Well, hail. Yes, that’s what we had yesterday. Oh, yeah, and thunder and lightning too. i did some research on mobile battery replacement, but I also sent off an email to my regular mechanic for advice. (They’ve never steered me wrong.) I will keep everyone posted.
Cartoon ( Lona) –
Short Takes
The New Yorker – The Republicans’ Wild Assault on Voting Rights in Texas and Arizona More and more people are trying to talk about this – you’ll see that in the video thread too. I wish I was confident it would reach the people who need to hear it. Here’s a quote:
Texas was already the most difficult state in which to cast a ballot, according to a recent study by Northern Illinois University. In 2020, voter turnout there was among the lowest in the nation. Even so, with nonwhites making up more than sixty per cent of the population under twenty, Texas is on its way to becoming a swing
Click through for the rest
The Daily Beast is on the same topic too. A quote:
Joe Biden wanted to convene a Summit of Democracies in his first year as president. COVID complicated matters, and the summit won’t happen before next year at the earliest. But even with the great strides the administration has made in taming the pandemic, a new question looms:
By the time the Summit of Democracies takes place, will the United States qualify to attend?
Click through for the full article
Politico is also on the trail … but eschewing sweeping generalzations for concrete specifics.
Republicans want to change state election laws. Here’s how they’re doing it. Here’s a quote –
Together, Texas and Georgia show which areas Republicans are focused on after Trump’s 2020 loss. Texas’ mail voting policies were already very tight, but both states sought to make their absentee policies stricter. Both states specifically targeted new voting policies piloted by big, blue counties in 2020. And Republicans in both states sought to impose new limits on election officials — and expose them to new criminal penalties for wrongdoing.
Click though for the rest.
Food for Thought:
12 Responses to “Open Thread for June 7, 2021”
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Cartoon: Yep.
NYer: Glad to see Biden grabbing the bull by the horns. The R’s are living in a fantasy world and they themselves, are a present and consistent danger to this Nation. The R’s need to get off their merry-go-round, man up and accept the recounts, in those states. Glad to read that TX is leaning towards a swing state too. YAY!
Politico: Good article, I’ll have to save this one! and pass on to friends!
Food for Thought: Well done, and so true. Sadly.
Hope that you get your battery, and it gets safely installed. Enjoy your day. Thank you Joanne for post.
*This just in:
“Blood may be thicker than water, but it’s apparently not thicker than Trump Kool-Aid.” – Brianna Keilar ~
2. “My Dad was AntiFa in the 1940’s, only they called it the U.S. Army then. *JD
“My dad was AntiFa in the 40’s, only he was Navy.” *pb
3. re: TOT’s suspension on FB – “Feels pretty unlikely that the zebra will change it’s stripes in the next two years.” ~ Jen Psaki ~
4. “Happy birthday, @DrBiden [1]! You’re such a great friend—and even better wife, mom, and grandmother. Thank you for leading with such grace and empathy, and for being so authentically you.” ~ Michelle Obama ~
5. “Ok. Donald Trump Jr. is selling birthday greetings for $500 a pop is one of the saddest and most hilariously unexpected outcomes of our prior four years of Hell.” ~ Joy Ann Reid ~
TJI # 1 – Yes – even Republican politicians have families divided over Trump**. Mike Pence’s brother, Greg, a Congressman, is still speaking well of Trump** and defending him after he tried to get Mike hanged.
TJI #2 – That’s my new email signature. And yes, they called it the U.S. Armed Forces – all of them. Did you see Nameless found General Eisenhower’s AntiFa card?
TJI #4 – Dr. Jill is indeed a national treasure. I signed a group birthday card for her, but wasn’t that eloquent.
TJI#1: Trump Kool-Aid is taken in by people with special “Dumb as shit” brain receptors and hangs on with the strength of “Gorilla Glue!”
TJI#2: Wonderful!
TJI#3: That’s not fair to zebras. Bit, TOT is incapable of change, other than by way of advancing dementia.
TJI#4: Amen!
TJI#5: What? This family has even lower levels to which it can descend?
TJI #5: Junior must be in desperate need of money to pay his legal aid.
Thanks Joanne. I had a neighbor with a portable battery charger I started with last Jan. I checked, and this purpose charger runs about $100 to buy. When my new got installed, I got told its warranty would cover it if I had it happen again by driving so little for so long.
Read yesterday that TX’s indicted AG said that if he hadn’t stopped mail-in voting for all that Trump would have lost in TX in 2020.
Democracy–makes my brain ask the question whether Manchin ever stopped being a Republican/having the GOP as his top allegiance.
Manchin must have his very own supply of that TOT Kool-Aide; may go down in history as the savior of Jim Crow.
I have one. Ad it works. But te battery is now beyond that.
We had some VERY MUCH NEEDED RAIN overnight! Happily, no hail.
‘Toon: Is that what Manchin has posted on his lawn?
If the filibuster can not be removed, Democracy, here, may be a thing of history. The “For the People Act” would, I believe, ease all the GOP Jim Crow II laws, but with the filibuster in place it will die ,again,
McConnell needs to have a major medical problem, and leave the senate!
Parody Project, yesterday:
Don strikes again. Thanks for posting, Mitch.
Cartoon: Block votes?… A major NO to that idea.
TNY: Biden’s need to get these R’s away from recounting the past election votes. Biden won 100%.
Politico: Great article.
Food for Thought: Agree with Mitch’s comment, that McConnell needs to leave the senate.
Gee Mother Nature sure has been so generous to you and other member’s areas. All she has done here in San Diego is display cloudy weather, but no rain or drizzle what so ever. Wish she’d balance the rain all throughout all of our states.
Good luck with getting a new battery. Take care. Thanks for posting, Joanne.
Cartoon: Too true.
TNY: At least Democrats in Texas prevented worse. Makes me think that Democrats in other states could have a bit more forceful.
DB: To remain a democracy or not to remain a democracy, that’s soon going to be the question.
Politico: Whether it’s nobler in the mind…Forget “nobler”, Democrats. Action is needed here; a counter-attack on any Republican attack on voting rights, no matter how small.