Jun 142021
Glenn Kirschner – YouTube Suspends Sen. Ron Johnson’s Account for Policy Violation
Meidas Touch – MeidasTouch Exploring Legal Action Against Fox News
The Damage Report – Ed Markey EXPOSES What Bipartisan Really Means
Now This News – Jennifer O’Mara Speaks Out Against PA Bill – major hanky alert
Rocky Mountain Mike – It’s The Backside Of Your Pants We View
Beau – Let’s talk about acceptance and reaching rural Americans….
7 Responses to “Video Thread 6/14/21”
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GK: I think that he is mistaken about those mental twits. I do not believe they will have either the sense, nor the backbone to speak truth.
MT: Cook their asses!
DR: Two can play at that game, had better, in fact.
NTN: Gee, what ever happened to “small gov’t,” to “individual responsibility?”
RMM: Well done!
Beau: Interesting.
P.S: I have been commenting that I had been hoping that Liz Cheney might step up and save HR1, maybe the filibuster, as well, but, I just realized…she is not a senator! Oh, the things we don’t know we don’t know.
Lisa Murkowski is though. As someone whose last reelection was entirely due to write-in ballots, she might be a possibility. Might. I’m not terribly confident.
YouTube Suspends Sen. Ron Johnson’s Account
Let’s see … whose medical advice should be follow WRT hydroxychloroquine in COVID patients?
The New England Journal of Medicine and others?
Or the senator from Wisconsin, who can tell time … even with a digital watch?
MeidasTouch Exploring Legal Action Against Fox News
I’d LOVE to see them succeed!
Rep. Jennifer O’Mara Speaks Out Against PA Bill
Bless Rep. O’Mara for her bravery in speaking out. (You could actually see her hands and fingers shake when she spoke.)
But to show how barbaric they can be, the PA GQP still pass this horrendous bill.
Let’s talk about acceptance and reaching rural Americans
Having spent summers on the farm as a kid growing up, and a year-and-a-half after residency (when one of my two uncles who farmed was dying from lung cancer), I could never understand how they were so against “socialism” – but had no problem taking government agricultural assistance.
I expect they were not against socialism – but against autocracy – and had been brainwashed into thinging that that was what the word “socialism” meant.
Which is a big part of the reason I keep pushing the “political compass (and I’ sure it’s no aurprise I think it should be taught in mandatory civis classes) it shows so clearly that autocracy and freedom have nothing to do with left and right but are instead up and down (though I grant that autocreacy is more congenial to the right ans freedom to the left – but it isn’t necessarily that way in practice at all.)
JM: Vetting the intelligence of candidates for Congress may seem like an answer but who’s going to vet the intelligence of those voters who got Gohmert and Johnson into Congress in the first place?
MT: Good luck with the legal action against Faux News. MT touch may now say they’re not after money with a lawsuit but they will have to come and ask for donations soon as legal action against Faux News, which has money to burn, may bankrupt them.
DR: Thank you, Ed Markey.
NTN: Jennifer O’Mara, I tip my hat to you.

Beau: Good advice. I might try it on some of the locals here.
If thay aren’t on the ballot , especially if barred from serving, the voters can’t vote them in, no matter how dumb they are.