Yesterday it was pretty hot again. My lab results came, and look pretty good. They actually arrived Friday, but I was expecting 3 packages yesterday (which turned out to be four), so I waited in order not to go out more than necessary. Between the heat, the smoke, and the idiots, I really don’t feel terribly safe outside, even though vaccinated.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Quote – The tax document obtained by The Intercept, a publicly filed IRS form that included a list of donors, shows a handful of large corporate and individual donors to the Bradley Impact Fund. The contributions listed in the fiscal year 2018 filing range from roughly $782,000 to $1.5 million. The Bradley Impact Fund operates as a donor-advised fund, a vehicle frequently used to allow anonymous contributions by letting donors give to a fund and then directing their contributions to particular recipients…. “It might seem improbable that a low-profile family foundation in Wisconsin has assumed a central role in current struggles over American democracy,” [investigative reporter Jane] Mayer wrote. “But the modern conservative movement has depended on leveraging the fortunes of wealthy reactionaries.”
Click through for a whole lotta detail. You will recognize some names, others maybe not so much. But if you’re going to follow the money, you can expect that.
Reuters – U.S. Homeland Security warns fresh COVID-19 restrictions could spark violent attacks
Quote – In an interview with CNN, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said his department considered domestic violent extremists to constitute “the greatest terrorist-related threat to our homeland.” He said the Department was seeing expressions of extremism fueled by “false narratives” and “ideologies of hate.”
Click through for story. If they’d do this because of CoViD restrictions, what do you suppose they would do if their God-Emperor were arrested and held without bail? Asking for a friend.
Common Dreams – Child Hospitalization for Covid-19 Hits All-Time High in US: Report
Quote – The Delta variant, which is rapidly spreading among mostly the unvaccinated portion of the U.S. population, has caused hospitalizations to spike in recent weeks, driving up the number of pediatric hospitalizations to 1,902 on Saturday, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Children currently make up about 2.4% of the nation’s COVID-19 hospitalizations. Kids under 12 are not eligible to receive the vaccine, leaving them more vulnerable to infection from the new, highly transmissible variant.
Click through for more. I really can’t even.
Food for Thought –
13 Responses to “Open Thread for August 15, 2021”
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Glad to hear your lab was unremarkable.
I can understand the “heat & smoke” concerns, but does that mean you have “idiots” roving around in your neighborhood? That’s pretty scary!
This all goes back to the wrongly decided Citizens United ruling:
Democracy is for PEOPLE.
Corporations are NOT people, and money is NOT speech.
U.S. Homeland Security warns fresh COVID-19 restrictions could spark violent attacks
What a sad, sad comment on the state of our nation, where ignorance is glorified for political reasons.
Child Hospitalization for Covid-19 Hits All-Time High in US: Report
As a pediatrician, I find this particularly appalling and disheartening.
I do hope it will move some from the anti-mask, anti-vax column to the Common Sense column.
Colorado is a blue state, but my county is ruby red. I no longer have current precinct data, but the last time I did (about 12 years ago) my precinct as a little redder than the county as a whole. So, yes, I am assuming covidiots all around me. I was also suspecting you had to do the same in your precinct. If I’m wrong, I’d be delighted.
I knew the third one would not be pleasant reading for you, but I figured you’d rather know than not. If course it is upsetting to anyone with a heart and a brain.
Cartoon: Ugh!
Intercept: Wow! Scary stuff! Big money being transferred back and forth. Yikes!
Reuters: Seems like violence is being served up every day now. How freaking sad.
CD: Get a lump in my throat over this. Absolutely heartbreaking. I worry every day for the children, and the caregivers/teachers, etc.
Cartoon: Oh, my Lord, and then some! Times 1000x’s over!!
Glad that your lab results came back, good for you. I agree with you, in just staying home. Have a good day/evening, and Thank you, Joanne, and for your post.
**Whew! A quick rundown here in a nutshell…FRI – Fully vaccinated as required, another Covid testing – the results took time, (negative), then sent back to the campus… shopped for necessary items. Sat., Purge….then Pick, Pack, and Load. Sunday – Parents day. Alongside with teary hugs and good byes. Wouldn’t trade the memories for anything.
This just in: “Trump’s re-instatement has been pushed back to the 32nd of Neverbember.” ~ Eric Siobham ~
2. “21 House Republicans voted against awarding Congressional Gold Medal to all police officers who responded on 1/6.” ~ Joy-Ann Reid ~
3. Q -“How did Americans go from eradicating people to not being able to wear a cotton mask while @Walmart?” A -‘Republicans.’ ~ Rick Steele ~
4. “Anyone who thinks a mask deprives a person of freedom needs to consider the limitations of a coffin.”
~ Ken Olin ~
5. “Barack and I would like to wish everyone a Happy Reinstatement Day.” ~ Joe Biden ~
My heart swelled at your summary. So glad you made some wonderful memories.
TJI #1 – Sounds like a good choice.
TJI #2 – Because of course they did.
TJI #3 – First the Tories. Then the Know-nothings. Then the Confederacy. Then the Dixiecrats. Finally, Republicans.
TJI #4 – If only anyone would listen.
TJI #5 – I lke a man with a sense of humor. I wish he had more to laugh about – and less to worry about. I wish we all did.
Joanne: TY!

Welcome back, Pat. Glad you had a nice visit with your family.
TJI#1: Good…something that never should of been on their minds.
TJI#2: Pure heartless R’s, ones who don’t deserve their positions. Vote them out.
TJI#3: I like Joanne’s comment.
TJI#4: Guess they’d rather play “Russian Roulette” with their lives.
TJI#5: Again, I agree with Joanne’s comment.
At least there’a a video to laugh at today. Check out Rocky Moutain Mike in the video Thread.
Colleen: Thank you!

Cartoon: Despicable…Doing what he enjoyed, screwing the people in more ways than one.
The Intercept: How the heck can these fools continue spreading these fake lies?? tRump’s days are over and done with, what part don’t they understand?
Reuters: Who’d ever think that violence would be a threat all because they’re trying to protect people’s health? Sad news.
CD: I was watching Face the Nation and This week with George S. this morning and it saddens me to read here how many got Covid-19 this past week, many of them school age children. These state governors that are banning masks, especially Florida need to have their heads examined for making such ill minded mandates. They’re not protecting the people like their job description calls for.
Food for Thought: I applaud all of our medical workers for all that they’ve done throughout this whole epidemic.
Happy to hear that your lab results came back with all good results.
Glad you got your packages delivered yesterday.
I hear you regarding staying indoors. With Covid-19, the higher heat and smoke in the air, it is the safest place to be.
Hope your day goes well.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Thanks Joanne. Glad the labs were welcome results. I found some inexpensive particulate masks (one the Korean KN95) at Staples in 5 packs that fit well under my Covid masks. Love the no smoke smell when I have to go outside, etc.
Cartoon: time to unfreeze the wages (it was under an emergency order after all).
Glad we have a Mayer to tell us about what people think their money should buy for them.
Sounds like child abuse and neglect result that should be prosecutable…and this bottom line reality from a TX judge breaks my heart:Texas Judge Says There Are No Kid ICU Beds: Have To ‘Wait For Another Child To Die’“That means if your child’s in a car wreck … and needs an ICU bed … we don’t have one,” said Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.https://www.huffpost.com/entry/clay-jenkins-warning-dallas-children-coronavirus_n_61176762e4b0a2603b7e1fe3
Even Texas has plenty of intelligent people (not always in the places they are most needed, sadly) – and you can’t be gentle with people so misguided – you have to be brutally frank, and even that may not get through.
No but enough with some power in certain places fighting for the right to protect children thankfully. Broward County schools in FL is another positive example.
Wonderful to hear your lab results were unremarkable. That’s exactly what we want to hear about those results. You don’t expect them to improve, you hope they’re within the normal ranges and you don’t want to think of them deteriorating.
Cartoon: Playing god of the economy, was he? I assume it benefited his fellow Republicans.
TI: Sounds like some “legal” money laundering and serious tit-for-tat going on.
Reuters: Long-distance intimidation. Sadly one of the consequences the DOJ has to prepare and deal with, i.e. not run away from, when TFG is arrested. Which he must be!
CD: During the first wave(s), anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers clung to the excuse that kids didn’t get infected or affected. What’s their excuse now?
FFT: Splendid. I’d started to think that cartoonists had just about covered every reason why these anti-vaxxers and ant-masks are deadly hypocrites.