Yesterday, I decided to stay in bed after my alarm went off (I really only use it as a guide anyway.) And I’m very glad I did. I went back to sleep for another hour and a half, and it was in that hour and a half during which I had a dream in which I was able to share a hug with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What a gift! I don’t remember the other ircumstances of the dream except that they were equally unlikely but also mostly pleasant.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
The Atlantic – The Next Face of the Democratic Party
Quote – Democratic members of Congress won’t talk about any of this publicly, as if Pelosi might suddenly appear and pull their hearts from their chests. Jeffries, carefully, left it at telling me that growing up in a Black church taught him to respect and value his elders. But none of the two dozen Democratic members of Congress and party insiders I spoke with privately could present a serious alternative to Jeffries. He’d have the support of the Congressional Black Caucus, which is stacked with influential members. He’s popular with his colleagues, even those who grumble that he was too meek to challenge Pelosi earlier—“Hakeem is really good at taking in both ideas but also criticism, and not being defensive about it,” said Representative Katherine Clark of Massachusetts, Jeffries’s close ally in House leadership, who is expected to end up in the No. 2 spot if he’s No. 1. In conversations with colleagues, Clark and Jeffries have said they’re moving forward as a team, determined to avoid the rumbling rivalry Pelosi and Hoyer have had since their days as congressional interns, in 1963.
Click through for the story. The Atlantic has a paywall, but you get a couple of free articles per month, so you may want to “print” it if you are interrupted. Of course this is pure speculation.
HuffPost – Republicans Already Lying That California’s Recall Election Is ‘Rigged’
Quote – Former President Donald Trump ― who was impeached for inciting the violent Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection with lies about the 2020 presidential election ― weighed in on the Sept. 14 California recall on Tuesday with a complaint about the state’s early vote-by-mail system. “It’s probably rigged,” Trump said during an interview on right-wing cable channel Newsmax. “They’re sending out all ballots ― the ballots are mail-out, mail-in ballots. I guess you even have a case where you can make your own ballot. When that happens nobody’s going to win except these Democrats.”
Click through for details. Of course they are. While that in itself is bad news, it is good news that they are this worried. But it’s not an excuse not to vote.
The Hill – Police brace for Capitol rally defending Jan. 6 mob
Quote – The Capitol Police declined to comment Tuesday on any specific security plans for Sept. 18. But Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger said the department is “closely monitoring” the event and expressed confidence that “the work we are doing now will make sure our officers have what they need to keep everyone safe.” The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is also planning an “increased presence around the city” where demonstrations will take place on Sept. 18 and may close off some streets, a spokesperson said.
Click through for what’s known and a few thoughts. I truly hope I am seeing ghostss, but I am concerned that September 18 and September 11 are both Saturdays, and one of those dates has symbolic significance. And Republicans lie. I hope they are also preparing for tomorrow. It never hurts to be prepared.
Food for Thought –
8 Responses to “Open Thread for September 10, 2021”
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I’m jealous of your dream, Joanne. So very sweet! Keep ’em comin’!!
Cartoon: Put TOT in with the motley group. ugh!
The Atlantic: What a great post re: Congressman Jeffries. A good and kind man with positive values in helping his folks and state.
HP: There’s no evidence of fraud. TOT and the R’s lie all the time, I liked reading that they are worried. Good!!
The Hill: So disgraceful. Dangerous people, dangerous actions, and dangerous Repugs.
FFT: Downright very sad.
TJI – 1. “BREAKING: Catherine Rombeau just FLIPPED New Hampshire’s HD Hillsborough-7, securing the first red-to-blue flip of the year!” ~ Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee ~
2. “Happy #StarTrekDay. Live Long and Prosper! In other words..#GetVaccinatedNow.” ~ Mary L. Trump ~
(August 25th).
3. “For access to a legal abortion provider after about six weeks, Texas residents now have to be able to spend the time and money to travel out of state.” ~ Texas Tribune ~
4. NEW: “POTUS is expected to take another step in his push to reshape and diversify the federal judiciary on Wednesday, announcing three new Latino candidates for the federal bench as part of a larger crop that includes several historic firsts.” ~ Luisana Perez Fernandez ~
5. “Abbott called a 3rd special however continues to ignore Tx need to secure our grid. Blackouts are deadly & create costly drags on the economy. Bad policies & lack of oversight contributed to the Feb blackouts. Final tally: $200 billion in damage & 700 dead.” ~ Representative Ray Lopez ~
6. “Thank you, Good Morning America – Robin Roberts, for helping me share my story and shining a light on the importance of regular cancer screenings. If you’ve put off that mammogram or routine physical because of the pandemic — go get it. It just might save your life.” ~ Senator Amy Klobuchar ~
TJI #5 –
TJI #1 – Yes – it’s a local level victory, but that’s something we desperately need. All politics is ultimately local.
TJI #2 – Good use of the platform she has acquired. I hope it helps.
TJI #3 – Don’t get me started.
TJI #4 – I’ll have the Press Release as a Short Take tomorrow – all the names and bios
TJI #5 – What Nameless Said
TJI #6 – I have that queued for tomorrow also I’ll keep it for the link. So glad it was caught early – like John Pavlovitz, she’s a voice we can’t afford to lose.
What a wonderful dream! Next time (if there is a next time), say hello to RBG from me!
The Next Face of the Democratic Party
I’m fine with that – but I’m much more concerned about HOLDING our majority, than who the Speaker will be.
(Two workarounds that work for me WRT limited access to paywall protected sites:
[1] Clear your cache, and you start w/ a clean slate again
[2] I use MS Edge as my main browser (and have been very pleased w/ it), and it’s formatted to accept Cookies, (except NO third-party Cookies). But I also use Google Chrome as my alternate browser, and it’s set to block ALL Cookies. That way my slate is always clean. (There are a very few sites, like Vanity Fair, that require Cookies that I can’t access on Chrome.)
Republicans Already Lying That California’s Recall Election Is ‘Rigged’ | HuffPost
They won’t to avoid that September 15th rush in indoctrinating their Trumpkins.
Police brace for Capitol rally defending Jan. 6 mob
Reassuring – but I hope we’re not just fighting the last war. These GQP Trumpkins are OBSESSED!
It reminded me of this:
Amen. (You could add DeJoy’s picture – he’s actually just an extension of Trump**, but he’s a very visible one.)
Ditto Joanne’s comment. Agree with her regarding adding dejoy too.
On days when I don’t have appointments in the morning, I set my alarm, just like you, Joanne, as a guide. I’m jealous of your dream; I can remember almost none of mine.
TA: It’s time for a younger speaker, but as Nameless already mentioned, more important is keeping a majority in the House.
HP: Sounds like TFG is worried and I hope California’s Democrats take note of it and make sure that all possible Democratic votes come in. America can’t go through another 6/1 in California.
TH: If the demonstration on 18/11 (or possibly 9/11 for that matter) should get out of hand because of incitement, Garland should be sacked because he didn’t do his job then which gave the Trumpkins free reign now.
FFT: And the winner is…the GQP with a death toll of more than 600,000.
The Atlantic: Sounds like he would be perfect as House Speaker.
HP: I sent my ballot in last week saying I wanted Gavin Newson to remain in Office. I can’t listening to the one evil R that’s running for his seat, Larry Elder. He’s been speaking like tRump this entire week, about voter fraud, cheating, not for making masks or vaccines mandatory. Certainly not one for keeping people safe.
The Hill: Despicable that we still have all of these thugs out there wanting to cause so much havoc. Hope the Police can stay ahead of the tips and somehow prevent another 1/6.
Food for Thought: Sad and so tragic. Bless the ones who died.
I too am jealous of your dream, Joanne. I like Lona, don’t remember my dreams at all.
Take care. Thanks Joanne