Jul 312021

Yesterday was definitely hot. It is supposed to cool down today. I certainly hope so.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Official White House Document: National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism
Quote – Too often over the past several years, American communities have felt the wrenching pain of domestic terrorism. Black church members slaughtered during their bible study in Charleston. A synagogue in Pittsburgh targeted for supporting immigrants. A gunman spraying bullets at an El Paso Walmart to target Latinos. It goes against everything our country strives to stand for in the world, and it poses a direct challenge to America’s national security, our democracy, and our national unity. This National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism lays out a comprehensive approach to addressing the threat while safeguarding bedrock American civil rights and civil liberties – values that make us who we are as a nation.
Click through for full document. Yes, it’s long. It is also an official document, which mkes it a benchmark for wht to expect from government and how to evaluste how governmen is doing. Something to download or bookmark.

The Hill – Pelosi calls on CDC to extend eviction moratorium unilaterally
Quote – As House Democratic leaders struggle to find enough party support to extend an eviction moratorium, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is advocating a temporary fix, urging the Biden administration to act unilaterally to help the nation’s most vulnerable renters. The Speaker said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has instituted a ban on evictions through the end of Saturday, should extend the deadline further, giving House Democrats more time to codify the extension in legislation.
Click through for deets. It is like Nancy to thibk outside the box when necessary to get stuff done that needs doing.

HuffPost – ‘Comically Minimal Ego-Stroking’: Inside The Bumble Takedown Of A Violent Capitol Rioter
Quote – A citywide curfew was in place, and she could hear the helicopters hovering in the sky. Outside her window, “Claire” could see Trump supporters streaming back from the Capitol to a hotel near her home, carrying their flags and wearing “Make America Great Again” hats. “I was watching on the news and seeing everyone walk back,” Claire told HuffPost. “It felt kind of useless for me to be that close and not kind of do anything proactive about it.”
Click through for the whole story. I loved this when I first saw it – and I love even more knowing that she’s not the only one looking, and he’s not the only one getting foumd.

Food for Thought


  12 Responses to “Open Thread for July 31, 2021”

  1. Cartoon: Good grief! 
    The Hill: Working for and helping folks. Empathy for fellow citizens who need this extension too. 
    HP: The best story I’ve read so far re: the Capitol Rioters. WTG! Claire. WTG!!! 
    FFT: Yikes! A Lurking virus. Not good. 

    Weather is the same here, hot and humid too. I’m used to it though. Thank You, Joanne for post. 

    TJI  “If Trump was indeed “elected to the office of president” both in 2016 and in 2020, as he insists he was, then he’s ineligible to run in 2024 under the 22nd Amendment. He can’t have it both ways. So, Donald, which is it? ~ Lawrence Tribe ~
    2. “We’ve reached a historic deal on infrastructure, folks. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal is the largest infrastructure bill in a century. It will grow the economy, create good-paying jobs, and set America on a path to win the future.” ~ President Joe Biden ~
    3. “It’s so much nicer to have a President who knows how to run a government than one who wants to overthrow it.” ~ Rob Reiner ~
    4. “JANUARY 5th. DAY BEFORE CAPITOL ATTACK “All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. Just understand this. All hell is going to break loose tomorrow. It’s gonna be moving. It’s gonna be quick.” ~Steve Bannon ~
    5. ” I want to be clear, we will investigate the security posture on January 6. But blaming the security for the violence on that day is like blaming an assault victim because of what she was wearing.” ~Adam Kinzinger ~

    • TJI #1 – True, but when have FACTS ever entered into The Former Guy’s actions?

      TJI #3 – Basically: “Nice to have a SANE person in the White House.”

      TJI #4 – More proof that this was a conspiracy.

    • Oops, my bad, JD.
      TJI – #6 – This just occurred to me -Gaetz – Gohmert – Gosar – Greene – GQP – oh wait, aren’t the QAnonfolks terrified of 5G?  (I know I’m terrified of those 5 G’s!) ~ Joanne D. ~ 

    • TJI #1 – Trust Lawrence Tribe (who DOES know the Constitution) to come up with this.
      TJI #3 – What Nameless said.
      TJI #4 – The Internet is forever. That can be a good thing.
      TJI #5 – That dude can think. How is he still in the Republican Party?
      and TJI #6 – I’m kind of surprised it didn’t occur to others first, actually.

    • TJI#1: Good. Keep it that way too.
      TJI#3: Definitely. 
      TJI#4: More evidence. I ask too, when is DT and his buddies going to be prosecuted? They all should be in prison.
      TJI#5: Those rotten R’s always want to punish the victims. Stupid fools.
      TJI#6: Yep, 5G stinks. 

    • TJI #1: Interesting viewpoint. I hadn’t heard of this one yet.

      TJI #2: Have you really, Joe? I’ll believe it when you sign it.

      TJI #4: Of course, Bannon knew about it. Get the subpoena out.

  2. National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism report

    Solid – not as specific as I would have liked, but I understand the politics.

    [One disappointment is that the PDF does not accommodate hyphenated words.  If you try to search for “anti-terrorism” all it allows is “anti”.  Add the hyphen, and you get nothing.]

    Pelosi calls on CDC to extend eviction moratorium unilaterally

    Courts have ruled that’s not possible.  Pretty disappointed in Pelosi dropping the ball on this one – and trying to shove it off on someone else.  Sorry, Nancy – but you screwed up!

    Inside The Bumble Takedown Of A Violent Capitol Rioter

    I’m all for whatever (legal) method gets them arrested!

    • Even Nancy can’t do miracles – if they didn’t have the votes, then they did’t (and if they did, then it would be the Senate who dropped the ball.)

      I’m not sure a sting is illegal if it’s a private person as opposed to law enfocement who does it.

  3. ‘Toon: “Most” is the operative word for the GQP, as anybody who is not them is a potential target.
    DT: Oh, my, the terrorist-in-chief’s initials!  Book marked, and looking good at first sight; badly needed.
    TH: Sounds good to me.
    HP: I love it!!!!! 
    FFT: As corona virus cases explode in Fl., up over 50% since last week, this is scary.

  4. TJI#1: Got him by the short hairs, metaphorically, where it is safer.
    TJI#2: As long as the GQP folk don’t sabotage the deal at the last minute.
    TJI#3: Those “kids” from the Bronx are so cool!
    TJI#4: Gee, how could he have predicted such thing?   He surely had no way to have foreknowledge, right?  When does he get indicted?
    TJI#5: But, Adam, that’s what those folks, who may boycott your future birthday parties, always do, blame the victim.

  5. Cartoon: Shouldn’t be that hard, so many have turned from their duties, they’re easy to identify.
    D.T.: Downloaded the pdf. Shameful it has gotten to be a major issue thanks to tRumpy and his rotten R buddies.
    The Hill: Good for her. I know my city is working on the issue here. 
    HP: Wow, I love Claire’s style of keeping up with these insurrectionists. Sharing the facts with the FBI. Great job Claire. 
    Food for Thought: Yikes, the Delta variant is very concerning. Even ones who have been vaccinated can transmit it. Spreads like the Chickenpox. What ticks me off, is the way the R’s are ignoring the CDC masks orders even though cases are going up.
    I hope the weather cooled off for you today. It’s a pleasant day here. Suppose to get warmer in the next few days.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne

  6. Cartoon: Too true.

    DT: Sorry, but I think you understand that I skip this one.

    TH: I hope Pelosi reacted in time.

    HP: ‘Claire’ was very helpful in finding insurrectionists through that dating app. Good on her. But it made me sad to think that in these times of COVID isolation, Americans are learning to distrust each other even more. How are you ever going to close that ever-widening gap?

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