Here’s a personal opinion, with which anyone is welcome to disagree. I believe that the DOJ should research court records to determine the longest sentence that anyone has ever received for a conviction of a single count of possession if narijuana for persona l use Then, the sentence for Capitol rioters should all be at least one day longer then that. I’m pretty sure eight months doesn’t meet that criterion. It is, however, definitely better than nothing.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
AP News – In step to shut Guantanamo, Biden transfers Moroccan home
Quote – Almost 800 detainees have passed through Guantanamo. Of the 39 remaining, 10 are eligible to be transferred out, 17 are eligible to go through the review process for possible transfer, another 10 are involved in the military commission process used to prosecute detainees and two have been convicted, a senior administration official said. The 10 eligible for transfer are from Yemen, Pakistan, Tunisia, Algeria and the United Arab Emirates.
About goddam time. Click though for story.
Reuters – France honours Rev. Jesse Jackson with the Legion d’Honneur
Quote – A political activist, minister, and former shadow U.S. senator for the District of Columbia representing the Democratic party, Jackson has been involved in civil rights activism since the 1960s, when he worked alongside Martin Luther King…. “From your earliest years, you were hungry for knowledge and justice, and you are a special friend of France, a brother for us,” Macron said in a solemn address at the Elysee palace.
Click through for a little more, including photo.
The 19th – Senate Democrats take fight to protect voting rights to Georgia
Quote – Amy Klobuchar, the Democratic head of the Senate Rules Committee, which oversees federal elections along with the chamber’s day-to-day procedures, said the panel decided to convene its first field hearing in more than 20 years in Georgia because its legislature passed an “egregious” restrictive voting law earlier this year. “We cannot keep our heads in the ground, you’ve got to go out there and see exactly what’s happening,” Klobuchar told The 19th ahead of the hearing.
Click through for details. It’s not guaranteed to work, but it is something. It can’t hurt.
Food for Thought:
There is a new book out about plants. The title is “This Is Your Mind on Plants.” The last name of the author is “Pollan.” Yes, you probably could make this up, but who would believe it?
13 Responses to “Open Thread for July 20, 2021”
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Federal law for possession of marijuana:
In step to shut Guantanamo, Biden transfers Moroccan home
It’s past time.
France honours Rev. Jesse Jackson with the Legion d’Honneur
Anything that will piss-off republicans is a good thing.
Senate Democrats take fight to protect voting rights to Georgia
Good! I honestly think Georgia’s voting suppression law will be struck down – at least the most egregious parts.
Food for Thought
This was a felony plea – but the penalty may not increase. I’ll bet there are states who have locked people up longer. Much longer.
And yes, he occasionally says someting, and, when he does, it’s pointed. But he doesn’t wave it like a flag in peoples’ faces.
I’ve little doubt that some states have exercised far greater draconian punishments than the Federal government. But I also don’t think the Feds get involved w/ marijuana violations nearly as often as state jurisdictions.
But since you said DOJ, and since all the Capitol insurrectionists are being charged in the Federal system, I thought it’d be fair to compare apples to apples as much as possible.
I see your point But part of what I was wanting to do was compare sentences given to people of color to sentences given to wypipo. And to get the full flavor of that, I suspect one has to go to the states. Your opinion is certainly just as valid as mine.
Cartoon: Oh…but of course!! Aren’t they adorable? The foxes, NOT the R’s. lol
AP News: Finally!!
The 19th: WTG! & Kudos to Ms. Klobuchar, and her team for doing this.
FFT: TY! Such a wonderful and great comment from Mr. Carter.
Thanks! for your post today, Joanne.
2. “If Merrick Garland is unwilling to prosecute Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, inciting a deadly attack to overthrow the government, and countless other crimes, the rule of law, and democracy is a sham.” ~ Rob Reiner ~
3. “Know who doesn’t go around claiming he’s doing the Lord’s work? Jimmy Carter. Know who actually doing it?? Jimmy Carter. ~ Janet Valcho ~
4. “Stop saying Trump ‘broke norms’. Start saying ‘Trump broke the F*cking Laws!” ~ Don Winslow ~
5. “Q here. Why is Matt Gaetz still in Congress? ~ Willie R.W. ~
Congratulations!!! and Blessings! to Reverend Jesse Jackson for this prestigious award!
He certainly deserves worldwide recognition and kudos!
TJI #2 – The conclusion is true, if the premise is true. It’s not yet certain the premise is true, though.
TJI #4 – That is pretty evident – though the media might have to say “allegedly” tocover their posterioes. IANAL.
TJI #5 – Wait a minute. You mean Q himself is asking this? Dissension in the conspiracy?
TJI #1 – Given GQPers/Trumpkins/Anti-Vaxxers long and well-documented history of inability to spell correctly – I doubt any of them would get the joke.
TJI #4 – Winslow is spot-on!
Personal opinion: Agreed!
‘Toon: I thought that Nancy had veto rights IRT the folks that Mccarthy might appoint! Otherwise, this is just another half-assed, go nowhere, investigation.
AP: going in the right direction, but too slowly.
Reuters: Good for Jesse!
The 19th: Kemp, who is governor only because of voting fraud, will not be happy. Screw him!
FFT: Wonderful!
Michael Pollan: Sounds funny, but he’s a well known writer.
She does. That doesn’t stop them from trying. This is an old cartoon of TC’s which I thought too cute not to reuse … and, up to a point, appropriate.
I do realize Michael Pollan is well known (and has written about plants before, as well as other things) but it’s still funny.
TJI#1: Wonderful idea!
TJI#2: That man, from the Bronx, is on target, but do we know that Garland is not willing?
TJI#3: Excellent!
TJI#4: Winslow is right, as we all know!
TJI#5: Good question.
Personal Opinion: I agree with your thought.
Cartoon: I was not happy hearing that mCcarthy picked 5 tRump loving kiss his as* types. I agree with Mitch that it’s going to be a waste if they get to follow thru.
AP News: Finally moving into action. Signed enough petitions to close it.
Reuters: Well deserved.
The 19th: Good for her. I watched Ms. Klobuchar this morning on the View. They have no right taking away the voter’s rights.
Food for Thought: So very true. He’s done so much and keeps on going. Bless Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.
Hope you had a nice day.
We’re having hot and humid weather here. I had to go out to P.T. this afternoon, they have A/C there.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Pelosi has veto power. I expect she may not exercise it on people who can be silent. But I doubt she’ll accept Gym Jordan.