Yesterday, I tried to rest as much as possible. I brought the trash and recyclables carts up to where they “live” and collected a couple of packages from the mailbox — which required shoes but I think was worth it.
Cartoon –
I simply must add that 300 years later, to the day, was the very first Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy telethon. I’m sure there’s no connection.
Short Takes –
Crooks and Liars – If God Wills It
Quote – There is no question that Hurricane Ida was a horrible storm which caused a lot of damage. The suffering will continue for weeks as people are without power and it is sweltering hot. But as a friend of mine always says, you gotta look for the happiness in the crappiness. A clear example is that the offices of James O’Keefe and Project Veritas got wiped out:
Click through for comments. The quote is pretty much the whole story, but you know people who read “Crooks and Liars” are going to be smart-alecky, at least some of them.
The Hill – The Memo: Attacks on democracy seep down to school boards, election offices
Quote – In many places there is fear — fear for the safety of the low- and mid-level officials who do the unglamorous work that keeps democracy knitted together and fear for what happens if they decide it’s just not worth it.
Click through for story. This is important. You’ve heard of people who can’t see the forest for the trees – but in my experience, Democrats, politically are more likely to be unable to see the trees for the forest. School Boards (usually unpaid and elective) and election worker (most volunteer, seasonal, and paid a little, but some employed year round by county offices) are critical to our ability to keep our democracy … which is why Republicans, who see every leaf on every tree, and most of the bugs on the leaves, are systematically undermining them.
“my stateline” – Emails released in FOIA show hundreds of parents thanked Pritzker for issuing school mask mandate
Quote – A House Republican who sought “data, studies, scientific or medical articles, and correspondence” from people advocating in support of school mask mandates got her answer in dramatic fashion on Tuesday. Governor Pritzker’s office responded to an August 10th Freedom of Information Act Request filed by Rep. Tony McCombie (R-Savanna) by sending a staffer to her legislative office in Springfield to hand-deliver 870 pages of studies and letters from parents that supported the mask mandate.
Click through for details. This is priceless. I realize that even multiplied by 10 or 20 (the numbers usually cited to compare those with opinions to those actually writing) 870 is a drop in the bucket in a state the size f Illinois, but it certainly is impressive. Dumb Republicans. (Yeah, I know, I misspelled “Damn.”)
Food for Thought –
6 Responses to “Open Thread for September 5, 2021”
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It’s always nice receiving packages and mail. Wear shoes (or sandals) going out. It’s a must at my house. (Scorpions and snakes, ya know…)
Cartoon: Ours wasn’t of this magnitude here, but it reminds me of the 2011 Bastrop Complex Fires of 10 years ago. I still get nervous when I see a plume of smoke on the horizon to this day. We have a great team of firemen/women that their job is to be vigilant at all times. Bless them all.
**The Bastrop County Complex fire was the most destructive wildfire in Texas history, striking areas of Bastrop County in September and October 2011** wiki
C&L: I’m assuming that God checked his book, and since He’s the Man in Charge, makes hurricanes happen. In certain areas too….lol.
The Hill: Unfortunately, it’s not just school boards….. It’s community situation(s) that needs to be looked at. I don’t have the answers, wish I did. Went to a college football game last night, and hardly anyone was wearing a mask…(a few were, including us). IANAD…but I think this is a super spreader for sure, as well as unruly parents or folks at schools and elsewhere, making up their own rules and not wearing masks. I feel bad for those who are the receiving end of this too. What a crying shame.
Cartoon: I am relieved that Mr. Brewster is all right and continuing in doing his job.
THIS JUST IN: “BRAVO! Judge Maya Guerra Gamble temporarily blocking any lawsuits from being filed against abortion providers and facilitators. A hearing however, is set for September 13th during which a temporary order could be extended.” ~ Brittany Bernstein ~
2. “To all those still in harm’s way or struggling to deal with the aftermath of these storms and fires — God bless you, keep the faith. We’re working day and night to help — and we will get this done. ~ President Biden ~
3. “BREAKING: Madison Cawthorn’s hometown newspaper, The Charlotte Observer, calls for him to be immediately censured by Congress due to the “danger” that he poses to our country. CONGRESS MUST CENSURE MADISON CAWTHORN!” ~ Occupy Democrats ~
4. Replying to a male reporter re: abortions – ” I know you’ve never faced those choices nor have you ever been pregnant but for women out there who have faced those choices, this is an incredibly difficult thing!” ~ Jen Psaki ~
5. After the (CA) House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued threats to tech giants regarding the Jan. 6 inquiry, L.A. Rep. Adam Schiff told MSNBC, “He’s scared. And I think his boss is scared.”
6. “I think Texas women should start charging Texas men for sex. Oohh,…I’m thinking $10,000.” ~ Anon ~
FYI – BRAVO! That’s TEXAS Judge Maya Guerra Gamble…residing and working in Austin, TX.
TJI #1 – Bravo indeed – or, as an opera lover, I might say, “Brava!” (There are plural forms too, but, alas, not needed here.)
TJI #2 – So different from certain other “Presidents” – and from certain other hurricanes.
TJI #3 – Charlotte has a decades-long reputation of being more liberal than most NC If it was their district which sent him to Congress, they need better voter turnout. At least the newspaper is keeping the tradition.
TJI #4 – Well said, Jan, but falling on deaf ears. He doesn’t have the necessary mental or emotional capacity to grasp a word of it.
TJI #5 – “Snitched get stitches.” – K. McQarthy
TJI #6 – I have been thinking, “Where is Lysistrata when you need her?”
TJI #3: Congress censuring one of their own because the “danger” that he poses to the country? That would be a first, wouldn’t it?
TJI #4: Spoken as a woman, not as the White House press secretary. Kudos to you for that, Jen.
In the summer, since I’m barefoot 99% of the time in the house, I tend to head down to the mailbox also barefoot. But I do usually avoid the driveway, and walk in the grass instead.
If God Wills It
Hey, GQP: As it is written, so let it be done!
Glad you could rest.
Cartoon: I’m certain there’s absolutely no connection whatsoever either.
C&L: “Look for the happiness in the crappiness.” Gotta remember that one.
TH: Corruption, lying, dishonesty and lawlessness pay of on the larger scale, so why not on the smaller scale? Soon it’ll have seeped into the capillaries of American society, if it hasn’t already, and will be the norm. In fact, go and try to find a period in American history when it wasn’t ruled by a “Republican minority” (read: a group of white, wealthier men) on all levels in one way or another.
MS: I hope this settles it for the House Republican but I doubt it. It only goes to show how far removed from her own constituents she is.
FFT: Sad that a cartoon is needed to give a black man his voice and vent his emotions.