Jun 242021

Yesterday was quiet again. And a slow news day, which sound good, but also sends me scrambling. Colleen, sending every good wish to you for smooth surgery tomorrow, and a speedy and smooth recovery.


Short Takes

The Hill – Socialist India Walton scores upset victory in Buffalo mayoral primary
Quote – “We set out about a year ago to do exactly what we did. We knew that this race was going to require help from outside of our local geographic area; we knew that we needed to garner national attention to challenge a 16-year, heavily entrenched incumbent, and the people spoke,” she said on CNN.
Click through for more, though not a lot more. Being elected mayor is exactly how young, Democratic Socialist Bernard Sanders got his start in politics.

The Guardian – Michigan Republicans find no voter fraud and say Trump claims ‘ludicrous
Quote – The Michigan Republican report released on Wednesday followed 28 hours of legislative hearings starring local and national pro-Trump conspiracy theorists such as former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani. The report labeled many of their claims “ludicrous” and called on the state Democratic attorney general to open investigations into those who may have profited from making false claims.
Click through for more.

The New Yorker – Mitch McConnell Warns That Voting Bill Would Bring U.S. to Brink of Democracy
Quote – Noting that the word “democracy” originated in ancient Greece, he vowed, “I will not sit idly by and watch a foreign form of government sneak across our border.”
Click through for straight news story.

Food for Thought


  15 Responses to “Open Thread for June 24, 2021”

  1. Cartoon: Yikes!! 
    The Hill: I wish her well in her future endeavors! and has lots of support. 
    The Guardian: Glad that they did an investigation. Yes, it is ludicrous and shows no evidence of fraud unlike TOT. 
    The NYer: BBMM has got to go. Love A.B. 
    FFT: Awwww! …..so sweet! 

    Yes! Colleen…well wishes and prayers to you for your upcoming surgery. Take care too! 

    I like slow days vs. fast myself. Hope you have a good day, and Thank you, Joanne. 

    This just in:  “In an ideal world, we’d have a constitutional amendment that guarantees the right to vote. That would solve so many problems.” ~ Stacey Abrams ~
    2. “It is impossible to struggle for civil rights, equal rights for blacks, without including whites. Because equal rights, fair play, justice, are all like the air: we all have it, or none of us has it. That is the truth of it.”
    ~ Maya Angelou ~
    3. Serious question: “If we can all agree that the Covid vaccine should be free, why can’t we agree that all health care should be free?” ~ Robert Reich ~
    4. Trump’s inner circle is almost as small as his hands right now. Even Jaren and Ivanka are said to be distancing themselves from presi-daddy.” ~ Jimmy Kimmel ~ 
    5. “In a rare move, Rep. Maxine Waters requested a recorded vote on the suspension bill that would award the Congressional Gold Medal to Capitol Police and MPD, suggesting she wants to put members who may vote against the bill on the record.” ~ Kristen Wilson ~

    • TJI #1 – The First Amendment more or less covers it on the basis of religion or lack thereof … though it could be more specific. The 14th covers race – black, brown, red, yellow (not that any of thoseis accurate.) The 19th covers women and LGBTQIA. I suspect the only way to cover city dwellers would be to change the Senate to a proportionate system where we keep the number at 100 (unless we add states) but each state gets one, two, or three Senators dependig o Population. If we did that, we might even be able to keep the Electoral Cpollege – for a while., anyway. Unless she means an Amandment which would regulate how elections are conducted. That would make a difference.
      TJi #3 – Because not all health care covers transmittable illnesses. But that might be a starting point – make all health care regarsing any ailment which infects others free. Then any health care for any condition which affects others free (certainly the statistics are in on mental health and addiction, but there are more.) Gradually we might be able to get there. Of course all health is public health but you have to have a soul to see that.
      TJI #5 – Auntie Maxine rocks!

    • TJI #5 – Do NOT mess w/ Auntie Maxine!

    • TJI #5 – Auntie Maxine will not let Republicans get away with things unnoticed.

  2. TJI….Not a slow news day: Rudy Guilliani has been taken down a few pegs, one might say, by a New York court, can no longer practice there: https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/24/politics/rudy-giuliani-suspended-law/index.html
    Colleen: May the force be with you!
    TH: Wonderful!
    Guardian: Meshes with the Rudy story nicely.
    NewYorker: Excellent!
    FFT: Go Mr. Champ!

    • Re: Slow News Day…Today is making up for yesterday, in a very BIGLY way: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/24/pelosi-announces-select-committee-will-investigate-jan-6-attack-495952
      TOT will be saying: “Rudy Gul…who?  Never heard of him, and what is a Pelosi, again?”

      • That was kind of late yesterday, and I poted it the way I learned about it – thrugh Keith – and that thread isn’t up yet.  I’m working ahead.    TC did also – not quite as far ahead as I am, but there were many times a comment would add breaking news to his Open Threads.  Thanks for this one.  And I missed Rudy completely.  Thanks for that smile!

        • My pleasure.  BTW, I did not mean any criticism, whatsoever.  Yesterday was slow.
          The rubber seems to be meeting the road, now.

          • So true.  I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful.  I expect to see late breaking news added and welcome it.  (And I also want ed to give a head up that there’s a Keith video coming.)

      • Yeesss…..karma catching up w/ Rudy G.! I’m having a cold one now to celebrate. Take care,all. Methinks the karma furies are starting a busy summer season. Healing vibes to Colleen,too.

  3. I hope your surgery goes well today, Colleen. Good luck. My thoughts are with you.

  4. Socialist India Walton scores upset victory in Buffalo mayoral primary

    We should keep our eyes on how this plays out.

    Michigan Republicans find no voter fraud and say Trump claims ‘ludicrous’

    WOW!  Nice to see some republican synapses are still able to fire coherently in Michigan!

    Mitch McConnell Warns That Voting Bill Would Bring U.S. to Brink of Democracy

    Now THAT’S funny!  Sad … but funny!

  5. Cartoon: Figures, they never played by the rules.
    The Hill: Good for her.
    Guardian: Happy to see that they seen there wasn’t any fraud in the past election. Wish they’d knock some sense into the rotten R’s who still think there was. 
    New Yorker: What a fool. I agree with Pat that mItch the bi*ch must definitely go.
    Food for Thought: You go Champ.
    Nice to hear you’re days have been going well. You certainly deserve ones like that.
    Thank you all for the kind wishes and prayers. I truly appreciate it. 20
    I have to be check in at 11:00 AM and the surgery is at 12:30. It’s suppose to be between 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Then close to an hour in recovery. So around 3:30 – 4:00 I’ll be released.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne


  6. Cartoon: TomCat was able to use this cartoon regarding voting rights for too many years and unfortunately you can do the same, Joanne because the GQP is still at it.

    TH: Three cheers for socialist India Walton. May Buffalo prosper under your guidance and provide you with a great start to your further career.

    TG: Oh, I like this tit for tat. I hope Michigan’s attorney general will open investigations a.s.a.p. and starts prosecuting soon thereafter. It is the only way to stop these ludicrous claims of voter fraud.

    TNY: Ouch, that must have hurt.

    FFT: I love the cartoon but I don’t understand the “Westminster” reference.

    • There are many cartoons which i can use and re-use, and I am just now scratching the surface.  Thanks for noticing.

      Westminster is the American Kennel Club’s big annual dog show.  It gives awards like “Best in Breed” and “Best in Show” and like any other event which involves any kind of competition it is not without scandal.  Not that I can think of a current one.  But Champ would know.

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