Yesterday, I dealt with the package from saturday which contained crafting supplies.. No, I didn’t make all the crafts, but I did get stuff put awaw. The other package was a small electronic with which I am still dealing. And rested.
Cartoon –
And, of course, I wish all a
Short Takes –
Crooks and Liars – Democrats Should Be Fighting The Next War, Not The Last One
Quote – Here’s my unpopular opinion: Getting angry at Susan Collins now is a waste of time. Okay, sure, get angry. But don’t fight the last war. We had a chance to defeat Collins in 2020, and we blew it, badly. She won by 9 points. She’s not up for reelection for another five years.
Click through for what do do instead. At least some of it. There’s probebly something in your own state which is also more constructive.
Washington Post – One tactic to stop abortion bounty hunters from demolishing women’s constitutional rights
Quote – When thinking about Texas’s nefarious scheme to deprive women of their constitutional right to seek an abortion, I am reminded of the tactics White segregationists used in the years following the Brown v. Board of Education decision…. In the case of Texas’s antiabortion law, state lawmakers know that Roe v. Wade remains the law of the land, establishing a woman’s right under the 14th Amendment to control her own reproduction. So they came up with the idea to enlist private citizens to rat out women exercising their constitutional rights. They offered these people a bounty of $10,000. Think of them as hiring every Texas resident (and residents outside the state!) on a contract basis to make abortion services virtually impossible to obtain.
Click through to the Washington Post for the full editorial, or click through to Democratic Underground for a larger excerpt. I was paywalled out of the Post myself, so I’m supplying both links.
Law & Crime – Biden Will Declassify FBI Documents on Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11 Terrorist Attacks — Here’s What the Order Says
Quote – “When I ran for president, I made a commitment to ensuring transparency regarding the declassification of documents on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America,” a press release announcing the executive order notes. “As we approach the 20th anniversary of that tragic day, I am honoring that commitment.”
Click through for details and context. Another step in the direction of transparency – and something to look forward to.
Food for Thought –
12 Responses to “Open Thread for September 6, 2021”
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Democrats Should Be Fighting The Next War, Not The Last One
Some sage advice – but tends to be hard to do.
WaPo: One tactic to stop abortion bounty hunters …
Rubin’s last paragraph is the take-home message:
Biden Will Declassify FBI Documents on Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11 Terrorist Attacks
Do you happen to remember the very first foreign country that TFG visited?
Glad to read that you got things stowed away, and then a chance to relax. A good day!
Cartoon: A good day.
Happy Labor Day to you, and all who grace these pages…Enjoy!
C&L: If Collins were up for re-election today, (or next week or month), I’m sure that she would be ‘very concerned’ about this Texas law on abortion rights, and other matters. We’ve gone back to the early 1920’s re: the rights and privilege for women, and also in Texas with a 10K bounty for ratting out a person who got an abortion? It’s a violation of our constitutional rights. Unreal, and frightening, imho. btw…we have 6,644 new cases of Covid, newly released death numbers @154 as of right now. Where’s the panic and concern in that, Governor?
Law & Crime: So glad to see President Biden has been receptive with doing so, and de-classifying these documents.
FFT: Yes, please go on…..and do tell. So sad and depressing.
TJI: “I love finding new synonyms for common words. And I have now found a great one for craziness – ivermectin.” ~ Dan Rather~
2. “I put on a mask, and literally within seconds, I am struggling to breathe.” ~ Bill Mitchell ~
“The surgeon who wore a mask for 6 hours to reconstruct my knee thinks maybe you’re lying and also a drama queen.” ~ Soledad O’Brian ~
3. “It should be the announced position of Merrick Garland’s DOJ, that claims asserted by bounty hunters under the Texas statute will be regarded as unlawful attempts to deprive persons of their constitutional rights and will be subject to civil and criminal sanctions as appropriate.” ~ Lawrence Tribe ~
4. “There are mass murderers who kill people with a gun four at a time and then there are those who kill thousands daily who rule over the state ignoring CDC guidelines and keeping schools open during a deadly global pandemic. I know which on is worse. #DeathSantis.” ~ Ace Williams ~
5. “Celebrating Labor Day? Let’s celebrate by using our collective influence to make work pay livable wages to every worker. No less than $20 per hour, paid leave, unemployment insurance, healthcare, pension plans, and RESPECT!” ~ Maxine Waters ~
Hi again,
I hadn’t heard from Mitch in a while, so I sent an email to him to see how he was doing? and here is his reply:
“Hi Pat, We are doing well, thank you. I miss PP, you and thecrowd, and check out my access every day…to no avail. Please say”Hi!” to all for me.
P.S.: Happy Labor Day to you, too! M”.
HI everyone!!
Tell Mitch “hello” and “Happy Labor Day” for me. and that we miss him too. I hope he can figure out the issue soon, so he can start commenting again.
TJI #1 – Well, that’s just horse sense.

Auntie Maxine 

TJI #2 – a surgical mask is a walk in the park. An N95 is a little trickier … but it isn’t really that it’s harder to breath, it’s that it feels funny so that it draws your attention to your breathing and makes it harder to think of anything else. Anyone who has drama queen tendencies will likely make the most of it. But you don’t die, or even get light headed. Not in six hours. I’ve been there.
TJI #3 – AMEN! Of course, Tribe really DOES know thw Constitution and Constitutional rights.
TJI #4 – It’s amazing how much easier it is to kill hundreds – thousands – of people than to kill four, or six, when you don’t have to be there and pull the trigger.
TJI #5 –
P.S. Regarding TJI #3 – DOJ says it will ‘protect’ women seeking abortions in Texas
TJI#1: Ditto Joanne’s comment.
TJI#2: I do have issue with wearing masks. I tend not to breathe properly, which causes me to cough. That’s why I make sure I have my bottle of water close by, to help stop the coughing.
TJI#3: Bless them. Wish their caring thoughts would rub off onto these rotten R politicians.
TJI#4: Yes, dEsantos is the leader. Instead of protecting he’s doing the opposite and killing them.
TJI#5: Wise words spoken by Maxine. She cares so much for the people. Wish her ways would rub off on other politicians.
TJI #4 – I don’t know who Ace Williams is – but he perfectly pegged DeathSantis!
Nor do I, Nameless.
Good comment though, thanks!
Happy Labor Day to you and everyone here.
Cartoon: A new beginning.
C&L: Yep, they sure do have new ones to be fighting for. Collins need to fight for women’s rights, especially with what Texas has created.
WP: I agree Pat, that we’ve gone backwards in time with what the Texas bill has done. Taking away from women’s right, is pure evil. I have been signing all sorts of petitions that have been coming into my inbox and making sure that they’re signed. Plus reading that many companies/corporations are fighting against it too give hope to the situation. Even with President Biden mentioning the DOJ makes it ever nicer.
L&C: Good for President Biden. The people, especially of the family members of the ones who died, deserve to know all of the truth of the deadly event.
Glad that you got things all taken care of with your packages, etc.
I was tired out from the Padres game I went to yesterday. Was sunny and warm. Was happy that they did win in the ninth inning.
Hope you have a nice day.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Cartoon: Makes you wonder what would have happened if they never made it. Others would, of course, but they may have been a very different lot altogether.
C&L: So many wars need to be fought soon- that sounds terrible but they are civil wars – that Democrats better be careful how they use their resources and their energy. Fight the wars where the impact is the greatest and where there is something to gain.
WP: It definitely is time for women in Texas to go on the offensive and prohibit any bounty hunter from even thinking to put in a claim. If 1983 can do so, by all means, put it up a.s.a.p.
L&C: Perfect timing, Joe Biden. That should soon stop any bitching over how you have messed up the withdrawal and back to the debate over why this war should never have been started.
FFT: I think I’ve missed something.
The MAGAt is talking about being required to mask up. Other pundits and cartoonists have compared that to racism of various flavors. This one has chosen the Indian Schools (including all the deaths) as a comparison.