Jul 032021

Glenn Kirschner – Trump Org/Weisselberg Indictment Suggests 2 Other “Trump Employees” Also Up for Possible Indictment Two remarks – first a quibble – nothing here “begs the question.” Glenn means it “raises” or “poses” or “suggets” the question. “Begging the question” something completely different. Second, after this (and Richard Wagner and James Livine and others) I surely hope I never again have to hear anyone say that “Music is ennobling.”

Meidas Touch – Traitors

Now This News – Biden on Surfside Florida Condo Collapse (Hanky alert, as if you couldn’t figure that out.)

Vote Vets – Rep. Moulton and Rep. Auchincloss Discuss Evacuating Afghan Interpreters

Ring of Fire – Homeland Security Warns Of Future Violence From Angry Trump Supporters. (Beau also addressed this – I’ll get to his in a few days – it needs reminders from time to time)

A Cat’s Guide to Training Your Human

Beau – Let’s talk about the Republican investigation into the NSA….


  6 Responses to “Video Thread for 7/3/21”

  1. GK: So, because the TOT org. has the usual, standard, workers that any similar, though not criminal, org. might have, the whole thing should be forgotten!  Yeah, let us not have gone after Gambino, because there must have been at least one pool boy who might loose his job.  Of course, lawyer-putz is just doing his job, despicable, or not.  
    MT: Undoubtedly.
    NTN: What?  No throwing of paper towels?  No blaming some invisible, but certainly illegal, foreign citizen for shoddy construction?  What the heck, does he think caring matters?
    VV: Auchincloss did not answer the question put to him.  What he said is important, however the issue of damage to trust, just one more bit to TOT’s legacy, remains.
    ROF: “These people” will NOT just walk away.  Well, maybe something like 7 of them might, I’ll give you that.  I expect that the most deeply committed (should be) Qfolk will find some other “sign” and keep the delusion alive.      Some may well act out in some crazy manner.  A possibly silver lining is that there has been, apparently, no date specified for the re-installation, and this may serve to diffuse the idiocy.
    Cats: Clearly well researched.
    Beau: But, campaigns of misinformation is who they are, Beau.  What a shame that Tuck-thing can suck up so much of the air in the room!  As mentioned on Freya’s most recent piece, this is a sick country.

  2. You may want to copy this tomorrow, Joanne, as I’m almost a day ahead of you and hardly anyone sees my comments but you: John Lennon’s Imagine finished 50 years ago

    If you’re interested in the background: Imagine 50 years of John Lennon’s ‘anti-religious, anti-nationalistic, anti-capitalistic’ anthem

    • Since I work so far ahead, tomorrow’s is already scheduled.  But I can copy it to a comment.

      • That’s very admirable.  And so unlike me – who rarely (and barely) makes it under the wire!

        • I have never been a morning person, and over the pandemic I developed a sleep schdule of more ore less 2 am to 11 am.  If I tried to get them up live on tha schedule, the results would be dire.  So I’ putting them together between 2 pm and 2 am and scheduling ahead when they are to post.  Pure self defense.  And, no, it doesn’t take the full 12 hours, I just mean sometime in that time frame.

  3. JM: Name one Trump lawyer that had a reputation not marred by dealings with the mob or other scum. Even when Trump gave the impression that he could afford it, any lawyer with a good reputation knew Trump never paid his bills or didn’t want their name dirtied by any association with Trump. By now, Trump must be scraping the bottom of the barrel with a blowtorch and paint stripper.

    MT: True, but how long will ads like these be necessary?

    NTN: Your predecessor would have turned it in another photo-op, without even talking to a survivor or showing some empathy, Joe.

    VV: You owe it to them; get them out now.

    ROF: Future violence? You can wait for it. Happy Fourth of July.

    C&M: I’m so fortunate to have only one instructor training me right now…

    Beau: When is Tucker Carlson running for the Presidency as a Republican? He must be feeling powerful enough by now to give it a go.

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