Those of us who remember polio, measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, and all that went with them, may sometimes have trouble getting through to (and in the process become frustrated by) nnti-vaxxers, who don’t remember that. Roald Dahl (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and other masterpieces) lost a daughter to measles – to measles encephalitis, to be precise. He wrpte about the experience years after, and someone at Democratic Underground found the piece and shared the story. Of course it’s a huge hanky alert. But if you can think of anyone who might be helped by hearing or reading it … you’ll find it at the link. Dahl was ot a perfect human being (for one thing, he was known to be anti-Semitic.) But no one deserves that.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Acosta Warns Of A Five Alarm Fire – Coups, Hitler, Voter Suppression
Quote – What will you do if a second insurrection happens? What if they are successful in taking over the government? We are standing there, rule book in hand, screaming at the other side to FOLLOW THE RULES, while they shoot us with mace and bear spray, fire assault rifles at us, cover their faces with war paint, and scream “MAGA MAGA MAGA!”
Click through for story and video. Of course he’s right. I hope people who need to listen do listen. And that they don’t disregard him because he doesn’t yell or scream.
APNews – New chief selected for Capitol Police after 1/6 insurrection
Quote – The decision comes as the Capitol Police and other law enforcement agencies are struggling to determine the best way to secure the Capitol and what direction to take the 2,300-person force that guards the building and the lawmakers inside it and functions as mashup of a national security agency and local police department…. The Capitol Police Board, which includes the House and Senate sergeant at arms and the Architect of the Capitol, is charged with oversight of the police force and led the search.
Click through. The 1/7 interim appointment was not intended to be permanent.
The Hill – Trump ally and ex-campaign adviser Thomas Barrack charged with secretly lobbying for UAE
Quote – “The conduct alleged in the indictment is nothing short of a betrayal of those officials in the United States, including the former President,” Lesko said. “Through this indictment, we are putting everyone — regardless of their wealth or perceived political power — on notice that the Department of Justice will enforce the prohibition of this sort of undisclosed foreign influence.”
Click through for more. Also, Glenn Kirschner discusses this in today’s video thread. Incidentally, there’s been a story floating that the Biden DOJ declined to prosecute Wilbur Ross for lying to Congress. That’s false. It was the Trump** DOJ which did that.
Food for Thought:
17 Responses to “Open Thread for July 21, 2021”
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Acosta Warns Of A Five Alarm Fire – Coups, Hitler, Voter Suppression
I’m on the same page w/ Mr. Acosta – and it gives me NIGHTMARES!
New chief selected for Capitol Police after 1/6 insurrection
I wish him the best of luck for his entire tenure, but especially this coming August, and particularly the 13th.
Ex-Trump adviser Barrack charged with secretly lobbying for UAE
Food for Thought
Don’t try to tell me Donnie wasn’t conspiring to foment a coup on 1/6/21:
AFTER losing the election, this is the timeline of The Other Guy’s actions:
Nov. 6, 2020
Election lost
Nov. 9, 2020
Mark Esper FIRED & Trump sycophant Chris Miller hired as acting Defense Sec.
Nov. 10, 2020
Ezra Cohen hired as Acting Under Secretary of Defense
Nov. 11, 2020
Kash Patel (former staffer to Rep. Devin Nunes) hired as DOD Chief of Staff
P.S. – Pat won’t show up today, but don’t worry, she’d fine. I hope she’ll tell us all about tit tomorrow.
Roald Dahl: No, no one deserves that. Happily if I know any people who are anti-vaxxers, I do not know that they are, and I would only know them as acquaintances. Oh, wait, there is my Trumpist son-in-law, but I will have to check on that.
‘Toon: I’d think they would want to send them off to another, useless, war, and give the money to the munitions industry.
Acosta: Good for Biden, good for Acosta. Has Faux News begun to attack him yet? Gen. Milley, and the rest of the military chiefs need to be prepared, especially next month.
AP: Connected to the Acosta piece, I expect they will now be coordinating with just about EVERYBODY, as 8/13 looms closer.
TH: Indeed!!!!!!!!!!! And remanded to jail because he is a major flight risk. TOT, and his minions have ben nothing but patsies for whomever wanted to manipulate them; bu, on how many levels is yet to be determined.
FFT: A “suspicious person?” One has to know that with this sicko nothing is to be ruled out until he is in prison!
My condolences to your daughter. What did she do to deserve that? (Rhetorical – I assume the answer is “Nothing.”)
Not even then.
She has M.S., and can not take a vaccine, as I understand it. But, she is as much a Trumper as he is. We do not discuss politics…. His massive cynicism sets him up for easily being led by the nose if someone has an antiauthoritarian message, even if it is MR. AUTHORITARIAN himself. He did nit believe that we’d been to the moon, in fact, until “Mythbusters” blew away that garbage.
She may not have opted for the vaccination, in the first place had she not had a GOOD reason to avoid it.
How heartbreaking for you. Sharper than a serpent’s tooth.
I assume this is the very TH that is included in the video Thread:
My TH is The Hill, and yours is Thom Hartmann. I do use him, but didn’t use this one. Thanks for it … it is very illuminating.
Roald Dahl: Wish these anti vaxxers would pay attention to how a disease/virus can take someone’s life so quickly.
Cartoon: Despicable. They suffered fighting these wars and is shown no respect. Shameful.
Acosta: I like Nameless, am very concerned. Plus what Mitch said that I hope they’re ready if we end up having another situation like January 6th.
AP News: Good for them. I wish him success.
The Hill: Good, now keep up finding more dirt so tRump will be arrested too.
Food for Thought: Of course they were and still planning more evil events. I’ll be happy when these creeps are voted out of their political seats, so tRumpy won’t have their backs any longer. Plus that they can still prosecute tRump, so he’ll be placed behind bars for life.
Hope you had a pleasant day, Joanne.
It’s still so hot and humid here. I woke up with both my legs killing me. Don’t understand why. I exercise daily and didn’t do anything different? Who knows, I just hope it goes away by tomorrow.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
I also too hope your legs feel better tomorrow!
WRT your legs – [1] Stay hydrated & [2] Consider working some extra potassium in to your diet (tomatoes, bananas, oranges, etc.)
I’m so short on time, I’ll have to copy this apology to your other page too.
I never even got near Politics Plus yesterday because of preparations and a Fire Brigade meeting that took me all day and evening and now I have to go and get some essential shopping in to get me through the weekend, so I’ve no time left for commenting, Joanne.
So thank you for all you do and I hope to do better tomorrow.
Knowing about your Fire Brigade obligations I don’t worry about you quite as fast as I do some others, Lona – but I eventually do, so I truly appreciate the update. Please, be well and be safe.
Good Morning, Friends..
Yesterday was tiring (for me), but it was a wonderful day at Texas State University to visit alongside with my family and walk the beautiful campus. (reminded me of FSU, with the landscaping..). A great day for viewing, and enjoying the sights and sounds. The weather was not as hot as usual, so that was good too.
Roald Dahl’s message on DU was heart-wrenching and sad to read. I can’t even fathom the pain.
*Mitch, my prayers and heart is with you and your family re: your daughter having MS.
My DIL also has MS. A very cruel disease for those who have to live with it.
Thank you, Joanne for post.
It sounds just wonderful. So glad you had that opportunoty!