I didn’t mention possible reaction yesterday because I am such a delayed reactor. And, in fact, it wasn’t until after 8 pm yesterday that I noticed a tiny bit of soreness around the injection site – so little I’m not sure I would have noticed it if I weren’t looking for it, but definitely thee. And I still can’t even find the injection site visually with a mirror and a flashlight.. If I do react to a shot, it’s almost always to a preservative.. I guess the fact Moderna (and Pfizer) have to be kept so cold means that they are very low on preservatives. Tough on the front line handlers , but beneficial to me.
Cartoon for Flag Day
Short Takes
This is especially for Colleen because it’s in San Diego (at least the University is) … but I think we can all enjoy it.
Jennifer Rocha, the daughter of immigrants and the first in her family to attend college, shared this powerful graduation photo and I can’t stop thinking about it. pic.twitter.com/1xIq02MiI1
— Max Burns (@themaxburns) June 12, 2021
Democratic Underground user “elleng” quotes in full an email from Steve Schmidt. He, along with other Lincoln Project members, have been in the Republican Party a long time – and they know what that party is capable of. So when they speak about that, I listen.
Quote: What we all have to realize is that we are falling into a trap. The media, Democratic leadership, former Republican leaders – we are mistakenly believing this is still a two party system, and we’re missing the point. Everyone is still making an assumption that there are these two parties…but that’s not the fight we’re in. There is only the Democratic Party, and on the other side is an authoritarian movement fueled by Donald Trump. That movement has grown to hold so much power in what used to be the Republican party that it has purged former leaders and left them fearful for the future.
Click through for the full text.
Daily Kos user (“kossack”) Magnifico – I don’t really know Magnifico, but they, like NewsCorpse, hold top mojo, and this article is largely based on two books each by an author I do know and trust – Hannah Arendt and Madeleine Albright.
Quote: The Republican Party’s assault on our democracy is accelerating. The Trump-era has seen the Big Lie be weaponized against truth and facts. At least 14 states, all Republican controlled, have enacted laws this year to restrict voting and elections. Republicans are now escalating the culture war in order to shape and control what people think and believe making a totalitarian state increasingly likely. Democrats, especially those who lead our nation’s institutions, are not reacting with enough speed or force to counter the momentum building against our republic and their slim majority in the Senate is so fractured and paralyzed by money and age to be able to unify to shore up democracy for even the next federal election cycle.
Click through for the full article.
Food for Thought – Republican coin
12 Responses to “Open Thread for June 14, 2021”
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Your reaction issue sounds good, so far, and maybe, this long after the vaccination, it will stay that way. I expect that you are right about the preservative issue.
‘Toon: Something to celebrate.
Jennifer Rocha: Poignant!
DU/SS: I expect that the reported Koch money will prevent Manchin from ever realizing this. And, it is exactly the Koch money that has brought us to this point: Working for White elitism since the 1970’s! I would like to think that there is a hell, and Scalia is having a hell of a bad time of it, there. Dark money might just be the end of Democracy, here. C’mon Liz…do the right thing one more time.
DK: I think that he meant “is too fractured….” The full article is sooo on target! DeSantis, and his hand picked state Ed. Board are rancid. He defended their decision by saying that we are not going to teach that the country was founded on what he then proceeded to name (as string of awfully negative descriptors), which is exactly what the country was founded upon.
FOT: Flip it and shoot a hole through it!
I suspect he started to say “so fractured that…” then changed the construction and forgot to go back.
Found it: “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who appointed much of the board, spoke ahead of the meeting, saying critical race theory would teach children ‘the country is rotten and that our institutions are illegitimate.'”
Funny how projection brings out the truth!
Cartoon: A great day, and also the U.S. Army’s Birthday!
Max Burns: ST: This beautiful picture says it all. Hard work, love and determination Amen, and Kudos! A picture that says a thousand words!!
DU: Excellent post. I like Mr. Dowd’s analogy and what he wrote in describing the spot on description of the “GOP’s “black mold problem” and made it clear: you do not negotiate with black mold.” Truth does matter, and we must keep up the fight. Passing this one on.
DK: Truth be told, over and over and over. A frightening read.
FfT: Yep!
I think it depends on who the person is and their body’s level of tolerance, imho. Good to read that you’ve had minimal reaction(s) to your shot. Thank you for posting, Joanne.
*This just in: TJI: ” BREAKING: Senate Democrats threaten to subpoena Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions for testimony over the Trump Justice Department’s secret pursuit of Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell’s internet data. JUSTSUBPOENA THEM ALREADY!” ~ OD ~
2. “BREAKING: “This is an egregious abuse of power and we MUST investigate. With Pelosi, and support an investigation 100%! Trump corrupted to Justice Department to spy on his political opponents, Democrats Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell.” ~ Nancy Pelosi ~
3. “You cannot have a functioning democracy if running elections or staffing the polling sites means taking your life into your own hands.” ~ Rachel Maddow ~
4. ” A new piece by the Boston Globe editorial board argues the Biden Justice Department must act now to hold Donald Trump accountable for his abuses of power while in office. “Prosecution would “restrain future presidents from abusing their power,” and former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner says prosecution would show “we will not tolerate a runaway, criminal president.” ~ Abdallah Fayyad, member of the Boston Globe’s editorial board.
5. “We will not allow a small, insecure, thin-skinned wannabe tyrantor his allies in the Senate to destroy the rule of law in the United States of America.” ~ Elizabeth Warren ~
The Army is two years older, though. So they had to wait two years for this flag (they did have one previously but I misremember what it looked like.)
TJI #1 – Yes. This is not a court of law, amd am indictment is not needed. Let’s go there.
TJI #2 – And the House too. (I might add Beau points out that if they were able to get subpoenas, for this, the bar is too low, and that’s where our rage should be aimed, rather than the fact that it was aimed at Congressmen. While granting that, it’s not that they werre Congressmen which outrages me the most, it’s that they were – and are – his personal political enemies. That -OK, not only that, but definitely that – is why a higher bar is needed.)
TJI #3 – AMEN!
TJI #4 – Glenn’s video on that was up in the Video Thread for the 12th. (As far behind as I am running, it’s rare for me to be the first with something. Because of extra weekend articles, i’ts about 6 or 7 clicks back instead of 3.)
TJI #% – Preach it, Liz – and good luck with it.
TJI#1: They have to go beyond threatening, to acting.
TJI#2: Destroying one institution of our government at a time. The words that jump to mind, to describe this POS are not pretty ones.
TJI#3: They’re taking many too many lessons from that great “Leader” they so love, Putin.
TJI#4: Boston to the rescue, once again.
TJI#5: We can only hope.
TJI #1 & #2 There is NO doubt that Congress (probably both House & Senate) will investigate Trump’s directing his Attorneys General to use the DOJ as his own cudgel to investigate anyone who doesn’t kowtow to his delusions, I’m not hopeful the Senate will be able to subpoena AGs Sessions, Barr or Rosen.
Because of the 2021 Power-Sharing Agreement in the Senate, all committees are constituted on a 50-50 basis. But since most Senate committees require a majority vote to issue subpoenas, this would require that at least ONE Rethuglican would have to vote in favor. But like Diogenes and his lamp, I’m not sure what luck we’ll have in finding an honest Rethuglican.
TJI#1: Yes please stop stalling.
TJI#2: Hopefully Nancy can get enough support to do a full investigation of tRump and all others involved.
TJI#3: True
TJI#5: I agree with Elizabeth 100%. We must all fight together.
TJI #1&2: Stop threatening, Democrats, start doing.
TJI #3: What she said!
TJI #4: Joanne’s video series by Kirschner had and has it all.
TJI #5: What she said!
Jennifer Rocha, her family and her entire community have MUCH to be proud of and celebrate!
WRT the similar articles in DU & DK – whether the attribution to Benjamin Franklin is accurate or not, the sentiments are:
And WRT delegitimatizing our own government institutions – particularly US Intelligence agencies – we need only think back to the infamous 2018 Helsinki Summit between Putin & his lapdog, Trump:
Cartoon: Wonderful day. I remember it being celebrated in school during my younger years. Happy Army Day too.
Jennifer Rocha: Congratulations to her. Our local news had a segment on her and all of her accomplishments. I wish her the best with her future endeavors.
DU: Like how he mentions that we no longer have a two party system. Whatever tRump did during his four years and still continues doing, has really screwed up the Repugs/GOPiggies and has turned our country upside down. Makes you really wonder if it ever will be possible to see our democracy be back to a normal state again? Agree with Pat, that we must continue to fight, hopefully to get these rotten R’s out of office.
DK: Sick of hearing about tRump-Era/Big Lie. Wish some of these cases against tRump would get moving faster so he will be where he belongs…Prison. Plus like mentioned above, continue fighting to get these heartless tRump loving repugs out office. The sooner the better.
Food of Thought: That’s their way of thinking.
Glad to hear that you’re still doing well after your vaccine shot. Hope you continue doing well.
Take care. Thanks Joanne
Good to hear you suffer none or only barely noticeable side-effects from your vaccination, Joanne. I had a sore arm from my Astra Zenica jab but I also have that when I get a flu jab, so I’ll have that again when I get my flu jab tomorrow, but it doesn’t bother me. I was crooked for two days, though. Nothing major, just a feverish and off, so no complaints there either.
Cartoon: Sorry, I’ve no idea what this is about; a tad too much Americana for this Dutch Aussie.
JB: Jennifer Rocha, kudos to you, girl. You are what makes America truly great again.
DU: “We have to stop the spread and we can’t do it alone. Talk to your neighbors. Reach out in your community. We have to start having these conversations before it’s too late.” This should be every Democrat’s mantra, repeated before every meal.
And stop pretending Manchin isn’t covered in black mould from head to toes.
DK: MAy I add to this that the fact Biden is doing so well in the G7 and now NATO has a sandman effect on the rest of the world too. People, in general, are starting to think everything is OK now with Trump out of the way and do not realize that Trumpism is alive and kicking, perhaps even more so than ever before. Americans and the rest of the world are lulled into a false sense of security by Biden doing such a great job. What a dilemma.
FFT: “A picture is worth a thousand words”, well this one is with two thousand words. All right on the money.