Jul 222021

Glenn Kirschner – Will Trump AssociateTom Barrack Cooperate w/Prosecutors Now That He’s Facing 50 Years in Prison

Political Voices Network (Glenn is a guest) – “He Constantly Surrounds Himself With Criminals.”

Meidas Touch – Rep. Swalwell: Fox News LAUGHS at Their “Dumb” Viewers

Now This News – Fox News Loses It Over ‘Secret List’

Robert Reich – Imagine a World Where Workers Have Power

VoteVets – Abdulla

Keith Olbermann – second video – slightly longer than the first one which went up yesterday.

Beau on the January 6 committee – One to save and share, Very, very clear.


  7 Responses to “Video Thread for 7/22/21”

  1. Will Tom Barrack Cooperate w/Prosecutors
    Probably – but not sure if he’ll give up Donnie or turn on Jared & Ivanka.  Ivanka because she had a huge hand WRT the inaugural, and Jared because Barrack was heavily involved w/ securing the “loan” for his 666 Fifth Ave. white elephant.
    Who knew draining the Swamp would involve so many Trump cronies?
    Trump Constantly Surrounds Himself With Criminals
    No surprise: It’s the ONLY kind of people he knows
    Fox News LAUGHS at Their “Dumb” Viewers
    Again, no surprise … sad, but no surprise.
    Fox News Loses It Over ‘Secret List’
    Good, lord – these people are IDIOTS!  I mean, who knew that Santa “Making-A-List-Checking-It-Twice” Claus would be classified as a Fascist in Fox’s eyes?
    VoteVets – Abdulla
    We OWE it to the interpreters!
    I can still smell it in KCMO.  And on the local news they showed a tower view from midtown to downtown, and it was covered in smog like you used to see in LA.
    Pelosi’s decision to veto Republican picks …
    Good for Pelosi!  The only goal of Rethuglicans is to turn it into a circus.
    What I don’t understand, if the GQP insists that it was BLM and Antifa who were responsible for the 1/6/21 Capitol Insurrection Riot, why wouldn’t they welcome an investigation w/ open arms?

    • I’m so sorry you’ve been harmed by the smoke and all that that implies.  I’ve been lucky here not to.  But if it hits Arizna, that good luck is over.  I know it gets here from there since it has in prior years.  Do lease stay well.

      And you know very well what the answer is to your final question.  Because they know they are lying and don’t want to have it proven.

      • Well, so far I don’t think I’ve been harmed.  But with heat like this, I don’t spend too much time outside – although I did mow my lawn two days ago (it’s a walk-behind mower).  Had to go slow w/ short breaks when getting to the top of the hill – but nothing more than usual. 
        I had mowed the week before w/ a temp of 89.  On Tuesday it was 84, so I thought it’d be easier – but there was no breeze.  Probably the last time I’ll mow in the afternoon until September.  Not fond of mowing in the morning because of the dew (harder to mow & slippery).  But I doubt I’ll be able to tolerate the heat we’ll be facing.

  2. JM: Ok, so now we got an indictment for crony Tom Barrack who lobbied/sold out to the Emirates. Manafort was already convicted. Who’s next? Who lobbied for Saudi Arabia, from which the former guy clearly and openly profited? And who lobbied for Israel? I remember that when Kuschner was first appointed to the White House, he couldn’t get his clearance because he kept forgetting to put all his foreign links on the list; it was an ongoing battle to have him fill in ALL the details until it suddenly disappeared from attention. The trouble is that with each new cesspit they uncover, the prosecutors lose more time investigating new cronies and they never seem to get around to prosecuting the former guy.

    PVN: “Trump associates with criminals.” I rather think it’s the other way around; criminals are the only people who want to associate with Trump.

    MT: I’m absolutely sure Faux News laughs at its viewers. As does the GQP at its voters. Both their business models are based on the stupidity and gullibility of their followers.

    NTN: I don’t know who those 12 people who spread most of the disinformation on Facebook, but it wouldn’t be a surprise if Faux News exactly knows who they are as they are probably called on as “experts” on all of their news shows. They can’t have their “pundit” discredited, of course, even though these pundit’s job is to discredit anything true and factual.

    RR: That wasn’t too hard to imagine. Even before Reich mentioned the era, my mind had already come up with the 50s. Of course, the 50 were far from perfect, but it was a world where workers had power.

    VV: Some Aussie vets who went to Afghanistan have publicly burnt their medals to protest the government’s tardiness in bringing back interpreters. Some of them have already been murdered by the Taliban while waiting for the visa application to be processed.

    KO: I hate to say it but…join the club.

    Beau: Nothing to add to that.

  3. Investigating the cronies constitutes investigating TFG because investigating the cronies is designed to get them to flip.  The prolblem with knowing how to evaluate that is tht we dont know whether each additional crony under investigation was a score … or the opposite.  And they are not going to tell us the answer, for obvious reasons.  Not until they have a case that satisfies them and then probably only oliquely.  But investigating cronies does not mean they’re not doing their job.

    The fifties were pretty solid economically.  Socially not so much.  Not recognizing the political compas prevetns one from seeing that clearly.

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