Yesterday I drafted and sent an emeil to the visiation staff to ask what I need to do to plan a visit. Yes, there are instructions on line, but they don’t answer everything. I don’t expect a reply until sometime Monday. I do know they can see a jpg file because in the past I’ve attached jpgs to express thanks and they’ve told me they can see them.
Cartoon –
Short Takes –
Reuters – Death toll rises to 170 in Germany and Belgium floods
Quote – German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited Erftstadt in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, where the disaster killed at least 45 people. “We mourn with those that have lost friends, acquaintances, family members,” he said. “Their fate is ripping our hearts apart.” Steinmeier said it would take weeks before the full damage, expected to require several billions of euros in reconstruction funds, could be assessed.
Click through for details, including video. well, there you have it. The US is not exceptonal. Every part of the world is sufferiung consequences.
APNews – Biden pledges appeal of ‘deeply disappointing’ DACA ruling
Quote – In his statement, Biden urged Congress to move forward with legislation to permanently protect those covered by the program. “Only Congress can ensure a permanent solution by granting a path to citizenship for Dreamers that will provide the certainty and stability that these young people need and deserve,” the president said. “I have repeatedly called on Congress to pass the American Dream and Promise Act, and I now renew that call with the greatest urgency,” he said. “It is my fervent hope that through reconciliation or other means, Congress will finally provide security to all Dreamers, who have lived too long in fear.”
Click through for story. This is heartbreaking, and it shows – again – why it is so important to have qualified and humane judges in our courts.
Common Dreams – Florida-Based Doctor Arrested on Suspicion of Plotting Assassination of Haiti’s President
Quote – Haitian authorities said that 63-year-old Christian Emmanuel Sanon worked with a Miami-based private security firm to recruit the mercenaries who carried out the assassination last Wednesday. According to video footage of the scene, a group of heavily armed assailants posed as officials with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency as they moved in on Moïse’s private residence on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince.
Click through for information and speculation. I’ve always maintained that some conspiracies are real. I must say this one boggles the mind.
Food for Thought:
5 Responses to “Open Thread for July 18, 2021”
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‘Toon: Probably made Donald’s dad very happy.
Reuters: It is sad, but I am hoping that this tragedy will spur the EU, and whomever else, to take global warming VERY seriously!
AP: Expand the damned Supreme Court, put real humans on it, get rid of Kavanaugh, along the way!
CD: “Just because you (or we) are paranoid, does not mean that they are not out to get you.” Part of the reason conspiracies,perhaps especially in the U.S., have traction, is because there have been many: We blew up The Main, we were fed BS (Thank you Mr. now deceased Rumsfeld) about Iraq, were led blindly into the Vietnam War, Reagan did a treasonous thing with Iran, as part of taking down Pres. Carter, and on, and on.
Thanks Joanne. I hope the visitation requirements prove easy for you to accomplish.
A headline this morning asked the question of whether the flood would affect how Germans vote on those running to replace Merkel. Given that when the number hit 150 an article spoke of excavating deeper, I fear how high the number could become.
The GOP included items in reconciliation the parliamentarian recommendation was to exclude due to ineligible under their rules, I do not see any valid reason for DEMs not to include the highest need immigration reforms no matter what the parliamentarian rules (and I sure wish mainstream media doesn’t keep pretending abiding by the parliamentarian is required under the rules).So many have written how Haiti sounds like a repeat of 100 years ago which led to our colonial occupation for way too long and much like CIA activity throughout Central and South America. The links to Columbia military, who are funded by the U.S., screams U.S. involvement don’t ya know?
Too much this SCOTUS has done in the past few years has really eroded the separation of church and state in a way our founding fathers never wanted to see–mind boggling to me those who made those decisions consider themselves originalists.
Hope you hear good news WRT your visitation application!
Death toll rises to 170 in Germany and Belgium floods
And you know it’s going to up w/ all the unaccounted. Sad – just horribly sad.
Biden pledges appeal of ‘deeply disappointing’ DACA ruling
I think this will HAVE to be settled with legislation. And that has broad bipartisan support! (Which means virtually NOTHING to Rethuglicans. They don’t give a damn what Americans think, want or need.)
Food for Thought
The wisdom of Mrs. Betty Bowers is always welcome!
Reuter’s: Sad news. I too hope like Mitch mentioned that they’ll take Global Warming seriously. If it wasn’t for four wasted years with tRump and his buddies calling it Fake news, we would of had a started something then.
AP News: Disgusted with this Judge in Texas and all the other states that fought to find to get rid of DACA. I hope President Biden can get others to back him in supporting the American Dream. These people have been here since birth and deserve to be here where they grew up.
CD: Good now prosecute him and the mercenaries that were trained to kill President Moïse.
I too hope the visitation application goes well for you. Joanne. Will pray that it does.
Hope you had a good day and that your evening is pleasant.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
I hope you get to visit your hubby soon, Joanne. You haven’t seen him in such a long time and the telephone or Skype/Zoom isn’t the same though it is a lot better than a letter now and then.
Cartoon: If I remember correctly it wasn’t a bestseller at the time.
Reuters: The floods in Germany and Belgium are an unprecedented disaster and the area is continuing to grow now that flash floods have taken lives in Bavaria, near the border with Austria. In Germany, the president is something of a figurehead, so when the real leader, Kansler Angela Merkel, visited the area I was more impressed. She was clad in jeans, a vest and very sensible shoes instead of her usual power suit, reminding me how the former guy went to Puerto Rico in his usual costume and the former lady in stiletto heels.
AP: Mitch McConnell didn’t break all records in packing the courts for nothing. He knew Republicans would rule over their graves if ever they lost the majority in Congress. And they didn’t lose by enough, so there isn’t a chance in 🔥👿 that Congress will change things for Dreamers any time soon, unless Manchin and Sinema change their minds.
CD: Haïti has a long history of getting rid of their often dictatorial presidents and apparently this Haitian-born doctor Sanon was aiming to become president of the Caribbean nation in the old fashioned way. Sanon is Florida based, has once filed for bankruptcy and it is a mystery how he could finance such a costly conspiracy. That sounds eerily familiar, doesn’t it?
FFT: Betty Bowers is a very observant and smart lady. I hope to see her soon in the video section again.