Well, I really overslept – woke up only a few minutes before my grocery delivery arrived. But I did get it in without incident and put away. A few items missing, but at least no substitutions.
Short Takes
Crooks and Liars – Rep Ted Lieu Dares Catholic Bishops To Deny Him Communion
Dear @USCCB: I’m Catholic and I support:
-A woman’s right to choose
-Treatments for infertility
-The right for people to get a divorce
-The right of same sex marriageNext time I go to Church, I dare you to deny me Communion. https://t.co/bUmiyJ8TtH
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) June 18, 2021
Click through for a little more background
The Guardian – The martyr who may rise again: Christian right’s faith in Trump not shaken. This is not fun reading,but it is the reality, and we cannot afford to ignore it.
Quote: [Jonathan] Riches – a rightwing activist with a reputation for litigiousness and spreading falsehoods – booed Mike Pence during his speech on Friday because of the former vice president’s refusal to overturn the election result; others in the room shouted “Traitor!” and were escorted out. “We feel like he abandoned Trump,” Riches explained. “We needed him to challenge the election. He doesn’t represent our party. He’s now trying to redeem himself but we don’t want him.”
Click through to skim as much as you can stand.
NBC News – Derek Chauvin sentencing thrusts Minnesota Judge Peter Cahill back into spotlight. Yes, that is this week.August is when the other three get tried.
Quote – In interviews, people who know Cahill and cases he has overseen say he is likely to land somewhere in the middle. They said he is a fair judge, though there is no guarantee he will mete out a punishment that will make either side entirely happy. “He’s been both a prosecutor and a defense attorney,” said Craig Cascarano, 72, a Minneapolis lawyer in private practice who met Cahill at the Hennepin County Public Defender’s Office when Cahill was a law clerk. “So he understands what it’s like to do both jobs. And he tries very hard to do the right thing.”
Click through for full story (and a short video, kind of a montage.)
Food for Thought
We need to quit conceding that CRT is being taught in public schools.
Conservatives do this thing where they redefine words and then people use those definitions as if they are accurate.
We gotta stop doing that.
If your kid is learning CRT, your kid is in law/grad school.
— Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady) June 17, 2021
A bonus “dad joke” from Eric Swalwell, belated from Fathers Day: “Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? Because if they flew over the bay, we’d call them bagels!”
13 Responses to “Open Thread for June 21, 2021”
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Lot of devout Catholics responded, and in a very supportive manner for the Catholic Church.
I hate to say it, but I think Rep. Lieu got ratioed.
A lot of Catholics asked: Why do you belong to a church when you don’t accept its teachings?
My question to all religions: Why do you expect tax exemptions when you preach politics and don’t accept Separation of Church and State?
Christian right’s faith in Trump not shaken
Sad comment on “christianity” as “practiced” by Talibangelical christianists.
Derek Chauvin sentencing
I don’t envy Judge Cahill’s job. Pretty much: Damned if you do, & damned if you don’t.
Sadly, CRT is a great culture issue cudgel for the GQP.
Thanks, Rep. Swalwell for a great Father’s Day pun! (Apparently puns are an acquired taste – but I love ’em!)
“A lot of Catholics asked: Why do you belong to a church when you don’t accept its teachings?:
If the Council of Catholic Bishops is supposed to be the authority on this doctrine, one might ask the Pope the same question. I don’t think that is the way it is supposed to work.
These hard core funnymentalist frauds are a sad, sad bunch of suckers. They don’t get it that they are being conned by Grifter trump. All he wants is money and power, he careS NOTHING for his supporters. He only cares for their MONEY.
Cartoon: Aww…
C&L: I can see his point, but heads will turn the other way regarding his view from the church. imho.
Guardian: They (R’s) get scarier and scarier with their shouting, and hate, each day don’t they?
NBC: We’ll see what the Judge does and says about Chauvin’s conviction.
FFT: Of course.
Glad you got your food w/o incident. It’s hot today, and summer is here. I get all ‘my stuff’ done in the a.m. just to stay on the safe side. lol
This just in: “The American Families Plan contains funding to help 5+ million students attend community college while paying NO tuition and NO fees #_BuildBackBetter. ~ Nancy Pelosi ~
2. “While we’re at it- let’s make Election Day a national holiday”. ~ David Hogg ~
3. “A federal judge (Linda V. Parker, U.S. District Judge), wants every attorney whose name was on court filings seeking to overturn Michigan’s presidential election results in the “Kraken” suit, there to show up for a sanctions hearing on July 6.” ~ Brad Heath ~
4. “Buddhists priests don’t threaten to withhold communion with the universe if you disagree with them. Just saying.” ~ George Takei ~
5. “White House hallway lit up in rainbow colors for Pride Month.” ~ Jordan Fabian ~
TJI#1: Good.
TJI#2: Good.
TJI#3: Good.
TJI#4: Namaste!
TJI#5: Good.
TJI #1 – Hope they can get it passed.
TJI #2 – I still have a different take on this.Having worked in a call center (and there are other occupations with thesame issue0 on an hourly basis a=with time and a half or even double time earned for working on holidays, making Election Day a holiday may sompy be another way of disenfranchising the neediest (that’s a dangling clause, but I’m going to trust everyone to understand me.) If early voting and mail-in votine are good enough (and tht definitely needs to be better in many states), making Election Day a holiday would be fine, but is probably not needed. And if making Election Day a holiday leads states o cut back on early and mail-in voting, it is NOT fine.
TJI #3 – Yes, isn’t that nice.
TJI #4 –
TJI #5 – Nice.
TJI #2 – We need to find ways to make voting EASIER, NOT harder
TJI #1: Get these bills passed!
TJI #2: Other countries haven’t added a public holiday for decades because it would lower productivity and harm the economy. I’m sure that’ll be the argument the GQP will use against making Election Day a national holiday.
TJI #3: I hope judge Parker does more than slap a few wrists.
TJI #4: Truth.
TJI #5:
TJI#1: Good. Now just pass it.
TJI#2: Surprises me they don’t. I always thought the ones in office, liked making holidays so they’d be off.
TJI#3: Go for it Judge Parker. Hold them all responsible for their illegal acts.
TJI#4: Wise ones.
TJI#5: Beautifully done.
‘Toon: Ggo for it, kitty!
C&L: If one wants an end to hypocrisy, one does not look to most any church. Gingrich is a bastard, one of the most un-Christian politicians I know of!
Guardian: Sick bastards!
NBC: Chauvin has been causing trouble for most anyone with whom he has come in contact of late. The judge will do what he does, it is out of our hands.
FFT: The GQP uses lies more than Pinocchio once did.
Joke: Cute.
Cartoon: Only if you also command the days to lengthen below the equator.
C&L: Lieu is a brave man and if many Catholics join in with him the church as an old-white-men-dominated institution will eventually have to give way and change.
TG: TomCat would have pointed out these are not true Christians. Power-hungry Talibangelist would be my description of these men.
NBC: Judge Cahill can never win this and please both sides, so, understandably, he’ll choose the middle road. Then both sides can and probably will appeal.
FFT: A very accurate description of the way the GQP works.
Cartoon: Cute kitty. Yes longer days, hooray!
C&L: I was raised Catholic. I went and contributed to the Catholic church weekly up to a few years back. After hearing of all of the sexual abuse cases involving priests within the churches, even locally, made me think twice about making any more contributions. I didn’t want to see it going to the court/lawsuits. So I don’t feel they are ones to be preaching to the President Biden.
Guardian: What a dirty rotten creep. tRump lost, live with it rIches.
NBC: I pray that the judge does send Chauvin away for a long time.
Joke: Good one. Agree .. cute.
You must of needed the sleep, but happy you woke before your delivery came.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Me too.