they wouldn’t even have to raise the taxes for the very rich to do so. I’d suggest the IRS gets a headstart by closing the loopholes first before actually raising the taxes. Just raising them wouldn’t help one iota if the 1% can use the loopholes to legally escape paying those taxes.
RA: On 9/11 this “exposure” is more to the point than MT’s.
RR: OK Democrats, you know what to do now. Take the filibuster to SCOTUS to have it abolished as unconstitutional.
Nevermind. You’ll have to wait until Kavanaugh has been forced to resign and Biden has packed SCOTUS with more justices. Or just wait until Republicans have taken back the Senate (and House) by gerrymandering and voter suppression and put an end to filibustering because they’re the majority being blocked by a minority now.
Beau: When I was much younger, I loved to play mind games as Beau does now; unravelling all the possible and impossible twists in a theory or plot. I haven’t got the patience – or the mental capacity? – to do that anymore.
But the idea behind the construction theory of conspiracies remains: people with the creativity of a lunatic Bob Ross connecting dots that aren’t even there.
And with the rise of the internet and social media, the conspiracies have become more convoluted and complex because more people are connecting their personal dots to it. And more people recognise some dots and their connections in the evolving conspiracy theory, so it all must be true.
Another adage remains: all these conspiracy theories are far too complex for any person or group to control and make happen. As Beau said, current vaccination conspiracies would involve hundreds of governments and thousands of people in those governments all working together to get this goal pandemic working in their favour. We could only wish for that to be truly possible.