Jun 242021
Glenn Kirschner – DOJ/Garland Need to Address the Nation on the Investigation into those who Incited the Insurrection
The Lincoln Project – The Mission. I hope this gets through to people. It’s absolutely accurate. Why can’t people see it?
Now This News – Mom Advocates for Critical Race Theory to Board of EducationΒ (She doesn’t mention CRT, at least not in what’s shown.Β She does mention truth.Β And I think that’s where we should all be going.)
Keith from yesterday
Mrs Betty Bowers on American History
Corey Ryan Forrester – Putin is interviewed about his first summit with President Joe Biden
Beau – Let’s talk about my uncle, a storyteller….
4 Responses to “Video Thread 6/24/21”
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GK: Information would be nice, but still, as yesterday, I am concerned that such might be used by TOT’s lawyers to feed into their defense.
LP: I do not know that people can’t see it. I expect that some who see it, cheer for it, blindly: “Blinkered willfulness leading to calamity is so common in human experience that we can count on it recurring endlessly unless attention is paid and lessons are harshly drawn, diligently remembered, and then applied.” Stewart Brand Some of them may not understand the message of this famous WWII poem:
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
And, then there are those who were marching in the streets to support Britney Spears, while the country slips towards despotism.
There is probably more to it than I’ve alluded to. I don’t know what I don’t know.
NT: The lady is spot-on, but criminally elected governors, Kemp, DeSantis, and others will not heed her message.
Keith: “Venal!” A word I’ve been using much more than I could have ever anticipated. “Odious,” is clamoring for attention as well.
Betty: I have missed seeing her, and her marvelous presentation!
CRF: FUNNY, sadly!
Beau: His cousins lost a father, to Trump’s Hoax!
That Niemoller quote will come in handy tomorrow π
DOJ/Garland Need Investigate Those Who Incited the Insurrection
I think I’m repeating myself, but Former Guy, when making his comments inciting his Trumpkin mob to try and overthrow our Constitution with their insurrection at our Capitol, was clearly NOT acting within the scope of his duties as President.
Past time to get to it, AG Garland – and I mean posthaste!
The Mission – Lincoln Project
Far and away, one of their best!
Mom Advocates for Critical Race Theory
Not only does she speak eloquently and impassionately, but I like her t-shirt.
The hands above the “B” & “E” are the corresponding manual signs to their ASL alphabet letters.
American History Story Time
Loves me some Mrs. Betty Bowers!
Putin is interviewed about his first summit w/ Biden
Liking this guy more and more.
Let’s talk about my uncle, a storyteller.
Storyteller or not – his final message is clear: GET VACCINATED!
JM: Note that Kirchner’s example of the DOJ communicating about the (successful) investigation was in the case of the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline and the successful clawing-back of the millions the owners, among them the Kochs, also known as the co-owners of the GQP, paid to get back software control of their pipeline. Now compare the radio silence of the same DOJ on any ongoing investigation into Jan. 6 to the ransomware press conference and what was reported there. See who profits from the first investigation and who would be the subject of the investigation? Kirschner couldn’t have given me a worse example of why Garland is not to be trusted, but then this could be Kirschner’s sneaky way to put pressure on Garland to do the right thing. I certainly hope it is.
LP: They’ve now taken on the rhetoric and style of the GQP. Let’s hope the message has more chance to reach more people. But, in the words of Joni Mitchell, “Don’t it always seem to go, you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone!”
for brave Melanie Moore. Get rid of the term CRT, it is awful and damaging. I and many others like the Aboriginal insistence on truthtelling, why not use that, America?
KO: Spot on, Keith. Pelosi has no choice but to start an investigation herself now nothing independent seems to be forthcoming from Garlan’s DOJ either.
Mrs BB: Splendid, absolutely splendid. An excellent script by Andrew Bradley brought inimitably by Deven Green. I sure hope it is never intercepted by Talivangicals and then used to teach TRASH at their schools.
CRF: This guy is getting better and better, especially when he doesn’t scream at red-neck volume.
Beau: I’m so sorry for Beau’s family for losing a member through COVID. Beau must have learned the art of storytelling with a message from his uncle.