Yesterday I managed to get off of the back of my lap long enough to fill my car’s gas tank, so that if I have to idle it for 20 or 30 minutes from time to time to make sure the battery stays charged, I won’t need to worry about running out. I was gobsmacked by the changes in the landscape since I last drove by the gas station I used – there used to be about a two-block-long strip mall and now there’s just tall grass. This is not the south, where if you park your car in the wrong place on Friday you can’t find it for the kudzu on Sunday – instead we are high desert – so it must have been gone for at least a few months.
Cartoon – 7/19 “pinkframe”
Short Takes – I don’t generally double up (and certainly not triple up) on sources on any given day … but this combination of stories was just too – colorful – to resist. Think of it as a break from serious news.
Law & Crime – Man Allegedly Opened Fire at Police, City Code Compliance, and Crew Hired to Mow His Lawn
Quote – On Friday, July 16, 2021 at approximately 0830 a.m., the Fort Worth Police Department along with Fort Worth Code Compliance arrived at the 4800 block of Cedar Springs Drive in reference to an ongoing Code Compliance issue. The call originated for an execution warrant for a high grass violation.
Click through for more. Twelve inches is unusually generous for grass and weeds, IMO.
Law & Crime – Oklahoma Woman Arrested After Commenting on Police Facebook Post That Named Her An Accessory to Murder
Quote – The department included a screenshot of Graves’s comment in its Friday Facebook post about her arrest. A Facebook user whose name was redacted responded to Graves, writing, “giiiiirl you better stay off social media they can track you!!” A second user wrote, “Lorraine Graves aint [sic] gonna be as funny when you get processed.”
Click through for sequence of events. Facebook. What can I say.
Law & Crime – Police Sergeant Accused of Making Child Porn, ‘Lustful Touching’ After the FBI Put His Picture on Wanted Poster
Quote – [The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children] employs a “team of analysts who work tirelessly to help identify clues in images and videos” that might help locate abused children, the Center said in a blog post. That team discovered an image of John Doe 44, which the FBI in turn chose to make public. “Within hours of the FBI releasing his photo to the public, he was identified and arrested,” the NCMEC said of the defendant.
Click through for more, including good information about the NCMEC. Sigh. And then some people wonder why other people don’t trust the police.
Food for Thought: Could the people in these stories have benefitted from more parental guidance?
10 Responses to “Open Thread for July 19, 2021”
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#1—Also, he wore a white hazmat suit for the occasion! Wonder if it had tie & tails? #2—Yeah, Facebook,LOL! Where’s the reward $$? For ur $500K bond?! #3—Good job,astute citizen. FFT—-IDK,think it depends on the parents. Oh, dontcha know, its always the schools’/teachers’ fault. Live long and prosper, cheetahs. Take care,all.
Gas can be a good thing t have (lol).
‘Toon: I needed to know that, not.
L&W#1: In the video, the guy seems to be lying on his lawn, with no gun. This seems like a “I’m not taking any of that darn psych. meds any more!”
L&W#2: George Carlin would know what to do with this: “Must be a special kind of stupid!”
L&W#3: Good news.
Cartoon: YAY!
L&C: Weird, and crazy. Not healthy for the neighborhood either.
L&C#2: Something isn’t right with her picture. Smiling? She didn’t seem concerned at all either.
FFT: Yep. Her face says it all.
Glad that you got your gas, and idling your car.
A fun and busy few days w/company. Thank you for your post, Joanne.
TJI: “Instead of asking his followers to get vaccinated, the former guy is claiming that people are not getting vaccinated because they don’t trust the election results. Serious question: Is he the most loathsome human being ever to hold elected office in the US?” ~ Robert Reich ~
2. “What would Jesus think of Joel Osteen’s $325,000 Ferrari?” ~ Jake Lobin ~
3. “Tomorrow the first of hundreds of Insurrectionists will be sentenced to prison. This man didn’t act on his own. He had a leader. That leader’s name is Donald J. Trump.” ~ Rob Reiner ~
4. “Matt Gaetz will only take photos with supporters who acknowledge he is a pedophile.” ~ Meidas Touch ~
5. Trump is now inexplicably trying to sow doubt in the same vaccine he spent the last 6 months taking credit for. Ridiculous. Dangerous. Juvenile. ~ Angry Staffer ~
Welcome back, and so glad you had a fun time!
TJI #1 – Yes.
TJI #2 – Probably something like “Woe unto you, you televangelists, hypocrites!”
TJI #3 – And that sentence is to 8 months. I don’t know who it is yet or excatly what they did and didn’t do. I do know leaders deserve and need longer.
TJI #4&5 – Incredibla about Matt Gaetz. But Meidas Touch does have a theory (and I have a video) about why Trump** and the GQP don’t mind doing in their own.
Yes, it was fun! Covered most of the ‘bases’, and ate too much. LOL

I too want to say “Welcome back, Pat.
Glad you’ve been enjoying your time with your company.
TJI#1: Yep.
TJI#2: He’d be shocked! I could see the sparks of lightning now.
TJI#3: Yes he only got 8 months, because he supposedly he turned himself in, wasn’t destructive, just carrying a big Red tRump flag.
TJI#4: Despicable.
Cartoon: Yeah.
L&C: Crazy gun loving fool. That’s what he gets for not keep up with the Homeowner Association rules.
L&C2: Get the feeling that she was feeling guilty about it that she wanted to be arrested.
L&C3: Glad he was immediately arrested.
Happy to hear you made it out to the gas station. I got some on Saturday. It’s running just over $4.00 a gallon here in San Diego.
Hope you have a nice rest of your day. It’s been hot and humid here, just over 90 during the day, then staying in the 70’s at night.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Sheesh! It was $3.35 here – high, but not unprecedentedly high.
If your surroundings change that drastically, perhaps you do need to get out more, Joanne? Just kidding, of course
Cartoon: Can’t imagine how women did without.
L&C #1: I could comment on the ammosexual but that’s getting boring. So… really, taxpayer’s money goes to policing the height of the grass in someone’s front garden? Time to defund. 😘
L&C #2: Is this what they mean with “Stupid is as stupid does”?
L&C #3: As we know by now, the police harbours all kinds.
Many areas have ordinances to control weed and grass heights. Normally the policing of that is done by Conty maintenence employees, by letter firs wit a grace period for the homeowner to act, and the by County maintenance personnel (or saws if it’s a tree – that would not be height but obstruction) if the hoeowner doesn’t act. The police only got into this one because of the gun. I suspect the real goal is to inhibit invasive species from taking over, which I applaud. But it surely is easier to write a height and obstruction ordinance than an invasive species ordinance.